Agenda item


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee had, at its meeting on 17th October, considered reports in respect of an Area Working Update and the Capital Programme and had agreed the following:


            Area Working Update


            The Committee had noted the contents of the report and considered a proposal which had been put forward by the South Belfast Area Working Group that the 50% match funding requirement for Belfast Investment Fund projects be reviewed.  It was agreed that that could be reviewed on an interim basis while the outcome of the Regeneration and Housing Bill was awaited, the status of Department for Social Development funding for projects was confirmed and as the emerging Community and Area Planning framework became clearer. 


            Capital Programme


            The Committee was advised that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee had agreed the following:


·        Proposed Movements – Capital Programme: Roselawn Section Z2-Z4, that the proposed Roselawn project be progressed from Stage 2 – Uncommitted to Stage 3 – Committed and that the project be advanced to the invitation of tenders, to be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tenders received with a full commitment to deliver.  The Committee had noted that the Director of Finance and Resources had recommended that £1.55 million be the maximum amount made available for the project.


·        Project Updates: Waterfront Exhibition and Conference facility – Venue Management System (IT system): to the procurement of a new integrated Venue Event Management System for the Belfast Waterfront Hall and that the project be advanced to the invitation of tenders, to be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tenders received and with a full commitment to deliver.  The Committee had noted that the cost for the project would be covered by the £450,000 which had been agreed by the Committee in August for ICT projects related to the Waterfront Hall.


·        EU Projects Update – Giant’s Park Environmental Resource Park – noted that a Letter of Offer for up to £6 million of European Regional Development Fund funding, managed via Invest NI, had been received for that project and that, in accordance with the Letter of Offer, the official title for the project was now the Giant’s Park Environmental Resource Park, to which the Council was contributing £2 million.


·        Multi-use Games Area Programme – noted the update on the Multi-use Games Area Programme and agreed with proposed refurbishments to the areas at Dr. Pitt Park, Springfield Park, Canmore Street, Stewart Street and North Queen Street as part of Phase 2a of the Programme.  Approval was also granted to initiate the necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate “framework” arrangements) with contracts awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tenders received, with a full commitment to deliver.  The Committee had noted that a maximum budget of £400,000 had been agreed for those refurbishments which would be funded out of non-recurrent underspend.  The refurbishments would be due to be completed by March, 2015.


            The Committee endorsed the decisions of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


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