Agenda item


            It was reported that correspondence had been received from various statutory bodies, agencies and other organisations in respect of the undernoted:


            Notification from the Roads Service of:


·           the proposed changes to waiting restrictions on the Crumlin Road;


·           the proposed extension to existing waiting restrictions on the Serpentine Road;


·           the Statutory Rule and associated map for the Brucevale Park, Belfast (Stopping-Up) Order (Northern Ireland) 2013;


·           the Statutory Rule and associated map in relation to the abandonment of the public rights of way at Frederick Street, Belfast (Footpath) (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2013;


·           the proposed abandonment at 77 Galwally Avenue;


·           the consideration of waiting restrictions on Musgrave Road; and


·           the proposed introduction of limited waiting on Nelson Street between the M3 off-slip and Little Patrick Street.


            Notification from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive of the confirmation of the Extinguishment of Public Right of Way Order Number 1, 2012 at Belfast, Lawther Court.


            Copies of the correspondence in relation to the above-mentioned matters were made available at the meeting for the information of the Members.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.


Supporting documents: