Agenda item


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the development of the revenue estimates for 2018/19 and the key issues which Members needed to consider as part of the rates settlement process.


            After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor McVeigh,

Seconded by Councillor Beattie,


      That the Committee agrees that £200,000 be included with the revenue estimates to support the Boxing Strategy.


            On a vote by show of hands eight members voted for the proposal and nine against and it was declared lost.


Further Proposal


Moved by Councillor Long,

Seconded by Councillor O’Neill,


      That the Committee agrees to defer consideration of the amount to be included within the Capital Financing and whether or not to invest in the Boxing Strategy until its special meeting scheduled for 5th January.


            On a vote by show of hands nine members voted for the proposal and seven against and it was declared carried.


            Accordingly, the Committee:


·        Agreed that the paper should not be subject to call-in because it would cause an unreasonable delay which would be prejudicial to the Council’s and the public’s interests in striking the district rate by the legislative deadline of 15th February 2018.

·        Considered and agreed the following growth proposals should be included in the 2018/19 revenue estimates:

·        Community Grants: £147,000 (People and Communities Committee) and £147,000 non-recurrent.

·        Additional Twilight Markets: £70,000 (City Growth and Regeneration Committee) – non-recurrent.

·        Robinson Centre Staff Deployment (2): £50,460 (Planning Committee)


·        European Capital of Culture £373,799 (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee)

·        Employability and Skills: £500,000 (City Growth and Regeneration Committee)

·        City Centre Regeneration: £240,000 (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee)

·        City Deal: £1,000,000 (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee)

·        To agree in principle a £300K contingency for Peace IV capital projects


            The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the following until its special meeting on 5th January:


·        Equality / Diversity Officer: £56,000 (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee)

·        Regen Support Assts. (2): £68,986 (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee)

·        Boxing Strategy: £200,000 (People and Communities Committee) and reduce the increase in the capital financing budget by £200,000 to keep any rate increase below 2%.

·        Capital Financing: £1,200,000 (Strategic Policy and Resources Committee) (If Boxing Strategy is agreed to be funded then reduce to £1,000,000)


Supporting documents: