Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Purpose of Report


1.1    To introduce for Members the process for developing the Corporate Plan which will guide the work of the new Council from April 2015 onwards.


2       Relevant Background Information


2.1    As set out in the Committee’s terms of reference, a key task for the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee in the shadow year is to develop the corporate plan for the new Council.


The corporate plan is an important document for the new Council, as it sets out:

·        Members’ vision for the city and the organisation in the context of the emerging community plan for Belfast;

·        How we will deliver new functions and in new areas;

·        The priorities Members wish to see delivered during the Council term;

·        The ways in which Committees and departments will work together and with partners to deliver on these priorities;

·        The way the resources of the organisation in terms of money, people and assets, will be aligned to ensure delivery;

·        The measures that Members will use to manage the performance of the organisation and ensure and monitor improvement

·        How the council will deliver significant governance and organisational change (a separate report on the Committee’s agenda deals with this issue).


         Over the coming year, it will be important that Members are given the time and information that they need to lead the development of the new corporate plan in an evidence-based way and within the affordability limits established through the rate setting process. 


3       Key Issues


3.1    Setting and managing Council priorities – the planning framework


         The corporate plan is one of a number of strategic plans which Members will use to manage the new Council and the city. 


         At a city wide level Members will be leading the development of a strategic or community plan for Belfast, this will set out long-term objectives and priorities for the city and will be developed in partnership with other statutory bodies, communities and other stakeholders.  Amongst other things, the corporate plan will set out ways in which the Council will contribute to these city priorities.


         Within the organisation, the corporate plan sits along-side the Council’s financial management plans and strategies which show the ways in which financial resources will be used to deliver on Members priorities.


         The Council’s organisational development strategy, outlines the ways in which the capacity of the organisation will be developed in order to deliver on the priorities in the plan.


         Over the next year, Members will also decide on the way in which they wish to see services, departments and committees plan to deliver on the priorities in the corporate plan and how progress will be measured.  This may include area-based plans.


         A diagram setting out an illustrative example of how the different plans of the organisation may come together in 2015 is attached at Appendix 1.  Over the next year we will work with Members to refine this approach, in line with Members’ direction, the emerging processes for developing the community plan and the local development plan and guidance from the DoE on monitoring and reporting of performance information.


         The corporate planning process


         The corporate planning process will have two key elements; firstly, an outward city-wide focus, with an emphasis on the issues facing the city as well as it’s strengths and opportunities.  The new corporate plan needs to reflect and give expression to the new place-shaping role that the Council will have as the planning and regeneration authority in 2015.  It also needs to reflect the Council’s role in improving quality of life through efficient and effective service delivery and providing civic leadership to issues requiring partnership approaches.


         Secondly, the corporate plan has an organisational focus, ensuring that all parts of the Council are working towards the delivery of Members priorities for the city and that the organisation has the right capacity, design, and resources to deliver.


         To support Members in developing the plan, a number of steps will be taken, these include:


         The city-wide context


·        A survey of residents of the new Council area, as well as other stakeholder engagement, to help inform priority setting, this will also support development of the community plan;

·        A city ‘base-line’ report will developed to provide an understanding of the socio-economic context in which the new Council will operate, including new areas;

·        An analysis of the plans and strategies affecting the city and the work of the Council to consider how these might impact on the future work of the Council.


         The organisational context


·        Work is underway to understand the impact of the transfer of functions and to plan for the delivery of services to people across the new council area.  As the results of this work are brought to Members it will shape the development of the new corporate plan and the standards of service included within it;

·        A review of the current corporate plan and Investment Programme will be carried out to assess the progress made  so that this can inform future priority setting;

·        Organisational analysis to assess the ability of the Council to deliver on future priorities and the steps required to make the organisation fit for purpose – the organisation development strategy;

·        Engagement with employees will be important in ensuring priorities are informed by the experience of delivery.


         The financial context


·        The corporate planning process is closely linked to the rate-setting process, as the plan must be set within clear affordability limits. It will also reflect the Council’s approach to efficiency and ensuring value for money for rate-payers.  The plan will also reflect the decisions Members make about the capital programme and will, on an on-going basis help shape and inform investment decisions for the new Council.


·        In the weeks ahead, officers will work with Members, of the new Council, to determine how best Members can be supported in developing the corporate plan.


4       First steps


4.1    It is proposed that a specific corporate planning workshop for Members is held in September/October in line with the timetable for financial planning for the new Council.


         In preparation for this officers will continue to gather evidence, as outlined above, and will engage with Members in order to determine emerging priorities for the new Council. 


         It is proposed that, as in previous years, where necessary, external expertise is procured in order to develop the base-line data required and for independent facilitation to support Members in developing the plan.


5       Resource Implications


         Resource implications have been included within the budgets set for 2014/15.



6       Equality and Good Relations Implications


         The Corporate Plan will be developed in line with the Council’s commitment to equality and good relations.


7       Recommendations


         Members are asked to note the process for developing the corporate plan for the new Council, post -2015;


         Members are asked to agree to the retention of expert analysis and facilitation to support this process in line with provision made in budgetary estimates for this purpose.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: