Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report in conjunction with a summary of the updated City narrative and propositions:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To update elected members on progress on the place positioning process; to seek members’ approval to market test the draft city narrative and to proceed to implementation with city stakeholders.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to agree to testing further the refined city’s narrative/proposition with key stakeholders and within key target markets and to officers working with stakeholders to agree a joint implementation plan from 2016/17 onwards.


3.0       Main report


3.1      Key Issues


            Members previously considered a paper entitled ‘International Marketing Framework for Belfast’ and approved the following for development;


-       The development of a city narrative / proposition.

-       A refresh of the city positioning ensuring it reflects the city’s ambitions, its values and narrative, which is collectively owned by the city’s stakeholders.

-       Agreed target audiences, product development priorities and marketing initiatives to be outlined in an implementation plan.

-       Suggested delivery structures.


3.2       It is crucial to note that this work is not about a brand or a strap line, but rather a unique city proposition that stakeholders and the council will use to support the ambition for the city, improve standards and behaviours, support growth in the local economy and increase civic pride. This work will impact on how the city works at various levels.  For  example, it will


·        Provide a citywide strategic framework influencing the approaches of key partner organisations, including the education sector, investment agencies, the tourism and cultural sector, social enterprise, public agencies, our arms length companies and businesses.

·        At a council level it will influence our decision making and shape how we approach communications and marketing, economic development, events, funding and our internal change programme.   It will support the delivery of the Belfast Agenda and key elements of that including the Employability and Skills Strategy, the Integrated Tourism Strategy, Cultural Framework, Belfast City Centre Regeneration and Investment Strategy, the Events Framework and the Waterfront transformation process.

·        It will inform how the city is promoted and marketed to investors, students, tourists and businesses/employers. A coherent proposition will enable the demonstration of momentum under one city banner, for example through branding all development sites across the city, the type of events we host, how we launch new initiatives/ developments and how we report on growth in tourism, investment etc.


3.3       Clearly, this narrative/proposition is for the city as a whole and not for the council per se -  it must  therefore work for other stakeholders like Invest NI, the private sector, tourism, culture and arts, creative industries and education etc.


3.4       During 2015, extensive consultation was undertaken including:


·        50 one- to -one meetings with key City stakeholders.

·        Four sectoral focus groups.

·        Two workshops with over 100 selected people.


3.5       The work was overseen by a steering group representing higher and third level education, investment agencies, tourism and hospitality bodies, creative and arts sectors, media and transport including both airports. The general view expressed was the proposition needs to be authentic, unique (with some ‘grit’ or edginess and youthfulness) and must be ambitious, demonstrating that Belfast is forward looking and ready to be reborn.


3.6       At an elected member workshop on the 4th December 2015, two draft narratives were considered.  Following members’ feedback the proposition has been refined and will be presented at this meeting for further consideration. 


3.7       The next steps in the process will require further engagement with city stakeholders and within key markets to test the concepts that have been developed further.


3.8       Implementation


            The most important aspect of this proposition is how it is used and implemented to drive the agreed outcomes for the city. An implementation plan outlining how this will be rolled out from 2016/17 onwards will therefore be developed.


3.9       A significant part of this work will involve working with other city stakeholders to ensure the narrative is applied across all relevant city initiatives and projects in relation to:


·        Promoting and championing Belfast

·        Relationship management

·        Influencing stakeholders

·        Delivering city priorities

·        Reflecting the city’s culture


3.10     Priorities for delivery in 2016/17

            Some priorities for ensuring the proposition is used and embedded in city activities during 2016/17 may include the following (which will need to be considered further with city stakeholders);


·        Belfast on the Road events in target cities e.g. China in May

·        Corporate brand alignment

·        Property and Investment Events e.g. MIPIM

·        Sector tradeshows

·        Ambassador scheme and recruit ambassadors

·        Corporate communications and city marketing strategies (which may include funding applications, sponsorship and involvement of stakeholders)

·        Building and space design panel guidelines

·        Development of collateral, visual language, photography, the investors portal


3.11     The work will involve building relationships with key stakeholders and seeking to influence projects across the city including, for example:


·        Green space development

·        BBC relocation

·        UU relocation

·        Events strategy

·        Hotels and offices strategy

·        Signage schemes

·        Public realm

·        Consistent marketing messaging

·        Transport hub & Rapid Transit system

·        Investment messaging


3.12     Financial & Resource Implications


            The financial implications for this activity are contained within the revenue estimates being presented to the SP&R Committee on Friday 22nd January 2016.


3.13     Currently key pieces of work are underway across the organisation including a cross council team working on an investment portal and specific teams taking forward various strands (such as the City Centre Development and Investment Strategy, MIPM, tourism, culture and arts, economic development, capital projects, events, planning, international relations and employability and skills etc) but effective coordination of this work across the organisation along with support to  external partnerships will be key to facilitating effective city positioning. A co-ordination and support role will therefore need to be performed from the centre of the organisation.


            Equality or Good Relations Implications


            There are no known equality issues at this time.


            The CX circulated a presentation of the key aspects of the narrative and the main marketing themes for investors, foreign students and tourists.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: