Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1        This report updates Members on the development and implementation of the £105m leisure assets capital programme. 


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


            Programme level – Planning


·        note that planning was approved by the Planning Committee on Tuesday 11th April for the two new major leisure facilities at Brook and Robinson and the planning application for Andersonstown was submitted at the end of March


            Specific projects


            Members are asked to –




·        note the updates as outlined at  3.4 in respect of the planned pop-up gym facility in part of the main sports hall at Brook and on the basis of the information provided to consider if they wish this to progress.  In considering this Members are asked to note that officers investigated the potential of using space upstairs but that this is not feasible; that discussions have taken place with all affected groups and that all groups/activities can continue to be supported in the remaining part of the Hall or can be re-arranged elsewhere and the Centre can continue to act as an evacuation point if this is required.


            Andersonstown –


·        note the feedback from the additional Stage 2 - consultation exercise which was undertaken prior to the submission of the planning application.

·        note after lengthy discussion Members agreed not to relook at the agreed facilities mix given the implications on the cost, design, planning and programme but requested officers to bring back an options paper to a future meeting which would consider all options available for securing the required additional resources for a moveable floor to be included within the existing proposal including details in respect of discussions with the DfC regarding community benefit monies and the mobilisation budget. Members are asked to note this is currently under development with an update to be brought in due course.

·        note that a mobilisation workshop will be scheduled in advance of May SP&R.


3.0       Main report


            Programme level – Planning


3.1       Planning approval for the redevelopment of the £20m Robinson and the £15m Brook was approved by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 11th April.  This represents a significant step forward for the overall programme with works due to commence on site in the summer.  Planning for Andersonstown was submitted at the end of March following a further round of consultation on the proposed changes to the centre (see 3.7).  Members are asked to note that any changes to the design could have an impact on planning which in term will impact the overall programme


            Project level


            Brook – Pop-up gym facility


3.2       Members have expressed their desire to start construction on the new Andersonstown as soon as possible and subject to a positive planning decision it is envisaged that construction will commence on the new facility in August 2017. As part of the business continuity planning for Andersonstown Members endorsed a proposal in February that a pop up gym facility would be set up in part of the main hall at Brook. It is proposed that this will be a 50station gym and would use the existing equipment from Andersonstown when this closed. The rationale for this was to ensure continuity of provision for existing Andersonstown gym members and also to help attract new members to the centre thereby providing a platform from which to market the new centre prior to its opening in 2019. 


3.3       Since this time a number of concerns have been expressed including the impact on


·        groups who currently use the main hall

·        use of the centre as an Emergency Rest Centre

·        current car parking as the car park is already very busy at peak times


            Members at a special West AWG on the 6th April therefore asked officers to consider these issues and also to check if it was feasible for the area upstairs which is currently used for changing facilities to be used as a gym area.


3.4       Officers have now investigated the concerns raised and Members are asked to note –


·        Feasibility of using the upstairs space as gym space – Officers along with GLL undertook a site visit on 10 April to ascertain the feasibility of using this space rather than the main hall. This space is currently used as changing provision and would require additional works to be undertaken in order to facilitate their use for gym equipment including the removal of internal walls and additional electrical works.  On the basis of the site visit it should be noted that these areas would only accommodate up to ten additional items of gym equipment (vs 50 stations downstairs).  Given the additional works that would be required it is questionable if this would represent value for money.  It would also not represent a quality customer experience. In light of this officers advice is that it is not feasible for the area to be turned into additional gym facilities.

·        Impact on groups currently using the Hall – There are currently a range of groups who have regular bookings in the Hall including a Surestart and a judo club together with some regular activities including ballet/dance and 5-a-side. GLL have met with all potentially affected user groups over the past week. In relation to each affected group the current position is outlined below


-       Judo club – can continue to be accommodated in the remaining space in the main hall.  It should also be noted that the new judo mats in Andersonstown are scheduled to be transferred to Brook which means the Club will no longer have to bring their own mats which the Club have welcomed

-       Surestart – the day to day activities can continue to be accommodated in the remaining space in the main hall. They have highlighted that there are number of larger seasonal events that they deliver including a summer sports day & Christmas celebration event. Officers and GLL are looking at alternative venues for hosting these e.g. other centres or local schools.  Any costs associated with this will be come out of the mobilisation budget

-       Ballet/dance activities – this will require some minor equipment which can be accommodated in the fit out from the mobilisation budget if agreed

-       5-a-side activities and community programme – it has been emphasised that there is still significant community space and the current 5-a-side bookings can be reprogrammed to the 3G pitch outside or to an alternative centre. Again any costs associated with this would be funded through the mobilisation monies.

-       All the groups had queries in relation to wall partitions and safeguarding. These have been addressed through the concept designs and a walkthrough with groups on the site. Members are therefore asked to note that all the groups affected can either continue to be accommodated if the gym proposal is taken forward and/or alternative provision will be secured for them.  Any costs associated with this will be met from the mobilisation budget.


·        Use as an Emergency Rest Centre – Members are asked to note that Brook has been opened once as an Emergency Rest Centre since the Council took it over under LGR. On this occasion there were no attendees to the centre. From an Emergency Planning perspective the Council’s preferred option during emergency responses in the area is the Sally Gardens Community Centre. However the Emergency Planning Team has confirmed that they would still like to have the option of activating Brook if required.  They have been given an overview of the proposals and are content that this still allows for the centre to be used as a fall back option if required. 

·        Car parking – It has been noted that the current car parking at Brook is under pressure at peak times on 3G & grass pitches particularly in the evening and Saturday mornings. Members will be aware that additional car parking is being provided under the plans for the new centre however in the interim it is proposed that the situation is kept under review and if required further options will be brought back to Members in due course.


3.5       In light of the above Members are asked to consider if they wish to proceed with the proposed pop-up gym facility in the Main Hall at Brook




3.6       Members are asked to note that the Planning Service recommended that additional consultation was undertaken in respect of Andersonstown before the submission of the planning application.  This was to reflect the changes to the facilities mix and design following the initial Stage 2 consultation in October which were agreed by Committee in November 2016 (i.e. the exclusion of the sports hall, moveable floor in the pool, geo-dome over the pitch and the BMX track in order to increase in the size of the leisure waters)           


3.7       2 further consultation sessions were therefore undertaken in early March together with an online survey. In total there were over 750 responses to the consultation and the key findings are summarised below –


·        96.5% expressed support for the redevelopment

·        Most popular comments were as follows:

-       Supportive of design and excited about the project (188 responses)

-       Request for a movable floor to be included in the 25m pool (172 responses)


3.8       The exclusion of the movable floor element from the main pool has raised a number of concerns particularly from the local water polo clubs. This was considered at the special meeting of the West AWG on 6th April at which Cathal Brugha Swimming and Water Polo club put forward a case for the consideration of re-instating the moveable floor.


3.9       After lengthy discussion Members agreed not to relook at the agreed facilities mix given the implications on the cost, design, planning and programme but requested officers to bring back an options paper to a future meeting which would consider all options available for securing the required additional resources for a moveable floor to be included within the existing proposal including details in respect of discussions with the DfC regarding community benefit monies and the mobilisation budget. Members are asked to note this is currently under development with an update to be brought in due course.


3.10     Members are also asked to note that a mobilisation workshop on Andersonstown has been scheduled for May. 


3.11     Financial & Resource Implications


            Brook – the ‘pop-up gym’ facility if agreed will be funded out of the mobilisation monies.  Any costs associated with displacement will also be funded from the mobilisation budget


            Andersonstown – note that any changes to the design at this stage could compromise the overall programme and have a significant cost impact. 


3.12     Equality or Good Relations Implications


            There are no direct equality implications.”


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that the decision in relation to a pop up gym facility in part of the main hall at Brook be deferred to enable it to be considered again by the West Area Working Group.


Supporting documents: