(Alderman Stoker attended in connection with this item.)
The Committee considered further the minute of the meeting of 9th September, under the heading “Amateur Boxing Strategy - Start-up Club Funding”, which, at the request of Alderman Stoker, and with the permission of the Council, at its meeting on 5th January, had been referred back to the Committee for further consideration. A copy of the minute in that regard is set out:
“1 Background Information
1.1 In October 2012, the Committee approved the draft budget and workplan for the Amateur Boxing Strategy 2012-2022.
1.2 Members will be aware that within the Strategy, under the theme of Club support and development, an action of providing start-up funding to allow for the development of new clubs across the city was included.
1.3 At its meeting in June 2014 Committee agreed to revisions to the budget area with £10,000 per annum allocated to support and develop new clubs. It was agreed that a further report would b brought to Committee to agree the mechanism and guidelines in providing this support.
2 Key Issues and Update
2.1 The support and development of new clubs complementing existing clubs especially in under-represented areas such as East and South Belfast will be an essential element in the successful legacy of the Amateur Boxing Strategy and key to providing a citywide service to all who may wish to enter the sport.
2.2 The programmes being delivered by our Boxing coaches and clubs citywide are increasing the demand for coaching provision and in-turn this will raise the demand for new clubs especially in areas of underrepresentation such as East and South Belfast. It is anticipated that a number of new club start-up requests for support will be received annually. The programme is actively promoting the sport through after schools activities across the city in liaison with existing clubs in each area.
2.3 Recently we have received enquiries for new club start-up support from potential clubs in Oldpark and on the Upper Ormeau Rd. A further enquiry has been received from a Castlereagh Boxing club interested in relocating to the Braniel area. More enquiries are anticipated to be received as amateur boxing develops as a mainstream sport citywide and as such an adopted start-up club fund and criteria for funding is required. A fund of £2500 per applicant has been allocated with £10,000 for new start-up grants in the current financial year.
2.4 The application form for funding has been developed by the Steering Group for new club support funding. Funding will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The Steering Group following the support of the Sports Development Officer will assess the applications received within the specified guidelines for funding. The Director of Parks and Leisure will approve the proposed grants to new clubs under delegated authority as is currently the process for Support for Sport grants.
2.5 The table below indicates the proposed breakdown of new club funding with some examples of anticipated application requests
Item detail |
Available Funding |
Notes |
Coach Education |
£500 |
Coaching course associated to delivery of Boxing in club. E.g. Level 1 /2 /1 star courses |
Equipment |
£1000 |
Equipment deemed suitability by IABA for the delivery of Boxing in a club environment |
Facility Development |
£500 |
Support for other club goods or equipment necessary for delivery |
Other misc |
£500 |
Other items or services required for clubs set up. |
Total available |
£2500 (max) |
2.6 The following criteria have been recommended by the Steering Group in order to ensure best practice adherence:
1. Applicants must submit a letter/email of support from County Board or higher within boxing along with this application.
2. Provide evidence of governance documents (constitution and assorted policies) plus sign-up to Clubmark via IABA and / or BCC prior to acceptance of application.
3. Identify their catchment area for club and prove that other clubs are not necessarily affected by the new clubs establishment.
4. Not be established more than 6 months.
5. Not be a commercial venture of any nature.
6. Be established as a Boxing club (not MMA or other activities) and be affiliated to IABA or a recognised Nation GB).
3 Programme Plan and Resource Implications
3.1 Financial
The budget for the Amateur Boxing Strategy has been agreed.
4 Equality and Good Relations Considerations
4.1 There are no equality and good relations impacts from this grant scheme
5 Recommendations
5.1 That Members note the content of this report with regard to the current implementation of the Amateur Boxing Strategy 2012-2022.
5.2 The Committee is asked to agree the proposed mechanism and guidelines for allocation of grants up to £2500 towards the support of new clubs.”
Alderman Stoker, with the permission of the Chairman, referred to the criteria for the start-up funding, specifically the stipulations regarding club affiliation. He suggested that they were somewhat stringent and would deter clubs located within areas where boxing was not as popular as other sports from applying for support. He suggested that the Committee might consider relaxing that stipulation to enable clubs which were working towards official accreditation to be eligible to apply for funding.
After discussion, the Committee re-affirmed its decision of 9th September, subject to the following amendments being made under 2.6 of the foregoing report, as set out below:
1. Applicants should, where appropriate, submit a letter or email of support from County Board or higher within boxing along with this application.
6. Be established as a boxing club (not MMA or other activities) and be working towards IABA or Nation GB recognition.
Supporting documents: