Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1   Members may recall that a decision was taken by the Committee in December 2013 and ratified at Council in January 2014 to begin the process of obtaining a replacement for the Lord Mayor’s official vehicle.


1.2   It was also agreed at that time to modify and enhance the traditional procurement approach to be used in respect of this procurement exercise as follows:-


1.3    tenders to be sought on the basis of both outright    purchase and leasing; and

         tenders to be sought for the supply of both a traditional prestigious saloon car and also an SUV-type vehicle.


1.4   This approach will ensure that the Council has a wider choice of vehicle and more pricing options available, and will thus ensure a value-for-money outcome. Vehicle specifications have been prepared by the Fleet Manager for both vehicle types, and the procurement documentation is being finalised at present.


1.5   During consultative discussions it has been suggested that this asset should also have additional features, including a mobile wi-fi capability and in-car entertainment facilities to assist the Lord Mayor in carrying out the functions of the role while in transit.


1.6   The Fleet Manager has therefore developed the necessary specifications in liaison with the Procurement Unit, but it is proposed that these additional features be sought only as optional extras and priced separately, rather than be included as part of the basic specification. The Council would not therefore be committed to incurring the costs associated with these additional features if these are felt to be prohibitive or inappropriate.


1.7   In the context of this procurement exercise it would also be the intention to dispose of the existing Peugeot car currently used as a back-up vehicle, and to retain the existing BMW in service as the back-up car for such further period as is deemed feasible and appropriate by the Fleet Manager before disposing of it.


2       Key Issues


2.1   It is the intention to proceed with the relevant procurement exercise as soon as possible, subject to the Committee noting and endorsing the proposed approach as set out above.


3       Resource Implications


3.1   The acquisition of a high-specification car for the Lord Mayor’s official use will normally involve a significant capital outlay in the order of £70,000 for outright purchase (depending on the specification adopted). The costs associated with leasing have not yet been assessed, but the tender submissions will be evaluated on a whole-life cost basis in order to ensure that the most economically advantageous financial option is chosen.


3.2   Provision has been made in the capital expenditure budgets for this procurement.


4       Equality and Good Relations Screening


4.1   There are no direct equality or good relations implications arising from this report.


5       Recommendations


5.1   It is recommended that the Committee:-


a)  notes and endorses the replacement of the Lord Mayor’s official vehicle on the basis set out above; and

b)  grants approval under the subsisting Scheme of Delegation for the evaluation and acceptance of tenders to be delegated to the Director of Property and Projects.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations, subject to the following:


(1)     that the current Lord Mayor’s car was not retained as the Lord Mayor’s backup vehicle;


(2)     that the tender for the lease/purchase include all three of the civic vehicles;


(3)     that the options in relation to the replacement of the vehicles include the possibility of purchasing/leasing second hand vehicles; and


(4)     that officers investigate the possibility of a business/company sponsoring the replacement of the Lord Mayor’s vehicle.


Supporting documents: