Agenda item


The Committee considered the following report:


1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1        To give Members an update on the development of the Council’s City Cemetery Heritage Project.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to


·        Note the update provided


3.0       Main report


3.1       Current Status


            Members will recall that in July 2015 the Council received a development grant of £165,800 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to develop up a Stage 2 application for a project designed to protect and enhance the existing heritage in Belfast City Cemetery. An update on the progress was given to Committee in October 2016 when Members were informed that two professional teams – Conservation Architects and Interpretive Planners had been appointed to assist with the project.  Since this time officers have continued to work with the appointed teams and Members are asked to note the following updates.


3.2       Professional Teams


            Alastair Coey Architects have now developed the first draft of a Conservation Plan for the project. This document basically identifies the existing heritage within the site, why it’s important and to whom and suggests policies to protect it. A Management and Maintenance Plan will then also be developed which will develop these policies into new and improved ways of working to ensure the heritage of the site is preserved and enhanced for future generations.


            In addition Alastair Coey have also developed an initial condition survey which provides an analysis of the main heritage assets within the site, their current condition and suggested remedial works. This survey is now being costed by the project’s QS with a view that these costs will be included in the Stage 2 application.


            A draft Biodiversity Plan for the project has also been developed and outlines a number of initiatives designed to increase habitat creation and enhance the existing biodiversity on site. This plan also highlights a number of potential actions designed to encourage community and volunteer involvement in the site.


            Based in the Conservation and Biodiversity Plans our Interpretive Planners are also currently developing their plan for the site which will outline the various stories we want to tell and recommend various tools to do this such as signage, information panels, interactive apps etc.



3.3       Pilot Initiatives


            A range of pilot initiatives are also currently being undertaken on site designed to test certain ideas that if successful will be included in the stage 2 application with a view to being rolled out in the delivery phase. An educational outreach project designed to engage school children with the site is currently underway and we also have plans to deliver a pilot project around employability and training with respect to the site in areas such as horticulture, stone masonry, tour guiding etc.


3.4       Consultation


            Due to the size and scope of the project it is necessary to consult and engage with a vast array of stakeholders both internal and external to Council. As such a detailed stakeholder engagement plan has been developed and is currently being implemented. Officers continue to engage with all stakeholders through a number of methods such as one to one meetings, facilitated consultations and presentations. This engagement will continue to evolve throughout the development phase and beyond.


3.5       Next Steps


            Over the next 6 months Council officers will work alongside the professional teams to produce detailed plans for the project in advance of submitting a further application to HLF.  Members are asked to note that the City Cemetery project is currently a Stage 2 – Uncommitted project on the Council’s Capital Programme and any final Council investment decision by SP&R will be subject to a successful HLF Stage 2 bid and going through the Council’s three stage approval process for capital projects. 


3.6       Temporary Structure


            As part of the development phase consideration is currently being given to installing some type of temporary structure on the site. There is currently very little shelter on site and this has proved a problem for the delivery of the educational outreach aspect of the programme as the young people involved currently have nowhere to shelter during inclement weather. Our interpretive planner has highlighted the need to have some sort of physical presence on site to act as a ‘consultation hub’ where people can come and learn more about the project and air their views.


            As such a temporary office/classroom type accommodation is being located on site (at the site of the existing bell yard).


3.7       Financial & Resource Implications


            The City Cemetery project is currently a Stage 2 – Uncommitted project on the Capital Programme and any final investment decision will be subject to a successful Stage 2 – HLF application


            Temporary Accommodation


            £45 per week for approx 6 months = £1,170 + £350 install costs + utility costs (heat/light) which is covered in HLF budget.


3.8       Equality or Good Relations Implications




            The Committee noted the update which had been provided.


Supporting documents: