Agenda item


            (Mr. J Mc Grillen, Director of Development, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1      Relevant Background Information


1.1     Members will be aware that BCC through the EU unit has been lobbying for 18 months, to maximise the drawdown of the future NI EU Mainstream Funds for the period 2014-2020.  These funding programmes namely: ERDF, ESF, Peace IV, Interreg V and the Rural Development programme, are currently being designed by the relevant NI Government departments and agencies, and will be open to public consultation during the months of July to September 2013. 


1.2     In preparation for the programme design, and within a very tight timescale, the Department of Finance and Personnel has asked the NI Local Government sector to provide a pipeline of project ideas to help shape their thoughts on what could be devolved for Local Government delivery within the various programmes.  This comes as a result of the BCC lobby and in practice, would mean that a notional allocation of the NI EU Funds would be set for Councils. To draw this down, they would then have to develop strategic integrated plans in partnership with stakeholders and within the new Local Government Reform boundaries. 


1.3     To this end, DFP has set a deadline of 30th June 2013 for all councils (hopefully in their post Local Government Reform clusters) to submit project pipelines of indicative activities based on need and results.


2       Key Issues


2.1     On 30 May 2013, the EU unit held a senior officers ‘project brainstorming workshop to generate BCC project ideas and align these to the future NI EU funding criteria.  The workshop provided a contextual overview of Belfast’s economic challenges, and highlighted real need around addressing employability and skills challenges in the city going forward.  The workshop also covered all EU funding opportunities for council within the forthcoming NI EU programmes named above, as well as the Big Lottery and Heritage Lottery Fund. Indeed it was felt at the workshop that a separate ideas workshop should be facilitated by Programme Managers to focus solely on these two non-EU funds.


2.2     A table circulated for the information of the Members with this report sets out the entire range of project ideas aligned to the EU criteria.   Members are asked to note the pipeline ideas as a flavour of what could be Eu funded to support Belfast City Council’s priorities.


2.3     A summary of these ideas is set out below, showing the link to BCC priorities as outlined in the Masterplan, and the European criteria. There are obviously other BCC priorities such as antipoverty and connected city which can be factored into this, but for simplicity sake the table aligns to the Masterplan in the first instance.


         It is important to note that the new European programmes are written around 11 thematic areas, but NI as a region will only be eligible for activities funded under the themes outlined below:



EU Thematic Objectives

BCC Priority/ Master Plan

Project Ideas




Theme 1

Learning City


Research and Innovation



- North Foreshore Green Business Park

 development and Questor Innovation centre

-Springvale Innovation Centre  Revenue support



- Connected health Innovation


Theme 3




Competitiveness of SMEs


Learning City     & Digital City

-- Development of vacant, city centre , community

   and arterial  Routes    Properties ( Sustainable

  Urban  Development)

- Colin Town Centre   Regeneration (Sustainable

  urban  development)



- Gaeltacht Quarter development (sustainable

  urban development)

  Sirocco works development (sustainable urban


  Commercialisation of arts via Business Arts




- Business support programmes for micro

  businesses to improve  their competitiveness

  and productivity

- Programmes to support creative industries

  start up and grow

-Business infrastructure/workspace

- improvement to support business start

 -up e.g. old Grove site, , Market’s Tunnels,

- Neighbourhood markets



- Development of Crumlin Road

  Goal (Sustainable urban Development)



- Export market programmes

  Utilising graduates for business growth



- Creation of small business park  Visteon site   



- Creation of a design Institute



- Creation of world renowned                



  animation centre of excellence



- Create neighbourhood market



  places and cottage industry   



  start up



  Develop market tunnels



- Coordination of business start up and growth

  support for new and   



  existing SMEs



- Delivery of transferred INI



   business support programmes



- Schools enterprise programme



- Support the establishment of high growth start


Theme 4




Shift towards a low carbon Economy



Low Carbon City   & Accessible  Connected City

-Strategic Citywide  Energy Management

  Partnership in the City

- Investigation of District heating – implementation

  at NFS

-Investigation of geo-thermal for heat (Leisure and

  Community Centres)

-Construction of cycle paths cross linking parks

  and neighbourhoods

-Establishment of low carbon business cluster

  twinned with Dublin and Dundalk

-Extension of electric vehicle infrastructure and

  Fleet,  including charging points and BCC’s estate

-Investigation of renewal energy powered leisure


-Green/low carbon procurement programmes

-Energy efficiency awareness programmes

-Extensive retrofit programme for BCC property

  to an advanced low carbon standard

- Sustainable urban drainage programme across

  all council sites

-Water management via hydro schemes

  Investigation of underground Aquifers for potential

  water extraction for leisure



-Brownfield site programme ( sustainable urban





Theme 6



Environmental Protection and Resource Efficiency

Low Carbon Copy

- Extension of Bike hire scheme to city



(Rural Development Programme via DARD)


- 3D model for city planning

- Lagan Canal development



- Belfast Hills Development



- Titanic bridge Construction



-ARC 21 Waste Management programme



- City wide Greenways linked



  To integrated travel plans




Theme 8



Employment and Supporting Labour Mobility

(ESF via DEL)

 Learning City

-Delivering Social Change Project targeting training

 And employability for target groups – NEETS

-Training and employability programmes around

 Sport, horticulture and post film production




Theme 9



Solid Inclusion and combating Poverty

(ESF via DEL and theme for PEACE IV programme)

Inclusive City- people/ Communities

- Peace walls capital programme

-Fuel and food poverty programmes

-Whiterock and Castlereagh community hubs


-City wide poverty and social exclusion programme

-Retrofit of social housing to low carbon standard

-Installation of smart meters

 -Co Operative purchasing of fuel

-Facilitate collective switching for communities

-Community owned energy generation

 e.g. hydro scheme in Ligoniel

-Social enterprises, food banks, GIY, Community

  food production and gardening to reduce food




-lending at community level and community

  Purchasing power

-advice services on debt management etc



- Sport, health and wellbeing Programmes as

  Part of an integrated plan to tackle poverty across the city



- Create an urban sports academy

Theme 10




Education Skills and Lifelong Learning

(ESF via DEL)

Learning City

- Harte II Programme & roll out to other growth



         The BCC project pipeline will be submitted to DFP by the 30th June deadline and also to NILGA who is collating an overall NI Local Government pipeline response for DFP.  They will share this with all councils at a workshop on 24th June (10am-12pm) in NILGA offices.


         Members should note that this pipeline exercise is not a final opportunity for councils to shape the future funds.  DFP are seeking the pipeline primarily for guidance on Local Government thoughts and capacity for delivery.  During July, DFP will issue guidance and ask Local Authorities to develop integrated plans of EU spend activity for the interim period of 2014-2016. It is important that this is done in partnership with city stakeholders and surrounding councils.


         This will then be followed by another opportunity to submit second plans in line with Community Planning for the remaining period of the EU Programmes 2016-2020.  


2.5     Peace IV capital proposal


         In relation to Peace IV Programme, SEUPB has issued a request for projects of regional importance/critical mass, in order that these projects can be written into its draft operational programme.  The projects must be iconic and transformational in nature and there will be a focus on deprived communities, particularly economically excluded young people.


         Critically, SEUPB expect any submission to focus on a single detailed project, in order that the Council is not competing against itself.  It is important therefore that any single preferred Peace IV bid from the Council is seen in the context of other EU funding streams and associated Council proposals, demonstrating balanced investment across the city. 


         Project Identification


         SEUPB has requested that the Council submits its proposed project/s by the end of June, for the purposes of the public consultation document.  They would expect the full detail of the proposal e.g economic appraisals, designs by September.


         SEUPB has now confirmed that ‘Social inclusion and combating poverty’ will be the thematic objective under which the Peace IV programme sits.  This will be a key assessment criterion (30%) and any proposals put forward must fit strongly under this objective.


         It is suggested, for Committee’s decision, that there is a short-list of 2 projects that merit consideration:


a.      North Belfast gateway: to include the renovation of Crumlin Road Courthouse as a shared history Belfast Story museum, built heritage centre and destination point for the North Belfast cultural corridor; and the development of Crumlin Road Gaol as an iconic cultural industries space in one of 2 vacant wings, in partnership with Arts Council and OFMDFM.  This would be in the context of a DSD masterplan for the cultural corridor, as well as the Council’s own masterplan.  Could potentially include an outdoor event/performance space in an old prison yard.  The Courthouse development would have to be in partnership with DSD, who have recently completed an options appraisal for the Courthouse.  Both of these iconic projects would consolidate and extend the regeneration impact of the University of Ulster further into North Belfast and there is potential for partnership with the University too.  The key risk here is that significant work would need to be undertaken immediately to ensure that it meets SEUPB’s full information requirements by September, as well as addressing the ownership of the Courthouse; 


b.            Interfaces regeneration programme to include a range of physical development projects aimed at the removal of barriers in city and the re-vitalisation of derelict land at the interface.  This has a clear fit with SEUPB’s aspiration regarding the removal of walls, as well as recently announced OFMDFM strategy, who would be an obvious partner for this proposal.  Work is ongoing through the BCC Peace III programme and the International Fund for Ireland programme to develop local area plans which will come to full fruition in 2 years time.  There is a strong likelihood that this could be a foundation piece for the Council-led local plan for Peace IV.  The key risk therefore is whether here sufficient detail to meet SEUPB’s information requirements by September and whether a scattered number of projects would constitute sufficient ‘critical mass’ for SEUPB.


         Dedicated resources, including consultant/professional services would need to be invested in order to put forward a ‘spade-ready’ proposal by September.


3       Resource Implications


         There are only staff resource implications at this stage to produce the Integrated plan for Belfast by Autumn 2013.  Provision has been made within revenue budgets for any additional professional services that are required to develop a fully scoped project to the Peace IV programme.


4       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


         There are no equality and good relations implications with this work at this stage and any future integrated plan of projects would be subject to equality screening.


5       Recommendations


         ·         Committee is asked to indicate the preferred Council bid to go forward to SEUPB by the end of June, for submission of any outline proposals for inclusion in a draft Operational Programme for the PEACE IV Programme


·               It is recommended that Members note the content of this report as a flavour sample of project ideas that could be funded through EU funds in the next programming round.”


            After discussion in the matter, the Committee agreed that option a, that is, the project in relation to the North Belfast Gateway be forwarded to the Special European Union Programmes Body for submission of any outline proposals for inclusion in a draft Operational Programme for the Peace IV Programme.







Supporting documents: