Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report, together with the associated documents which had been published on the Council’s website:



“1.0     Relevant Background Information




The Preferred Options Paper (POP) provides the basis for consulting with the public and stakeholders on a series of options for dealing with key issues in the plan area. It aims to stimulate public comment and help interested parties to become involved in a more meaningful way at this earliest stage of plan preparation.


1.2Public and stakeholder participation as part of the preparation of the preferred options paper is regarded as crucial, particularly in identifying relevant local issues which need to be considered from the outset of plan preparation. Effective community and stakeholder engagement also strengthens the evidence base for plans and strategies which in turn, is used to inform the preparation and help justify the ‘soundness’ of the local development plan.


1.3Analysis of the emerging evidence will provide the basis to develop a distinctive vision and objectives which need to be addressed by the plan.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       Members are asked to:-


·        Approve the Vision and Objectives Summary Document (copy available on the Council’s website).


3.0       Main Report


3.1       A series of workshops for members and two rounds of party briefings were carried out as part of the preparation leading up to the Preferred Options Paper.


3.2       Council must prepare a POP to inform interested parties and individuals on the matters that may have a direct effect on the plan area and to set out possible options for development as well as a council’s preferred option. The purpose of the POP is to set out:


-       a series of options for dealing with key issues in the plan area;

-       evidence to appraise the different issues and options; and

-       a council’s preferred options and its justification.


3.3       The appended Vision and Objectives summary document has been developed from the consideration of the evidence base and the emerging work in the Community Plan.  The Vision and Objectives provide a structure for the consideration of the preferred options that will be brought to Committee in October. 


3.4       As the preparation of the POP involves formulating options for growth and deciding on a preferred option, it is not necessary at this stage to request or gather detailed information on smaller individual sites. The receipt of more detailed information from consultees as well as research and survey information can be carried out in stages in line with the level of detail required for each plan document being prepared.


3.5       Options at the POP stage should concentrate on key plan issues which are capable of implementation and represent a range of different approaches within the realm of the plan.


3.6       As the POP will influence the preparation of the Plan Strategy and Local

            Policies Plan, the options and alternatives contained in the POP, should focus on how the Plan Strategy or Local Policies Plan will implement the strategic vision and objectives whilst taking account of the regional planning framework provided by the Regional Development Strategy (RDS) 2035, prevailing planning policy and any other policy and advice issued by the Department. Council must also consider other information such as the Community Plan and any other local strategies in order to ensure that the subsequent LDP is locally distinctive and as comprehensive as possible to facilitate an integrated and coordinated approach to the planning and development of the area.


3.7       The options considered should be realistic and deliverable. Therefore, in some cases there may only be one reasonable option available. Under these circumstances, the alternative would be to consider the scenario without the implementation of the plan i.e. ‘do nothing’ option. If a council considers that there are no alternative options available, then this should be explained and justified.


3.8       The POP will set out a council’s vision and overall objectives, a series of options for dealing with key issues in the plan area and Council’s preferred options and justification for choosing them. The options considered should be set within the regional and prevailing planning policy as well as other relevant regional and local plans and strategies including the Belfast Agenda.


3.9       The publication of the Preferred Options Paper will trigger the beginning of the formal engagement process and with it a myriad of communication-related actions across a range of media and should also be undertaken in accordance with the requirements set out in a council’s agreed SCI and Timetable for the LDP. In line with our Statement of Community Consultation the council must make the POP available for public consultation for a period of 12 weeks.


3.10     As the POP aims to stimulate public comment and views that will inform the content of the LDP, it is important that all those who may wish to comment on the POP are made aware that they have an opportunity to do so. Before a council prepares and submits its development plan document to the Department, it must publicise its POP and make it available for public consultation.


4.0       Finance and Resource Implications


4.1       This is a new element of work for the Planning and Place Department and the impact of the additional workload will be kept under review


5.0       Equality or Good Relations Implications


5.1       The ongoing work has been developed in line with the Council’s Equality and Good Relations frameworks and policies.”


            The Committee noted the content of the report and approved the Vision and Objectives Summary Document as set out in Appendix 1 of the report (copy available on the Council’s website).


Supporting documents: