Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       This report is to advise Committee that the Elected Member Development Working Group (EMDWG) ( a task and finish group) has fulfilled its agreed terms of reference  as set out at Appendix One, and has developed and implemented the agreed corresponding projects set out in the member development action plan.


1.2       Committee is asked to agree the elected member development processes, frameworks and 2017-2018 capacity building plan developed by the EMDWG.


2.0       Recommendations


            The Committee is asked to:


2.1       Agree the elected member development processes, frameworks and 2017-2018 capacity building plan developed by the EMDWG.


2.2       Note the EMDWG agreed that Party Leaders or their nominees should attend the first three day modular Belfast Academy programme to help shape the content for delivery to other elected members.


2.3       Note feedback from elected members regarding the need to clarify and communicate the agreed uses of the annual elected member PDP budget allocation to key staff.


2.4       Note that Strategic Policy and Resources Committee will consider elected member development issues going forward including the ongoing review of the capacity building plan.



3.0       Main report


            Key Issues


3.1       Establishment of elected member development working group


            The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its 22 August 2014 meeting agreed, as part of the review of working groups during Local Government Reform, that the Budget and Transformation Panel would deal with elected member capacity building issues during the shadow period and thereafter subject to review.


            Given the remit of the Budget and Transformation Panel, and the corresponding demands on Party Leaders time, the Budget and Transformation Panel agreed in September 2015 that an elected member development working group should be established.


3.2       Task and finish focus


            The EMDWG was established in February 2016 as a task and finish project group.


            The agreed terms of reference are set out at Appendix One and the agreed corresponding member development action plan is set out at Appendix Two. It includes a progress update at March 2017.


3.3       Delivery of member development action plan


            The following agreed projects contained in the action plan have all been successfully completed:


·        bespoke elected member role profiles;

·        a bespoke Knowledge and Skills Framework;

·        a revised personal development planning (PDP) process;

·        a list of independent facilitators to be invited to be included on a call-off list for elected member PDP meeting (optional) facilitation. The procurement exercise is currently underway.

·        a members assistance to study scheme;

·        a capacity building plan developed for 2017-2018. Relevant learning and development evaluation processes will be developed in line with the capacity building plan going forward.


3.4       The EMDWG has also directly inputted to the work to date in the development of a pilot Members Portal. This is a separate project being led by the City Solicitor.


3.5       EMDWG March 2017- Points to note based on Members feedback


            At the March meeting elected members provided feedback regarding the need to clarify the agreed types of development activities which will and will not be supported by the annual PDP budget allocation. In particular they asked for clarity in relation to attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops and best practice visits requested by an individual elected member.  Costs associated with elected members attending conferences, seminars, workshops or best practice visits agreed by a council committee, or members attending events hosted by the council, will not be supported by the PDP budget allocation but will be met from the relevant departmental budget if places for councillors cannot be accommodated by event organisers.  This is set out at Appendix Five. The EMDWG agreed the importance of this being communicated to key staff.


3.6       Financial & Resource Implications


            The costs associated with implementing the 2017-2018 capacity building plan, and costs associated with any independent facilitation of member PDP meetings, will be met from the 2017-2018 organisational development budget. Costs associated with individual member development activities, agreed as part of the PDP process, will be met from member’s individual PDP budget allocation. Costs associated with elected members attending conferences, seminars, workshops or best practice visits agreed by a council committee, or events hosted by the council, will be met from relevant departmental budgets if necessary.


3.7       Equality or Good Relations Implications


            There are no equality or good relations implications.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


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