Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that Belfast City Council’s Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 21st November, in response to a request for financial assistance from the Ulster Orchestra, had agreed, in principle, to contribute a sum of £100,000, subject to that body securing additional funding to meet its operating deficit for 2014/2015. That decision had been subject also to the Council being satisfied with the longer-term financial viability of the Orchestra and to the receipt of assurances from its auditors that the Orchestra was considered a going concern.


            The Chief Executive reminded the Committee that there had been two elements to the Ulster Orchestra’s request, the second being that the Council would consider providing the Orchestra with a rent-free period of five years for the use of the Belfast Waterfront Hall and Ulster Hall. It was noted, particularly, that the potential loss of income to the Council, should it grant the free use of the Ulster Hall to the Orchestra, would be in the region of £170,000 per annum. Given that such a decision would affect the Council post-2015, it had been considered appropriate to invite representatives of the Orchestra to make a presentation to the Shadow Strategic Policy and Resources Committee. 


            Accordingly, the Chairman welcomed to the meeting Professor G. Bain, Executive Chairman of the Board of the Ulster Orchestra, together with Ms. A. Sands, Ms. B. McKinley and Mr. T. Green, representing the senior management team of the Orchestra.


            Professor Bain outlined the extent of the Orchestra’s operating deficit and the factors which had contributed to it. He requested that the Council consider providing, for a period of five years, that is, from 1st April, 2015 till 31st March, 2020 the free use of the Belfast Waterfront Hall and Ulster Hall by the Orchestra.  The savings which the Orchestra would make, should the Council accede to the request, would assist it to lever additional funding to offset its operating costs throughout that period.  He concluded by stressing that the Orchestra had established a five-year plan to enhance its future viability and sustainability and appealed to the Committee to look favourably upon the request. The deputation then retired from the meeting.


            The Chief Executive pointed out that the request for the free use of the Waterfront Hall and Ulster Hall could only be considered within the context of the rate?setting process for the new Council in 2015/2016 and in future years. She reported that officers within the Finance and Resources Department were formulating the revenue estimates for 2015/2016 and that the request would be considered as part of that process. She referred also to the forthcoming capital scheme at the Waterfront Hall which would oversee the establishment of conference and exhibition facilities.  Given that the business and operating model for the Waterfront Hall could change significantly, she suggested that the ability of the Council to meet the Orchestra’s request, insofar as it related to the Waterfront Hall, would need to be considered further.


            After discussion, during which the Committee expressed that view that it would wish to be supportive of the Ulster Orchestra in the future, the following was agreed:


·        that the Ulster Orchestra’s request for the free use of the Ulster Hall for a five-year period would be considered as part of Council’s rate-setting process for 2015/2016 and in future years; and


·        that details regarding the implications and possibility of the Council meeting the request for the free use of the Belfast Waterfront Hall would be submitted for the Committee’s further consideration in due course.


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