Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


Relevant Background Information


1.1    Members are aware that the Illuminate project, which has been parted funded by the EU, has replaced the existing City Hall façade lighting on the front, east and west facades as well as the main dome and turrets with a new low-energy LED lighting infrastructure.  The key aim of the project is to sustainably reduce energy consumption and significantly reduce CO2 emissions.


1.2    One of the other benefits of the project is that it will also enable the City Hall to be illuminated in a variety of colours and colour combinations which are not currently possible. The lights which have been installed are the same technology which is used on the Empire State Building and other iconic buildings around the globe and the system which has been installed on the City Hall is one of the most advanced in the world. All Members were invited to attend the formal switch on event of the Illuminate project on Thursday 11 April which was very positively received.


2.0    Key Issues


2.1    Members were updated on the progress and proposed governance arrangements of the Illuminate project at the SP&R Committee meeting on 21st February.  As part of this it was highlighted to Members that the new lighting features could be used to promote inclusivity and cultural awareness by recognizing days of particular significance to groups within the wider community through the illumination of the City Hall in the relevant colour(s). It was proposed that 6 specific days of particular interest to local people and communities be included in the schedule namely:


St. Patrick’s Day (Green)    -   Polish Independence Day (red and white)

Orangefest (Orange)           -   Chinese New Year (red and yellow)

St. Valentine’s Day  (Red)  -   Gay Pride (rainbow)


         It was also proposed that 12 nominated charities selected by the Council’s civic dignitaries (Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and High Sheriff) will be able to use the new lighting features for charity events etc.  These days had been equality screened and there were no equality implication arising. Members were asked to note that further days of cultural/social significance could be added to the schedule if agreed by the SP&R Committee.   Members were however asked to note that given the iconic status of the City Hall the over-use of the lighting facilities on too many days per year could adversely affect the image and reputation of the building.   


2.2    During the discussion at SP&R on 21st February, the proposed days as outlined above were agreed. The Committee had further discussion about a number of other days which could be illuminated. As part of this, it was proposed that 2 additional days be added to this list, namely


·               May Day (red) and

·               International Women’s Day (purple)


         However after further discussion the Committee decided that, as these days had not formed part of the equality screening carried out on the proposal, they should not to be included at that time. There was, however, widespread acceptance by Members that these 2 days would be a useful addition to the Illuminate schedule.


2.3    Members are asked to note that the additional days (May Day and International Women’s Day) have now been equality screened and there are no equality implications arising from the inclusion of these two days. Members are therefore asked to decide if they now wish the two additional days of May Day and International Women’s Day to be added to the schedule.  Members are asked to note that May Day this year is on 6th May 2013 and will be the first day that the new lighting will be used.  This will generate significant media and public interest.


2.4    At the full Council meeting on 4th March, there was further discussion around a number of other potential days which could be added to the schedule however none of these were agreed. It was agreed that the City Hall should be illuminated in orange and purple at Orangefest.


3.0    Resource Implications


3.1    The Illuminate Project will generate significant savings for the Council in terms of costs, both because of the lower consumption of energy and also because of the significantly longer life span of the lighting units. The system also provides the opportunity for a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.


4.0    Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1    The proposed additional days of May Day and International Women’s Day have been equality screened in line with the Council’s Equality Scheme and there are no implications arising. Members are asked to note that any further days which are proposed will be subject to equality screening.


5.0    Recommendations


5.1    Members are asked to note the contents of this report and


·               agree if they wish to include the additional two days of May Day and International Women’s Day on the Illuminate schedule.  These days have been equality screened and there are no equality implications arising  


·               note that if this is agreed that May Day is on 6th May and will be the first day that the lighting features will be used as part of the Illuminate project.  This is likely to generate significant media and public interest.   


·               note that the City Hall will be illuminated in orange and purple at Orangefest as agreed by Council on 3rd March


·               are reminded that other events/days may be considered by SP&R Committee as necessary if specific requests are made. As outlined in 5.1 above any further days will also be subject to equality screening.” 



            The Director of Property and Projects reported that, in addition to those additional days set out in the report, there were a number of other days for which requests to use the Illuminate system had been received.  He pointed out that on 27th April the Council would be celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the awarding to Belfast of its Town Charter and the establishment of its Corporation and it had been suggested that the City Hall be lit up in the Council colours on that date.  In addition, a request had been received from Translink to light up the City Hall on a Saturday in May to highlight a fares promotion on the Metro bus system.


            In response to a question from a Member regarding the World Police and Fire Games, the Director of Property and Projects stated that management arrangements for the use of the system which had been approved by the Committee enabled officers to approve those events organised in the City Hall and/or grounds by the Council itself, either directly or in partnership with others, and the aforementioned event fell into that category and therefore the building would be lit during the period it was being held.


            A Member pointed out that, at the Council meeting on 4th March, he had raised the issue of including the Queen’s Official Birthday and Remembrance Day as additional days for inclusion in the Illuminate project and, whilst the proposal to include those days had been lost, one of the Political Parties had indicated that they would wish those days to be equality screened before a decision could be made and therefore he requested that the Committee defer consideration of the additional days to enable that exercise to be undertaken.


            After further discussion, the Committee agreed:


(i)      to include the additional two days of May Day and International Women’s Day on the Illuminate schedule;


(ii)     that the City Hall be lit up in the Council’s corporate colours on 27th April to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Awarding of the Town Charter;


(iii)    to refuse the request from Translink, on the basis that it could be seen as a commercial venture; and


(iv)    that the two days which had been proposed at the Council meeting on 4th March, that is, the Queen’s Official Birthday and Remembrance Day, be equality screened and a report thereon be submitted to the Committee in due course.


Supporting documents: