Agenda item

- Fold Housing Group


- Finaghy Road North/Black’s Road Residents


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 6th March, it had agreed to receive deputations from the Fold Housing Association and from the Finaghy Road North/Black’s Road Residents in connection with the demolition of the existing buildings and the proposed mixed-use development, comprising of 244 social and private affordable residential units, with access from the Black’s Road, including associated public open space/linear park; community centre and class B business units, together with parking and access from the Finaghy Road North, at the above-mentioned location.  It was reported that Mr. J. McLean, Chief Executive Officer, Ms. E. Patterson, Director of Housing and Ms. L. Magill, Development Manager of the Fold Housing Association were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Mr. McLean provided an overview of the background to the Fold Housing Association and outlined examples of family housing provision by that organisation within the City.  He explained the extent of the development proposal and gave a comparison between the original application, which had received planning approval in September, 2009, and the Fold Housing Association’s proposed scheme, which was under consideration currently and would lead to reduced density and increased open space at the site.  Mr. McLean proceeded to outline the employment and future investment opportunities, together with the potential for residential use within the proposed development and he summarised the consultation activities which had taken place to date. 


            Mr. McLean answered a range of Members’ questions in relation to the decontamination of the site, the economic balance of the proposal and the percentage of proposed social as opposed to private housing provision. 


            The Chairman thanked the representatives from the Fold Housing Association and they then retired from the meeting. 


            It was reported that Mr. P. Crossan, Mr. R. Rodgers, Mr. C. Duffy, Ms. B. Early and Ms. B. Devlin, representing the Finaghy Road North/Black’s Road Residents, were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Mr. Crossan outlined the objections and concerns of the Residents in terms of the proposed permanent loss of the site for economic development; access and transport issues; the layout, siting, design and external appearance of the proposal; and the potential impact on the neighbourhood and the environment.  He provided supporting documentation in relation to the Regional Development Strategy 2035; the Draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015; clarification of Planning Policy Statement 4 in terms of the retention of zoned land and economic development uses; the planning history on the site and Planning Policy Statement 12 in relation to housing in settlements.  Mr. Crossan referred also to the response to a question which was put recently to the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment in terms of the reluctance to lose land which was being used, or was last used, for industry to non-industrial use.


            The Chairman thanked the representatives of the Finaghy Road North/Black’s Road Residents and they then left the meeting. 


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.