Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that the Shadow Council at its inaugural meeting on 11th June had agreed to select a traditional committee form of governance which would be made up of 4 standing Committees of 20 members each.  The Shadow Council had approved also the draft Corporate Plan for the shadow period which included proposed Terms of Reference for each of the 4 standing committees.


            The Members were advised that the role of the Shadow Council was principally to prepare the organisation to assume its full powers and functions in the extended boundary area on 1st April, 2015.  The Shadow Strategic Policy and Resources Committee would therefore take the lead role in putting in place the relevant structures and resources for the new council.  That would include the development of:


·   new decision making structures, including new political management arrangements and supporting organisational development and design;

·   a new corporate plan setting out the vision and priorities for the Council for the next number of years, taking account of the Council’s emerging role in the development and implementation of the Community Plan; and

·   the setting of the budget for the new council, including revenue estimates, the medium-term financial plan, the Capital Programme and the striking of the district rate.


            The Committee would oversee also a programme of Member and officer capacity building and be required to respond to any relevant emerging legislation and guidance.  It was envisaged that, as the year progressed, the work of the Committee would be intense, particularly as it approached the rate setting deadline in the new year up until the new Council took effect on 1st April, 2015.  At this time the recommendation was that the Committee should meet once a month but that might have to be reviewed later in the year.  Also, since specific pieces of work emerged, it might be necessary to establish one or two short-term Working Groups.  Further reports on that would be brought to the Committee as necessary.


            Accordingly, the Committee was requested to approve the undernoted draft Terms of Reference for the Shadow Strategic Policy and Resources Committee:


Appendix 1


Terms of Reference for Shadow Strategic Policy and

Resources Committee




The Shadow Strategic Policy & Resources Committee will take decisions or make recommendations in relation to budgets, post 2015 governance arrangements, organisational development and design, corporate planning and performance processes.




The Shadow Strategic Policy and Resources Committee shall be responsible to the Council for the matters described below:-


·        Commence organisation development and design work including new temporary and future organisational structures.

·        Identify and design the preferred governance model for the new council (including the number, size and role of committees and area working groups, a method for filling positions of responsibility and the allocation of Special Responsibility Allowance).

·        Develop governance frameworks (including the Standing Orders, Scheme of Delegation and the Constitution).

·        Develop process for dealing with current and future contracts

·        Consider initial service budget estimates.

·        Submit Equality Scheme to Equality Commission

·        Develop a corporate and business plan for the new Council.

·        Agree budget for the new council and strike the rate for 2015-16.

·        Agree a medium term financial plan and capital programme for the new Council.

·        Prepare for the performance management of transferring functions (to include planning, regeneration, and service standards) and to take account of future community planning needs.

·        Agree branding and signage for the new Council.

·        Appoint staff as appropriate.

·        Build member and officer capacity in preparation for new functions

·       Commence the winding up process of the existing Council.




The Terms of Reference will be reviewed periodically throughout the shadow period and updated as and when required.


            The Committee approved the Terms of Reference.


Supporting documents: