Agenda item


            (Mr. J. McGrillen, Director of Development, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Members will be aware that approval to develop and deliver a neighbourhood engagement programme as part of BCC’s approach to local area working was granted by the Development Committee in 2009. Following a competitive tendering process, Blueprint Development was appointed.


      The programme has been designed so that it directly relates to and follows on from the ‘BelfastCity Public Consultation 2010’ (Ipsos MORI) and is an integral part of the evidence gathering exercise to assist the corporate planning process. Members will be familiar with the results of the Ipsos MORI consultation through the corporate planning workshop held in September.  At this workshop and on other occasions, Members have expressed a desire to see more engagement with local communities. This programme of engagement will be designed to allow that to happen.


Key Issues


      As part of the corporate planning process Members have had workshops on a North, South, East and West basis Members where they have considered the recommendations arising from the Strategic Regeneration Frameworks for the North, South, East, West and Shankill areas of the city.  It is intended that the ‘My City, My Neighbourhood’ Programme will provide members with further evidence about local priorities across the city, to test further the priorities emerging from the Ipsos Mori consultation and help ensure that we meet our obligations under the new equality guidelines.  The programme will support the development of the Council’s approach to planning and integrating services at a local level, including, potentially, the NSEW Local Initiatives Pilot which Members are considering as part of allocation of the projected underspend for 2010/11.


      The following activities are being completed for presentation to Members as part of the corporate planning process:


·         Area assessments – statistical analysis and evaluation of key area plans to identify local issues and priorities.


·         Consultation with members on the content of the Strategic Regeneration Frameworks.


·         North, South, East, West analysis conducted to identify potential issues and priorities at a local level that would have particular significance for BCC.


·         'My city, my neighbourhood' survey in City Matters, which complements the Ipsos Mori survey, which also provides an opportunity for citizens to register if they are interested in participating in future engagement activities.


      Next steps for ‘My City, My Neighbourhood’


      It is anticipated that the area engagement element of the ‘My City, My Neighbourhood’ programme will roll out in the early new year. It is anticipated that this will be in the form of a range of workshops etc at a local level which will be facilitated by Blueprint.


      Role of elected representatives


      It is vital that Members are at the fore-front of the local engagement aspect of My City, My Neighbourhood.  The format of engagement may differ across the city depending on which method is best suited to the needs and demographic of an area.   Therefore it is proposed that roles are discussed with local Members of the area concerned as the local event is being designed and planned.  However, it is envisaged that Members will:


·         Lead on the neighbourhood engagement activity within their respective areas;


·         Discuss key issues and priorities within neighbourhoods;


·         Consider options to address these priorities for future delivery;


·         Recommend and agree proposals for future N/S/E/W service delivery, if approved.


      The role of the Committee will be to oversee this process to ensure that learning from this programme supports Members desire to see better integrated local service delivery and action on the ground across the city.


      Corporate Planning


      Since the Members’ workshop in September, departments have been working to develop proposals for potential inclusion in the new corporate plan based upon the high level principles and guidance offered by Members at the September workshop and agreed by the Committee in September.  Members’ concluded that officers should:


·         Identify interventions which can be seen, felt and touched across the city.


·         Deliver on VFM and efficiency.


·         Focus down the number of projects and programmes and identify appropriate performance measures.


·         Ensure plans are strategic and influential but also meaningful at the local level.


·         Connect to the broader regional agenda and make better external connections.


      Members are asked to consider a further workshop in December to prioritise issues for inclusion within the new corporate plan in terms of capital and programmes.


Resource Implications


      The financial costs of the local engagement sessions will be met from an existing contract with Blueprint Development.


Equality Implications


      The My City, My Neighbourhood programme will assist the council in meeting its equality obligations by providing evidence to support the Equality Impact Assessment of the Corporate Plan.




      Members are asked to agree to a further corporate planning workshop in December to consider emerging priorities, projects and programmes for 2011/12 and beyond in conjunction with the financial estimating process.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: