Agenda item


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Shared City Partnership of 13th February and specifically the recommendations as follows:


            Good Relations Action Plan 2017/18


            The decision of the Partnership to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that it approves the Good Relations Action Plan 2017/2017 for submission to the Executive Office (TEO). The Partnership also noted that the Action Plan submission would be subject to alteration and amendment during the assessing and scoring process which would be undertaken by TEO and that the Partnership would be notified of any changes in the final approved Action Plan at a later date.


            Good Relations Grants 2017/18


            The Partnership’s recommendation to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to approve the use of delegated authority for grants administered by the Good Relations Unit and also to issue Letters of Officer to successful applicants at risk if necessary.


            Update on the Mural Transformation Programme


            The decision to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that funding of up to £5,000 be awarded to the following groups:


·        St. Patricks F.C. to erect a mural at 43 Newlodge Road on a wall which was currently used for anti-community and negative political graffiti; and

·        North Belfast Alternatives to support a reimaging project in the Ballysillan Road area that aim to address issues of demarcation in the local community.


            Update on the Bonfire Programme


            The decision of the Partnership to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that the options as outlined in the report be approved for 2017 programme. 


            The Partnership recommended also that the 3 suggested additions be included as follows:


1.     The review panel should be comprised of Members of the Shared City Partnership and include representation from the Independent Members and Elected Members.  It was suggested that the review panel membership would be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and an independent member of the Shared City Partnership.

2.     A process would be created to recognise best practice in cultural programmes and events amongst participating groups; and

3.     A complimentary process would be developed for hard to reach groups that were not currently in a position to sign up to the aims of the programme.  This approach would operate through an expression of interest and would provide an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills particularly among young people.


            The Committee agreed that the three suggested additions agreed at the Partnership be amended as follows:


1.     The review panel should include also an independent assessor, the role of which would be considered in the first instance by the Partnership and subsequently the Committee, and that the review panel would be able to receive additional information from the key statutory agencies;

2.     No change to part two;

3.     That the expression of interest approach be removed from the complimentary process to be developed for hard to reach groups that were not currently in a position to sign up to the aims of the programme; and, in addition to that complementary process, that cultural development engagement be undertaken with the community and youth groups in areas where there is a Bonfire which is not in the scheme.


Supporting documents: