Agenda item


            The Committee was advised that a consultation request had been received by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) for the proposed application to vary conditions 2-4, 6, 8-13, 14-18, 21-22, 25, 27, 29, 30-31, 33 of planning permission Z/2010/1532/F for the demolition, redevelopment and part change of use of existing buildings to create mixed use development known as Royal Exchange. It was reported that this comprised of retail, offices, café/bar use, apartments, car parking, cultural/arts centre, hotel and associated access and circulation and public realm works, including restoration, alteration and the extension of listed buildings.


            It was reported that the site was located at lands bounded by 31-101 Royal Avenue, Church Street, William Street, Writers Square, 40 to 16 Donegall Street, 2 Waring Street, 1-21 Bridge Street, 2-18 High Street, 1-27 Lombard Street, 33-55 Rosemary Street, North Street and 2-14 Lower Garfield Street.


            The Development Engagement Manager summarised the draft response to the DfI, in that:

·        the Council welcomed this positive step towards commencing the Royal Exchange Planning Approval in regenerating the northeast quarter of the city in line with the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP) and Belfast City Council’s Regeneration Strategy;

·        it was critical that condition 4 of Z/2010/1532/F should also be amended. As subsequent to any approval of the variations could potentially allow for significant piecemeal demolition of an area which made up 20% of Belfast’s primary retail core as defined in the Local Development Plan. The impact of this could be of significant detriment to a number of listed buildings as well as the City Centre’s historic integrity and the ability to attract long term investment to this area of the city. Belfast City Council would also raise concerns on the implementation of any proposed phasing without the authority retaining some level of control; and

·        condition 4 be amended to ensure through phasing that no demolition or construction works took place until a phasing and implementation programme had been submitted and agreed with the Department and the construction contract was entered into under each phase which had been agreed under condition 4 and that there were assurances and commitment to the construction on the new building(s) to be developed prior to any demolition.


            The Committee agreed that the response, as outlined in Appendix 3 (copy available on the Council’s website), be issued to the Department for Infrastructure’s (DfI) Strategic Planning Division on behalf of the Council, in particular: 


·        Belfast City Council offered no objection in principle to the variation of condition application which would pave the way for the commencement and implementation of planning approval Z/2010/1532/F, however, requested that the DfI gave consideration to a new varied Condition 4, to read:


“No development shall commence on site until a phasing plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Department. No demolition or development within a particular phase shall commence until a valid contract has been agreed for the whole development of that phase in its entirety, in accordance with details that shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Department.”


            The Committee also delegated power to the Director of Planning and Place to resolve any additional issues arising from this consultation and to further respond to the DfI that a Planning Appeal Commission Hearing would not be requested provided that the Notice of Opinion was to grant planning permission, in line with the formal response of the Council.


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