Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1    In April 2012 the Strategic Policy and Resources (SP&R) Committee agreed to convene five Area Working Groups (AWGs) to support effective ‘place-shaping’ and make recommendations to SP&R Committee on capital investment decisions for the local area.


1.2    To support this work the Council established a £5 million Local Investment Fund (LIF) for investments of between £15,000 and £250,000 in the development or improvement of local assets. £100,000 was also made available to each AWG for local interventions that would add value to the capital investments made through LIF.


1.3    While LIF is a Council-led, capital investment programme it was intended that projects would be developed, and potentially delivered, by or in conjunction with local groups and partner organisations.  Members will be aware though that, as some organisations did not have the capacity to develop detailed proposals or experience of capital works, it was agreed by Council (3rd September 2012) that Council could undertake project delivery if required. 


1.4    LIF proposals have now been developed by each AWG and currently 60 individual projects have been offered ‘support in principle’ from this Committee. Officers and Members are working closely with responsible groups/organisations to put in place formal agreements to allow works to commence and it is anticipated that by May 2013 one-third will have received formal funding agreements; representing a contribution of over £1 million.


1.5    The following report therefore contains:


1.      recommendations regarding the use of accompanying intervention funding

2.      proposals to expedite the delivery of projects; and

3.      a proposal to raise awareness of the Council’s investment through LIF


2       Key Issues


         Local Intervention funding


2.1    South AWG - Since the last meeting of this Committee, the South AWG has met again and resolved that a proportion of its intervention monies be allocated to support retail initiatives in South Belfast and also agreed that the Lisburn Road Business Association should benefit through assistance from this specified resource.   


2.2    The South AWG is therefore recommending that SP&R Committee:


·   approve a sum of £50,000 out of the intervention monies for South to support a range of retail initiatives in South Belfast; and

·   that the Lisburn Road Business Association be allocated £15,000 from this retail initiative budget (on the basis that the Association provide match-funding) to enable it to employ a Development Officer


2.3    It is also suggested that the Director of Development takes this particular intervention forward given his economic development remit in the same way as the Director of Health and Environmental Services is supporting the community safety intervention in west Belfast.


2.4    East AWG - Members should also note that the East Belfast Area Working Group intend to meet just before the Strategic Policy and Resources committee.  A verbal report of emerging recommendations will be made to the committee including recommendations regarding the allocation of their intervention monies.


      Project delivery and procurement


2.5    As noted, due to limited organisational capacity, it has been agreed that the Council may undertake project delivery of LIF projects.  Appendix A provides an indicative list of initiatives where Council has been identified as the delivery body.  Others may though arise in the course of the development of project proposals and options.   


2.6    The Council is now ready to enter into formal agreement in respect of a number of projects that have submitted the pre-requisite information and are going through the required due diligence checks and being screened for delivery options. The scheme of delegation currently requires Council approval for works contracts in excess of £30,000; though authority for this may be delegated to the appropriate Director. 


2.7    As such it is proposed that delegated authority be given to the Director of Property and Projects for the invitation of tenders, award of contracts, extension of existing contracts and the use of appropriate procurement frameworks to support delivery of Council-led and delivered projects within LIF.


2.8    Members should be assured that the Council’s governance and audit procedures will be applied throughout; including due diligence, equality screening and the application of contractual terms and conditions etc in order to ensure that there is proper financial control and value for money. 


         Local Investment Fund Event


2.9    Lastly, in recognition of the progress made by the Area Working Groups it is proposed that an event will be organised at City Hall with the involvement of the various groups from this first round of formal agreements. All Members of Council will be invited to attend this event. It is proposed that the event takes place on the 16th May 2013 in City Hall; further details will be forwarded by the Communications team when arrangements are finalised.


3       Resource Implications


3.1    The above recommendations can be accommodated within the existing LIF and Intervention budgets. Indirect costs such as officer time will also be met by existing revenue estimates.


4       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1    None


5       Recommendations


5.1    It is recommended that Committee:


1.      endorse the recommendations of the South Belfast Area Working Group, as set out at point 2.3 above; and

2.      endorse the recommendations of the East Belfast Area Working Group as provided by verbal report

3.      grant delegated authority to the Director of Property and Projects for the invitation of tenders, award of contracts, extension of existing contracts and the use of appropriate procurement frameworks to support delivery of Council-led and delivered projects within LIF.

4.      support the proposal for a Local Investment Fund event, on the 16th May 2013.”



            The Director of Property and Projects reported that, subsequent to the report having been issued, the East Belfast Area Working Group had met on 17th April and had agreed the following:


ELIF025: Wandsworth Community Association -The Group had agreed to recommend to the Committee that funding of up to £25,000 be allocated.


ELIF027: Templemore Avenue School Trust -The Group had agreed also to recommend to the Committee that funding in the sum of £100,000 be allocated.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: