Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0     Purpose of Report


1.1       The purpose of the report is to update Members on the recent workshop held on the 21st June 2017.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        Agree on the actions contained in the report; and

·        Note that a further report will be presented to the City Growth and Regeneration Committee in September 2017.


3.0       Main report


3.1       In May 2017 Members agreed to participate in a workshop which was scheduled for June 2017. This workshop was held to inform the Strategic Review of the Belfast Bikes which is currently being carried out.


3.2       As part of the Strategic Review the discussions with Members were categorised as follows:


·        To revisit the original rationale and aims and objectives for the scheme

·        To provide an update on the scheme to date

·        To discuss the highlights and challenges

·        To discuss and agree the way forward


3.3       Members were provided with an update of the scheme to date and the benefits achieved thus far.  These included:


·        Steadily increasing membership both Annual and Casual

·        Increased number of cyclists

·        Increased support of tourism events

·        Improved activity levels

·        Increased level of investment in cycling (leveraged funding)

·        Improved connectivity in the City Centre

·        Additional choice of mode of transport

·        Affordability for short distance trips

·        Increased number of tourists cycling

·        Improved city green credentials

·        Improved image of Belfast


3.4       Members were also provided with information regarding the scheme coverage and current usage patterns.


3.5       Key Issues Identified


            The key issues identified by Members were in relation to the following areas:


·        Cost of scheme

·        Pricing policy

·        Coverage and potential expansion

·        Vandalism and theft


            Cost of the Scheme


3.6       Whilst Members acknowledged that the key outcomes of the implementation of a Bike Scheme in Belfast were not predicated on cost and that the other Benefits in relation to Health and Wellbeing were still relevant, there are concerns that the investment by the Council is substantially higher than the predicted level.


            Pricing Policy


3.7       Members questioned the pricing policy and a discussion was had in relation to examining the current pricing structure and membership options. Members requested that options were brought back to Committee in respect of pricing, benchmarking with other schemes and options for alternative memberships such as ‘Pay as You Go’. 




3.8       Members acknowledged that the marketing and promotion of Belfast Bikes has been excellent and requested that further efforts were to be examined in the bid to increase membership. It was agreed that this would be looked at and Committee would be provided with options for moving forward.



            Coverage and Expansion of the Scheme


3.9       A detailed discussion took place in respect of the coverage of the scheme and future plans for expansion.  It was recognised that some stations experienced low usage and Members asked about the possibility of moving said stations to other key areas.  It was discussed how the current system is flexible and that stations could be moved, however there would be a cost to this. It was agreed that costs and implications of moving stations would be examined and brought back to committee, this would include the identification of stations with low usage and suggested locations for relocation.


            Vandalism and Theft


3.10     Members asked what current actions were being taken to curb vandalism and theft and whether the PSNI had made any arrests and the outcomes of this.  It was explained that NSL/Council and the PSNI have been working closely together and this has resulted in the development of a Witness Statement template to assist the PSNI in apprehending individuals for vandalism and theft. There have been several referrals to the PPS and Community Resolution Orders have been issued.  Other measures are ongoing for example Nextbike have put a development group in place that will further develop and improve the system aiming to make it more secure.  The Ipedal pilot project is now live and information will be gathered over the coming months. Members requested that other measures were examined and costed.  Again it was agreed that this area would be examined and reported back to Committee.  This would include CCTV cameras for problematic stations, engaging with Community groups with Member support, other additional security measures e.g. extra hours for NSL staff to carry out checks and linkages with Community Safety.


3.11     In summary the following actions will be taken and a report taken back to Committee in September 2017 for consideration:




Review of business case costs and income.

Provide Members with realistic view of the proposed ongoing investment required by the  Council

Review the pricing policy and membership options.

Provide Members with options and risks in relation to pricing.

Provide Members with suggestions in relation to membership such as ‘Pay as You Go’.


Examine coverage and usage of bikes across the City.

Provide Members with options in respect of relocation of existing stations and costs/implications of moving stations.


Examine vandalism and theft interventions.

Provide Members with information regarding intervention actions and the costs/implications of this.

Examine further promotional opportunities.

Provide Members with information regarding future promotion ideas.



3.12     Members are asked to note the report and agree to this work being progressed with a further report to come back to Committee with options and costs for the suggested improvements and activities.


3.13     Whilst not directly linked to the Bike Scheme, Members should be aware that Sustrans have offered funding of £1,547.40 (60% of purchase cost) towards the purchase of a Bicycle Repair Station at the new C.S Lewis Square in east Belfast. The first of its kind in Northern Ireland - this free and publically accessible bike repair facility will comprise of a bicycle pump unit and a unit containing a range of eight retractable tools – to provide cyclists with a free facility to make adjustments and repairs on the spot.  The remaining costs associated with equipment purchase, installation and maintenance will be taken forward as part of the Connswater Community Greenway project along which the new square was constructed last year.


3.14     The proposal is part of a wider EU funded CHIPS project being take forward by Sustrans to promote cycling on East Belfast’s Comber Greenway and includes cycle storage at Belfast Rapid Transport stops within the local area and a further Bike Repair Stations at Billy Neil Soccer Centre in Dundonald.


3.15     This proposal will be taken forward for agreement via CCG change control process i.e. Connswater Community Greenway budget will cover costs of installation.  The management and maintenance implications/costs will be dealt with in respect of the Parks Service and C&N budgetary process.



3.16     Financial & Resource Implications


            The costs of the individual elements will be identified as part of the ongoing work on the strategic review. Members will be advised of the financial implications as well as the impact on the current programme budget.


3.17     Equality or Good Relations Implications


            No specific equality or good relations implications.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: