Agenda item


            The Committee approved the Departmental Plans for the Chief Executive’s, Finance and Resources and Property and Projects Departments.  A copy of the key actions and performance indicators for 2012/13 as detailed in the Plans for each of the Departments is set out hereunder:


Chief Executive’s


“5.0     Key actions for2012/ 13


TheDepartment’skeyactionshavebeendefinedagainstthebackgroundofthevaluecreation map.  Each  key  taskhas  a  relationship  with  one  or  more  of  the  themesdescribed  in  the departmental  VCM.  KeyPerformanceIndicators (KPIs) forthemain outcomes expected are includedatsection7.Morecomprehensivedetailsoftasks,performanceindicatorsandtargets whichcontributetotheoutcomessoughtarecontainedinsupportingServicePlans.


5.1       City Leadership


            Key actions contributingto theInvestment Programme


Thedepartmentwillplaya majorroleinthedeliveryoftheinvestmentprogramme,including supportingtheAreaWorkingGroups,monitoringandcommunicatingtheinvestment programme,developingthelegalcontractsandworkingarrangementswithourpartnersinthe InvestmentProgramme.  Theseactionsarelistedbelowandalsoundereachoftheappropriate themesoftheCorporatePlan.




Leadingonthedevelopmentofanoverarchingvisionforthecitythroughthecreationofa BelfastMasterplanwhichwillhelptoguidediscussiononthefuturedevelopmentandinvestment inthecity.




SupportMemberspreparationforthereformoflocalgovernmentandthereturnofpowerssuch asplanningandregenerationtoCouncil.




Supportanddeveloprobustcommunityplanning approachesbychampioning,testingandfurtherrefiningthedraftBelfastmodelforcommunityplanning,whichwasdevelopedasa resultoftheBIGLotteryFundedCommunityPlanningpilot.  Influencethedevelopmentofthecommunityplanningguidance/legislationbeingdevelopedbytheDoE.




Developandimplementanexternalrelationsstrategy,includingtheutilisationoftheParty LeadersForumtopromotetheworkoftheCouncilandthecityata local,nationaland internationallevel.




Establishingandsupportingtheworkofa BelfastCityForumwhichwilldeveloptheBelfast Masterplanand overseetheimplementationof thedeliveryplanfortheInvestmentProgramme.




Provideongoingadviceon theredevelopmentproposalsfortheNorthForeshoresiteinthenorth ofthecity,thelargestdevelopmentsiteinBelfast,compromisingover 340acres.  Thiswillincludetheanticipateddevelopmentof theGreenEconomyBusinessPark,currentlythesubjectof an£8 millionbidforthedevelopmentof agreenbusinessparkon theNorthForeshore.








SupportthenewlyestablishedAreaWorkingGroupsand promoteengagementwithlocal communities.




Takingforwardworkinrelationtotheregenerationof thecityincludingreviewing,providinglegal adviceand carryingout duediligenceon significantprojectslistedwithintheInvestment Programmeas appropriate.




SupportthecivicdignitariesinrelationtotheCouncil’sprogrammeof eventsin2012, including theTitanicAnniversary,DiamondJubileeand allotherciviceventsinthecity.




Providelegaladviceon thecontractualissuesintheConnswaterCommunityGreenwayproject, an innovativeand excitingprojectthatwillreconnectthecommunitiesof eastBelfastand restore theriversas communityassets.  Itwillcreatea vibrant,attractive,safeand accessibleparkfor leisure,recreationand communityevents.


Key departmentalactions






5.2       Environment


            Key departmental actions


            Arc 21


Provide advice and support to the ongoing arc21 waste contractual issues to help the 11 Authorities in the Arc21 partnership arrangement meet the stringent EU targets in relation to landfill allowance and recycling levels, at an economic rate.


5.3       Economy


            Key actions contributing to the Investment Programme


            Support employability and skills development through:


·        Work Placement & Apprentice Opportunities


Provide over 400 work placement, apprenticeship and internship opportunities within Belfast City Council with a focus on graduates, long term unemployed and disabled people.


Employment Opportunities


Deliver 200 employment opportunities at no additional cost to the ratepayer


5.4       People, Communities & Neighbourhoods


            Key actions contributing to the Investment Programme


·        Decade of Centenaries Programme


Develop the decade of centenaries programme for the city.


            Interface Programme


Create an interfaces regeneration strategy to support and advocate for affected communities to regenerate those neighbourhoods whilst safely and sensitively working towards reducing barriers.


Good Relations Plan


Continue to implement the actions in the good relations plan to secure shared city space, transform contested space, develop shared cultural space, build shared organisational space, and continue to assess all our activity in terms of its contribution to our equality and good relations objectives.


Peace III


Roll out £4 million EU PEACE III funding to support local community programmes to reinforce our ongoing work to build positive relations in the city with a focus on tackling sectarianism and racism.


            Key departmentalactions








ContinuethereviewofthefutureuseandmanagementoftheCityHall,includingthe conclusionsofthe2 EQIAsontheCityHall(flags& memorabilia)












Therewillbeatleast3 fundingroundsaspartoftheGoodRelationsgrantsprogrammeto promotegoodrelationsactivityacrossthecity,reachingatleast5,000people.




TheDiversitygroupwillkeepkeydiversityandequalityconsiderationsunderreviewanddevelop a frameworkanda programmeofeventsandinitiativesaroundrelevantissues.


5.5       Better Services


            Key actions contributing to the Investment Programme


·        Efficiencies


Work with the Efficiency Unit to design and implement continues savings through the reduction of staff costs as well as potential new efficiency streams such as marketing and income generation through service provision of local government modernisation and RPA.


5.6       An Organisation Fit to Lead and Serve


            Human Resource Management


            Key actionscontributing tothe InvestmentProgramme


·        OrganisationalDevelopment


Developandimplementanorganisationaldevelopmentstrategytosupportthedeliveryofthe InvestmentProgramme.




·        Designandimplementstructures,jobrolesandresourcestodelivertheInvestmentProgramme


·        RecruitjobslinkedtotheInvestmentProgrammeandsupport,developandimplement employabilityinitiatives


Key departmentalactions notin theInvestment Programme








Supportprioritisedorganisationaldesign,includingdevelopingstructures,jobroles,gradingand implementationtobestmeetthecorporateobjectivesoftheCouncil




Leada significantindustrialrelationsandorganisationdesignagendatosupportCouncil objectivese.g.WaterfrontHallreview,securityreview,communitysafety,employabilityinitiatives etc.




Continuetodeliverthecapacitybuildingactionplan,formembersandofficersincludinga MemberDevelopmentProgramme,IPMforChiefOfficersandseniormanagers,PDPs, CompetencyFramework,CoreSkillsProgramme,FrontlineDevelopmentProgrammeandOD Practitioners.




Developandcontinuemethodsofemployeecommunicationandengagement,includingthe developmentofanEmployeeEngagementFramework,organisingtheMakingA Difference (MAD)Awards,reviewingandrelaunchingthestaffsuggestionscheme(Brainwave), establishingandsupportingtheSeniorManagersGroupandprovidingregularupdatestoall staffthroughWorkforceMatters,Interlink,teambriefsandmeetings.




Researchand develop,agreeand implementa Councilapproachtocorporatesocial responsibility




·        Develop,agreeand implementrevisedgender,disability,LGB&Tactionplans.

·        Developan equalityand diversitymoduleforthecoreskillsprogramme

·        UndertaketheCouncil’sthirdEqualPayReview.




Conducta corporateIiPassessmentand continuetoimplementtheIiPframeworktomeasure our progresson peopleimprovementactivity.


Policies,Proceduresand Practices


Reviewa numberof policies,proceduresand practicesincludingtheProtectionof Stafffrom WorkplaceViolenceand AbusefromthePublicPolicy,DomesticViolencePolicy,Learning& DevelopmentPolicy,OvertimePolicy,CategorisationProcedures,Disciplinaryand Grievance Proceduresand WorkingHours& LeaveArrangements.




Alignthecontinueddeliveryof thecommunityoutreachprogrammewiththedeliveryof thejobs andplacementsstrandof theInvestmentProgrammecommitments




Analysepriorityresourcerecruitmentsfordeliveryof Investmentprogrammeand continue businessas usualrecruitmentand selection.


Developand implementa recruitmentplanand reviewrecruitmentand selectionpolicies, proceduresand practicestomeettheneeds oftheCouncil,particularlyinlightof outreachwork requiredas partof theInvestmentprogramme.




Key departmentalactions


·        BudgetScrutiny


Increasebudget scrutinyand profilingat DMTtoensurebudgetsaremanagedthroughoutthe yearand financialresourcesarereallocatedas appropriate




Improvediscipline aroundraising purchaseorders andinvoices toensure wecomplywith corporatetargets throughmorehands onmanagementat DMT.




Key departmentalactions


·        WebStreaming


FollowingthesuccessfullaunchoflivewebstreamingofCouncilmeetingsin December2011, thedepartmentwillnowembedlivewebstreamingintotheCouncilandinvestigaterollingout thewebstreamingto Committeemeetings.




Undertakea reviewofinformationmanagementin theCouncil,incorporatingFreedomof Information,DataProtectionanda publicationspolicyto ensuretheCouncilholdsinformation robustlyandefficientlyto ensurethattheappropriateinformationis accessibleto thepublic, Members,partnersandofficers.


Policy,Planning& Performance


Key departmentalactions




Followingtheintroductionof theInvestmentProgramme,theCommunityPlanningmodel,the BelfastMasterplan,thenewCorporatePlan2012– 2015anddepartmentalplans,reviewthe strategicplanningframeworkto ensurethatit isrelevantto thenewplanningstreams.




Continueto engageandshapethelocalgovernmentleadImprovement,Collaboration& Efficiency(ICE)Programme,throughtheRegionalGovernanceGroup(RGG)to exploreand maximisepotentialcollaborativeopportunitiesfortheCouncilalignedwithourownefficiency programme.




Continueto providesupportto theCouncilandlocalgovernmentbodiesin theongoingreviewof publicadministration,includingpreparationforthetransitionto anewCouncilin 2015,thetimely andefficienttransferandintegrationofkeyplaceshapingfunctionssuchasplanning, regenerationandcommunityplanning.




Reviewemergingpieces oflegislation fromthe NIAssembly,Westminsterand theEuropean Unionthat willhave adirect impacton theactivities and/or functionsadministeredby the Council,giving considerationto theoperational andresource implications.  Recentexamplesof this includethe HighHedgesAct(NI)2011, CleanNeighbourhoodsand theEnvironment(NI) Act2011 andThe Welfareof AnimalsAct(NI)2011.


Communication& Engagement


Key departmentalactions




Undertakea publicsurveyduring2012/13




Undertakea Memberand departmentalsurveytoestablishthesatisfactionwiththeservices providedby thedepartment.


Consultation& EngagementStrategy


Finaliseand publishtheCouncil’sconsultation& engagementstrategy.  Developand implement key actionsand ensureitsalignmentwithcommunitydevelopmentand communityplanning




Reviewthecurrentmarketingarrangementsof theCounciland proposea newmarketing strategy.




Developa CommunicationsPlanfortheInvestmentProgramme




Reviewthecommunicationsand marketingfunctionacrosstheCouncilwitha viewto establishinga oneCouncilapproachtocommunicationsand makingefficiencysavings.




ReviewtheCouncil’swebsiteand improveaccessibilityforallsectionsof society.


Governance& Risk


Key departmentalactions notin theInvestment Programme




Developand overseetheimplementationtheCouncilConstitutionand associatedpiecesof work,includingStandingOrders,Conflictof Interest,Schemeof Delegationand Financial Regulations




Undertakea reviewofGovernancearrangementsfortheCouncil,includingtheCommittee systemthroughtheGovernanceReviewGrouptoensuretheyarefitforpurposeandenablethe appropriatedecisionstobemadeandanopen,accountableandexpedientmanner.




ReviewprotocolsaroundMember/officerrelationshipsandensuretheyareappropriateforthe newgovernancearrangementsoftheCouncilandthenewCouncilin2015.










6.0       Key performance indicators for 2012/13


6.1       City Leadership


Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Percentage of Investment Programme initiatives implemented




6.2       Economy


Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Number of employment opportunities created


Additional cost of new employment opportunities created



Number of work placement, apprenticeship and internship opportunities created




6.3       People, Communities & Neighbourhoods


Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Number of people participating in Good Relations projects



Number of organisations involved in Good Relations projects



Number of new community groups availing of the Council Good Relations Fund




6.4       Better Services


Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Overall satisfaction with Council services


Number of equality complaints


% complaints responded to within corporate target




6.5       Organisation fit to lead and serve


Human Resource Management

Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Average number of working days per employee lost due to absence (measured against agreed targets)



Variance between actual direct employee costs and budget



Variance between actual staff number and agreed establishment



% senior managers who receive (at least) annual feedback on their individual performance



% Members with PDPs


% organisation with Investors in People accreditation




Governance & Risk

Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Percentage of legal cases settled with a positive outcome for the Council



Percentage of prosecutions successfully prosecuted



Percentage of Members satisfied with Democratic Services



Percentage of Committee Chairs satisfied with Democratic Services



Percentage of Directors and Heads of Service satisfied with Corporate Communications, Policy & Planning, Democratic Services, Good Relations, Legal Services and Human Resources






Financial Planning

Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Percentage compliance of purchase orders raised on time



Percentage compliance of Goods Received Notices (GRNs) against the supplier invoice



% Variance between actual net expenditure and budgeted net revenue (in year)


+ 1 / -2%

% Variation between forecast net revenue expenditure and actual net revenue expenditure (year end)


+ 0.5 / -2%


Planning & Performance

Performance Indicator

Annual Target

% Pls with valid data collected and reported upon



% pls on target




Communication & Engagement

Performance Indicator

Annual Target

Visits to Council website

1 million

% media releases used


Number of followers of Council’s Twitter site


Number of fans of Council’s Facebook site


Revenue from advertising in City Matters


Percentage of graphic design jobs undertaken internally



Percentage of advertising campaigns undertaken internally



Society of IT Managers (SOCITM) website ranking



% increase in advertising revenue through City Matters




7.0       Financial information


7.1       The approved net revenue expenditure for the Department for 2012/13 is £7,940,180.  A breakdown of the revenue estimates by the main Services of the Department and Directorate Support is provided in Table 1.



Table 1

Estimated net revenue expenditure 2012/13



                                                                   Net                      Net

                                                            Expenditure         Estimated

                                                                2011/12         Expenditure


Human Resources



Democratic Services



Corporate Communications



Good Relations



Central Support



Legal Services



Strategic Policy




Chief Executive’s Department






Town Planning Committee budget for 2012/13 is £10,000, a reduction from £26K in 2011/12


8.0       Monitoring and review arrangements


TheCouncil has introduced an integratedperformance managementsystem that enables regular,up to datereporting tobe undertaken atcorporate, departmentaland service level.


Key performanceindicators have been identifiedfor all services withinthe Chief

Executive’sDepartment and are containedwithin section7 of thisplan.


A number of PIsand tasks have been identifiedas corporately significantand are contained in thecorporate plan.They will be reportedon a quarterly basis toCMT to ensure ongoing managementof thekey priorities.”


Finance and Resources


5.0Key actions for2012/2013


      The Department’s key actions havebeen definedagainst the backgroundof the corporateplan andprovide detailon its contribution tothe deliveryof theInvestment Programme andadditional keycorporate priorities. Eachkey taskhas arelationship with oneor moreof the themesdescribed inthe departmental VCM.Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) for themain outcomesexpected areincluded atsection 6.More comprehensive detailsof tasks, performanceindicators andtargets whichcontribute to theoutcomes soughtare containedin supportingService Plans.  In addition the department has identifieda numberof keyinternal actions to helpdevelop andimprove capacity across theservices.




5.1       InvestmentProgramme


      The following actionsrepresent thedepartment’s directcontribution tothe delivery ofthe Council’s Investment Programme


            Implementa capital financingstrategy which will include


    Thefinancial managementof thecapital programme,city investmentfund and the local investmentfund

    Theclarification ofroles and responsibilities

    Theimplementation offinancial controls

    Regular financialreporting on theprogramme

    Thedevelopment ofan External Resources Strategy


            Financial Management- Efficiency


            Improve paymentsystems toensure payment of90% of our creditorswithin 28 days


            Sustain and enhance therate base throughtackling issues such as vacantoffice accommodation and business premises


            Develop and deliver a corporate Efficiency Programme in collaborationwith theother departments toensure the achievementof the£20m efficiency targetby 2015 including an ICT efficiencyplan for theCouncil


            Information Management


            Identify and deliver efficiencysavings within theFinance and Resources Department including an ICTdepartmental efficiencyprogramme which will involve carrying outan application review toensure ICT is aligned tocouncil priorities and provides value for money and continuedimplementation ofthe printmanagement strategy


            Implement thesuper connected citiesproject


            Create an InformationManagement Strategyto supportthe corporateplan and investment programme including delivering key projectsas identified by theCorporate Governance Panel – likely toinclude Fleet ITtracking system,P2Net, CityHall WiFi, Qlikview.


      Planning and PerformanceManagement


            Align the performanceframework tosupport themonitoring requirementsfor thedelivery of theInvestment Programme


            Reporting on theoutcomes and performanceindicators identifiedin the programme


            Develop and report on theimplementation plan forthe delivery ofthe Investment Programme


            Develop and implement theappropriate infrastructureto supportthe delivery ofthe Investment Programme




Governance & Risk


            Prepare an audit strategyand plan that addresses theassurance and advisory implications of implementingthe Council’s InvestmentProgramme


5.2       Additionalcorporate priorities


            The followingactions detailthe additionaltasks thedepartment willcarry outin support ofthe delivery ofthe corporateplan


            Review ofPublic Administration


      Coordinate and programme manage the Council’s approach toimplementing the local governmentreform (i.e.Review of Public Administration)process including the transferand integration on new place-shaping functionssuch as planning and regeneration.


      Develop and implementa programme of work (transitionplan) to ensure thatthe Council effectively prepares for,and takes fulladvantage of,local government reform.


      Provide strategicsupport tothe BelfastVoluntary TransitionCommittee in undertakingits importantrole in providing political oversightand direction tothe Council’s implementation oflocal government reform.


      Support the Council’s engagementand input intothe work ofthe governance and implementationstructures forlocal government reform.This will include:the Regional Transition Committee,Regional Joint ReformProgramme Board, Society ofLocal Authority ChiefExecutives (SOLACE)and the NorthernIreland Local Government Association(NILGA).




            Continue to implementa value for money and performanceframework including;


    Implementation ofthe improvementplans for Procurement,Fleet Management, Overtimeand Agency costs and Building Maintenance


Review core corporatesystems including assetmanagement, financial,payroll and HR systems toensure they are fitfor purpose and futureproofed.


Supportthe role outof theCouncil’s Core Skills Management Development Programme by providing trainingon two ofthe key modules – PerformanceManagement and Audit and Governance


Continueto implementthe corporateperformance frameworkincluding


    Analysis and reporting ofkey corporate performanceinformation

    Supporting departmentsand thematic boards in themonitoring and reporting of performanceinformation






Implement a financialimprovement programme in relationto debtors,creditors, payroll and treasurymanagement.


Implementand mainstream a medium termfinancial plan including a capitalfinancing strategy and treasurymanagement strategyin line with theimplementation ofthe Finance Bill and thedevelopment and implementationa corporate pricing policy.


Implementa corporate programme ofimprovement in relationto compliance with procurementprocesses.


Establisha programme of work around thedevelopment offinancial management informationincluding improving the financialreporting process forMembers and Officers




Createan open data portalfor thepublication ofcouncil data sets


Implementa corporate address Gazetteerto ensure consistencyof addresses across all ITsystems


Develop a programme toincrease e-enabled transactions


Implementcorporate wide ITsystem forrecording and monitoring theimplementation of auditand health and safetyrecommendations (toreport toCMT, Assurance Board and AuditPanel)


            Governanceand Risk


Prepare an auditstrategy and plan thataddresses the assurance and advisory implicationsof implementingthe Council’s InvestmentProgramme


Implementrecommendations fromthe Freedomof Informationand Data protectionAudit reviews.


Roll outrevised risk management framework


Manage and maintainthe departmentalrisk register


Ensure sufficientcoverage of theAudit Plan so thatthe annual assurance statementcan be provided.


5.3       Departmental ManagementImprovements


            In order todeliver the key actionsin the plan and prepare forfuture challenges the departmentwill establish a number ofcross cutting projectteams tohelp build capacity, develop staff skills and knowledge and improve the way we work together.


            Key Projects in year 1 will focuson:


       Staff training anddevelopment – touse the PDPprocess to align departmental activitywith goals and prioritiesand to develop our people tobuild capacity and improve.



       DepartmentalEfficiencies – as thelead department in theCouncil it is important thatwe lead the way by developing and implementingefficiency savings across thedepartment.

       Improve InformationManagement – tohelp increase the reliabilityand ease of access of informationheld in the departmentto supportdecision making, planning and performance,and to increase theinformation thatcan be made externally available.

       Communication – Build upon relationshipsand team work across services to help identifyand disseminate key messages and improve communication channels withinthe Departmentand across the Council.


6.0       Key performance indicators for 2012/2013


6.1       Better services – listening and delivering



Annual Target


·        Variance between actual efficiencies captured as part of the estimating process versus target


·        Number of transactional based activities which are e-enabled


·        Average time taken to resolve operational calls reported to the ISB Service Desk

          2.25 Days

·        Customer Satisfaction with Service Desk response



6.2Better value for money – an organisation fit to lead and serve


      Corporate Human Resources



Annual Target


·        Average number of working days per employee lost due to absence (measured against agreed targets)


·        % Staff with a PDP



      Corporate Financial Planning



Annual Target


·        % Variance between actual net revenue expenditure and budgeted net revenue expenditure (in year)

                +1 / -2

·        % Variance between forecast net revenue expenditure and actual net revenue expenditure (y/e (Qlikview) (C)

           +0.5/ -2%

·        % Variance between actual capital expenditure and budgeted capital expenditure


·        % Variance between forecast capital expenditure and actual expenditure y/e (Qlikview (C)

             + / -10%

·        % Increase in the District rate

At / below inflation

·        % Debt less than 90 days old


·        % Compliance of purchase orders raise on time



·        % Compliance for GRN against the Supplier invoice


·        % Creditors paid within 28 days



      Corporate Information Management    



Annual Target


·        % Time key systems are available uptime


·        Number of systems linked to Pointer System



      Corporate Policy, Planning and Performance



Annual Target


·        % Pls with valid data collected and reported upon


·        % Pls on target



      Corporate Governance and Risk



Annual Target


·        % AGRS plan completed annually


·        Reduce the number of workplace accidents

        Reduce by 5%

·        Reduce the number of RIDDOR accidents

        Reduce by 5%

·        % Agreed Health and Safety recommendations implemented


·        % Health and Safety plan completed annually


·        % Critical service business continuity plans tested annually



7.0       Financial information


7.1       The  approved  net  revenue  expenditure  for  the  Department  for  2012/13  is £11,299,816.A breakdownof therevenue estimatesby themain Servicesof the Departmentand Directorate Supportis provided in Table 1.




Net Expenditure


Net Estimated








Finance and Performance








Audit Governance and Risk Services and Health and Safety





Project and Corporate Systems












Occupational Health









8.0       Monitoring andreview arrangements


            The Council has introducedan integrated performancemanagement systemthat enables regular, up todate reportingto be undertakenat corporate,departmental and service level.


            Key performance indicatorshave been identified forall services within theFinance and Resources Departmentand are contained withinsection 7 ofthis Plan.


            A number ofPIs and taskshave been identified as corporatelysignificant and are containedin the corporateplan. Theywill be reported on a quarterlybasis to CMTto ensure ongoing management ofthe key priorities.


Property and Projects


5.0       Key actions for2012/ 13


            The  Department’s  key  actions  have  been  defined  in  the  context  of  the  Council’s InvestmentProgramme and against thebackground of theValue Creation Map (VCM)


            Key PerformanceIndicators (KPI’s) formost outcomesare includedat Section7. More comprehensive detailsof taskperformance indicatorsand targets which contributeto the outcomessought are containedin supporting Service Plans.


            All  physical  projects  have  supporting  project  plans  for  each  of  the  five  stages summarised fromthe RIBAplan of work


5.1       Investment Programme


            The following actions represent the Department’s direct contribution to the delivery of the Council’s Investment Programme.


            City Leadership


We will


·        Manage and maintaina portfolio, programme and projectoffice sothat we canprovide an overview of progress and benefitsof all physical projects containedwithin theinvestment programme.


·        Further develop, maintainand apply appropriate systemssuch as Gates sothat we can ensure sufficientchallenge and appropriate delivery toproposed projects and that ensure agreed outcomes.


·        Deliver the physical investmentand asset relatedcommitments as setout within theCouncil’s Investment Programme including capital,city and local investment(see attached programme atappendix 1) so thatwe can ensure cross departmentalworking in accordance with the BCC programme and project management standardsand policies.


·        Maintain a watching briefand provide necessary technical support over emerging projectsincluding undertaking design,appraisal and feasibility work so that wehave sufficient projectsready to optimiseavailable expenditure.


·        Work withall other Council departmentsto develop an integratedapproach to neighbourhood and area working sothat wemaximise impact in thecommunity.


·        Undertake additional maintenanceand property upgrade works as dictatedby under spend and none recurrent capital availabilityso thatweoptimisefinancial resources.


·        Recruitment of up to8 apprentices in thecraft area ofFacilities Management so thatweassistin meeting theInvestment Package job targets.


·        Work withFinancial Services tohelp build a robust capitalfinancial strategy so thatBCC maximises its leverage.


·        Work withothers in theCouncil to identifyviable alternative funding mechanisms so thatthe City investmentbecomes continuous.


·        Work withthe RPAteams on issues relatedto thetransfer offunctions, assets, liabilitiesand ICE programme so thatthe new Belfast CityCouncil is prepared for the nextchallenges.


·        Work withthe EDU and ConstructionSkills Growth programme tosupport job creation in Belfast so thatwecan supportjob creation.


·        Work withthe Area WorkingGroups (AWG)in the identificationand prioritisation ofprojects in theLocal Investment Fund so thatwecan deliver schemes and build confidencein the Area approach.


·        Deliver efficientand effective procurementthrough directingand supporting procurement activitiesacross the Council so thatweremain legally compliant, maintainValue for Money forthe Council in balance withsupporting thelocal supplier base.


5.2       Additional CorporatePriorities


Thefollowing actionsdetail theadditional tasksthe Departmentwill carry out in support ofthe delivery ofthe corporateplan.




We will


·        Manage the CIF including all capitalreceipts, assetdisposals, contributions fromthe ratesand all payments forprojects fundedvia the funde.g. CCG.


·        To secure thephysical, economic and social regenerationof theNFS Giant’s Park sitethrough securing ERDFled funding todeliver the physical infrastructure.


·        Promote the NorthForeshore EnvironmentalResource Park development opportunity.


·        Progress thephysical build of theConnswaterCommunity Greenway.


·        Development of theplanned maintenance ofcouncil properties for2012/2013.


·        Explore and pursue alternative fundingmechanisms for capital/infrastructure investment as partof a Council Resourcing Strategy.


·        Complete and implementthe policy on theuse and management ofthe CityHall.


·        Work withDCAL, DOEand DSD for betterdesign in the builtenvironment and toenhance standards.


·        Work withother departmentsin the delivery and implementationof the recommendationsof thestrategic studyof theHoly lands; therecommendations from theWindsor and CasementPark Stadia reportsand strategic developmentof UU North CityCampus.


·       Work withother departmentsin progressing the‘One Public Estate’initiative and develop agreed working arrangementsbetween theDepartment of Education,Belfast Educationsand Library Board, CCMSand the Council in relationto respectiveassets.




We will


·        Promote environmentally efficientdesign.


·        Conduct Energy Audits ofselected propertiesand secure funding for relatedenergy projects.


·        Working with otherdepartments todevelop an Energy Strategy forthe Council in order to reduce theCouncil’s energy consumption and ‘carbon footprint,reviewing energy targets and assess proposals toestablish an energy managementunit.


·        Deliver procurementstrand ofthe SustainableDevelopment ActionPlan.


·        Completion of policy positionon contaminated land.


·        Promote Cleantec environmental technologydevelopment on NFS.


·        Ensure that the Council’s new builtand fleet assetsare environmentally efficient and endeavour thatnew build meet BREAMand ‘Excellent’ Ceequal standards.




We will


·        Deliver potential collaborative procurementopportunities linked tothe local government Improvement,Collaboration and Efficiencyprogramme (ICE).


·        Support job creation withinthe citythrough thedelivery of theCouncil Investment Programme and associatedcapital investmentin the cityand via the Councils Investment Property Portfolioat Gasworks,Balmoral and Duncrue Estates.


·        Support local businesses and social enterprises to takeadvantage of emerging procurementopportunities and toexploit potentialsupply chain opportunities.


·        Introduce the use ofsocial clauses in council tenders on a trial basis in conjunctionwith theEconomic Development Unit


Peopleand Communities


We will


·        Working with local councillors,communities and end user groups toensure that the projects delivered are theright projectsand that theseare delivered on time and budget ensuring sustainability and benefitsrealisation.


·        Work withthe DevelopmentDepartment in assistingthe delivery ofthe Renewing theRoutes Programme


Better Services


We will


·        Continue to provide Value for Money services which achieve high customer standardswhilst contributingtowards delivering theCouncil’s annual efficiency target.


·        Complete the implementationof theStrategic Review ofsectional service and departmentalbusiness support functions.


·        Progress theimplementation ofthe StrategicReview of Procurement.


·        Progress theimplementation ofthe StrategicReview of theProperty Maintenance Unit.


·        Progress theimplementation ofthe review ofthe Fleet Management Unit.


·        Undertake a review of thecouncil’s fleet provision.


·        Obtain the second phase ofthe fullOperators Licence forthe council’s fleetand heavy goods vehicles.


·        Undertake a review of theprovision of Council Securityand Security Services.


·        Develop and implementa comprehensive Security Strategy.


·        Develop a securitypolicy for thecouncil.


·        Undertake a review of thedepartmental structureto align withthe Council’s InvestmentPackage and the recommendationsas detailed in theindependent review of energy and carbon managementin the Council.


·        Continue to explore thepossibility ofapplying for Centreof Procurement Excellence(COPE)


·        Maintain the ISOStandards in theProject Management,Fleet Managementand Procurement Units.


·        Develop and implement a procurementframework forintegrated Design Consultants.


AnOrganisation Fitto Leadand Serve




We will


·        Support the delivery ofthe Council’s Core Skills ManagementDevelopment Programme by providing trainingon relevant modules.


·        Have consistentPDP processes and participatein the process ofobtaining corporate IIPstatus.




We will


·        Carry out effective capitalprogramme forecasting, costing,profiling and spend.


·        Lead the Council in conjunction withFinancial Services in economic appraisal and whole lifecosting.


·        Continue with the disposal ofsurplus land and property assetsas part ofthe ongoing Asset RealisationProgramme taking intoaccount thedown turn in the propertymarket and thetiming ofany disposal.


·        Undertake proactive propertymanagement ofthe Council’s investmentproperty portfolio atthe Gasworks,Balmoral and Duncrue and atother properties(including market shop units);to maximise thefinancial returnto theCouncil.


·        Acquire strategicsurplus public sector assetsaligned to Council prioritiesand objectives.


·        Undertake capital assetsvaluations ofthe Council’s propertyportfolio.


·        Undertake an Office AccommodationStrategy and OptionsReport forthe provision of officeaccommodation on a costeffective basis.


·        Efficiency Savings


§  Identify procurement efficiencysavings

§  Implementthe findingsof theVFM review ofthe Council’s fleet

§  Develop a strategicplan for procurementspend

§  Produce Analysis ofSpend for 2011/12to identifyexpenditure efficiencies

§  IncreaseSRM catalogue use toachieve process savings.




We will


·        Further develop the project managementinformation system(P2Net) which will underpin thedelivery of thekey projects emerging fromthe Council’s Capital InvestmentProgramme.

·        Agree on and develop a CorporateProperty Informationsystem.

·        Implement and roll out E-ContractManagement.

·        Investigate the linking ofsystems and productionof comprehensive reports.


Planning& Performance


We will


·        Support SP&R and CMT in managing thePhysical Investment Package portfoliothrough dashboard reporting.

·        Reinforce the Gatereview process in the Council.

·        Carryout Gate Reviews in line withproject milestones.

·        Implement the PortfolioManagement Frameworkfor theCouncil.


Communication& Engagement


We will


·        Develop Branding and delivery calendar forprojects in conjunctionwith Corporate Communications.







We will


·        Complete the implementationof therecommendations in theAsset Management Strategy.


·        Administer the AssetManagement Board (AMB) and optimiseeffectiveness.


·        Produce a CorporateAsset Disposal Policy and devise theassets disposal plan.


·        Undertake a long term Council accommodationstrategy.


·        Continue with the AssetsRealisation Programme subjectto considerationof the timingof disposals and thedownturn ofthe propertymarket.


·        Produce and agree frameworkfor roles and responsibilitiesfor theCouncil Assets.


·        Develop a CommunityAsset TransferFramework in conjunctionwith other departments.


·        In conjunctionwith otherdepartments progress the‘One Public Estate’initiative and develop agreed working arrangementbetween theDepartment ofEducation, Belfast Educationand Library Board, CCMSand the Council in relationof respective assets.


·        Carryout planned maintenance in accordance withthe maintenanceplan.


·        Produce a schedule forrenewals and improvement work ofcouncil properties.


·        Deliver the Illuminate projectwithin theprojected completiondate ofDecember 2012.


Governance& Risk


We will



·        Implement Health and Safetyrecommendations as identified


·        Work withAGRS in thedevelopment ofa Risk Management System.


·        Complete and sign of quarterlyassurance statements tosupport quarterly reportingon the managementof key risks toCMT, Assurance Board and Audit Panel.


6.0       Key Performance indicators for 2012/13


6.1       City Leadership


Performance Indicator

Annual Target


Amount of money leveraged through the City Investment Strategy


%Money contributed to City Investment Fund through BCC


%Construction Capital Programme spend against forecasted spend


%Non-Construction Capital Programme spend against forecasted spend





6.2       Environment


Performance Indicator

Annual Target


Net Income from sale of Electricity from land fill gas


Total tonnage of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from Council premises





6.3       Economy


Performance Indicator

Annual Target


Number of City Hall Tours


Number of visitors on City Hall Tours




6.4       Better Services


Performance Indicator

Annual Target


% Complaints that made response target


Number of complaints received









6.5       Organisation fit to lead and serve


   Human Resource Management


Performance Indicator

Annual Target


%PDP’s completed


Average number of working days per employee lost due to absence



Variance between actual direct employee costs and budget



Variance between actual staff number and agree establishment




Financial Planning


Performance Indicator

Annual Target


% Non compliance of Goods Received Notes (GRN) after invoicing


% Non compliance of Purchase Order raised on time



% of BCC spend with local suppliers


% Variance between net expenditure and budget


+1 / -3%

% Variance between planned net expenditure and forecasted net expenditure


+1 / -3%

% Variation between forecasted outturn at period 6 and actual outturn at period 12


+1 / -3%


Planning & Performance


Performance Indicator

Annual Target


% PI’s with valid data


% PI’s on target


% Committed construction capital projects progressing in line with project milestones



% Committed non-construction capital projects progressing in line with project milestones






Performance Indicator

Annual Target


Rental from industrial estates




7.0       Financial information


7.1       The approved net revenue expenditure for the Department for 2012/13 is £12,105,439.  A breakdown of the revenue estimates by the main Services of the Department and Directorate Support is provided in Table 1.


Table 1

Estimated net revenue expenditure 2012/13



                                                                   Net                      Net

                                                            Expenditure         Estimated

                                                                2011/12         Expenditure


North Foreshore






Project Management Unit



Estates Management Unit



                                                                   Net                      Net

                                                            Expenditure         Estimated

                                                                2011/12         Expenditure


Directorate Support



Facilities Management Unit













8.0       Monitoring and review arrangements


            The Council has introduced an integrated performance management system that enables regular, up to date reporting to be undertaken at corporate, departmental and service level.


            Key performance indicators have been indentified for all services within the Property and Projects Department and are contained within section 7 of this plan.


            A number of Pls and tasks have been identified as corporately significant and are contained in the corporate plan.  They will be reported on a quarterly basis to CMT to ensure ongoing management of the key priorities.”


Supporting documents: