Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 7th March, it had agreed to receive from representatives of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive a presentation in respect of its District Housing Plan and Local Housing Strategy 2013/2014.  Accordingly, Dr. J. McPeake, Chief Executive, Mr. S. Graham, Regional Manager, Mr. R. Hawe, Belfast Regional Planner, Ms. S. Beattie, West Belfast Area Manager, Ms. C. Johnston, South and East Belfast Area Manager, Mr. M. McKinney, North Belfast Area Manager and Mrs. A. Smyth, Information Officer, were welcomed to the meeting by the Chairman.


            Dr. McPeake acknowledged the changing circumstances which the Housing Executive was undergoing and he stressed the importance of district offices and the ongoing need for social housing in the future.  He reminded the Committee of the Department for Social Development’s proposals for the reform of social housing which included the restructuring of the Housing Executive and he emphasised the commitment of the organisation to work with the Department on the development of the new structure.  He advised the Committee that, in line with the proposed separation of functions which were specified in the Fundamental Review document, the Housing Executive had set out the local housing strategy by regional housing services and landlord services against its corporate objectives. 


            Mr. Graham updated the Committee in respect of the Housing Executive’s performance for the 2012/2013 year and its proposals for 2013/2014.  The projected investment within Belfast in 2013/2014 was £53.83m, excluding investment in new build and the Warm Homes Scheme. He reported that the housing need assessment for 2012/2017 had identified a requirement for 5,586 additional units within Belfast.  Whilst 409 social housing new build properties had been completed in 2012/2013, the demand for that tenure had exceeded supply.  Waiting lists had continued to increase, with the most significant increase being in relation to single applicants.  Mr. Graham stated that, as at March, 2013, there were 10,534 applications on the housing waiting list, which represented an increase of 1,724 four from the previous year.  Six thousand one hundred and forty six had been in housing stress and 5,327 households in Belfast had presented as homeless.  


            Mr. Graham provided an update in relation to planned maintenance and community initiatives, urban renewal areas and estate strategies and future initiatives in respect of housing led and smaller scale regeneration.  He gave an outline of the social housing development programme schemes which had been completed, or commenced during the year, together with an update in relation to the new build schemes gross programme for 2013/2014.  He explained the procedure which had been put in place for meeting the demand for social housing, including the arrangements with the private sector.


            Mr. Graham concluded by welcoming the continued assistance of the Council in relation to District Policing and Community Safety Partnership working, student housing and youth engagement and he thanked the Elected Members and officers for the support which had been forthcoming during the year.   


            Dr. McPeake and the other members of the deputation then answered a range of questions from the Members in respect of the following:


·         the number of firms which had been carrying out maintenance work for the Housing Executive and which had gone into liquidation and the possible reasons therefore;


·         the process and timescale for the payment of invoices to firms for maintenance and reactive contracts;


·         the replacement of economy seven heating systems;


·         the new build scheme for the Lower Shankill area and the relationship of those to the regeneration plan for that area;


·         the review of the housing selection scheme and the allocation of houses to residents from within localities;


·         an estimated commencement date for the double glazing replacement, phase two in the Lower Woodstock area;


·         the boiler replacement scheme and the possibility of uploading application packs onto the website to allow for ease of submission;


·         the urban renewal of the Limestone Road/New Lodge Road areas and the resultant impact on the rehousing of residents currently located within those areas; and


·         the timescale for the completion and the execution of emergency and maintenance repairs during the period of absence of the contractor who had gone into liquidation.


            After discussion, the Chairman thanked the deputation for their presentation and the Committee noted the information which had been provided.


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