Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       For the Council to excel in today’s digital society we must ensure information and technology are properly positioned to enable the delivery of the Council’s key priorities. The Council’s ICT Strategy is becoming more important as we face increasing digital opportunities and growing security threats. Our ICT strategy also has the potential to optimise, transform and improve the public services we deliver and maximise the value of our information assets.


1.2       This paper requests approval for Digital Services to procure external assistance to deliver a new ICT Strategy for the Council, which will provide a framework for members under the remit of the Strategic Policy and Resources committee to oversee the development of the Council’s ICT platforms and systems – over a period of 3 years – in alignment with the Council’s key business priorities.


2.0       Recommendations


            It is recommended that the Committee approves that:


·        Digital Services procure external assistance to facilitate the delivery a new ICT Strategy for the Council.

·        The recent Customer Focus Outline Business Case should form a key input to the new ICT Strategy.


3.0       Main report


3.1       In the digital age, it is vital that information and technology are positioned at the heart of business strategy, rather than as afterthoughts. Information and technology are fundamental as they underpin new business approaches and how services can be delivered and improved.


3.2       Technology is changing customer behaviour and expectations, so to meet the needs of our citizens we need to be able to respond quickly to opportunities and threats, by changing direction, reprioritising, and creating new capabilities more quickly and more often than we have in the past.


3.3       We are seeking external assistance to put in place a strategic planning process to provide clear direction for how information and technology can be used to deliver the Council’s key priorities.  We will be looking to engage all relevant stakeholders to help develop understanding and buy-in for the resulting strategy and to ensure its successful execution.


3.4       It is likely that delivering a new strategy will involve making changes to operational plans and priorities and may require the acquisition or development of new capabilities and systems.


3.5       It is also important to note that creating and delivering improved digital processes and services will not stop at our organisational boundary. They will require integration with other organisations to provide a seamless customer experience.


3.6       A new ICT Strategy must ensure that the right set of policies, working practices and supporting technology are put in place because information technology and the management of our information:


·        is an essential element of good corporate governance,

·        provides Members and Chief Officers with the right information to support

·        effective decision making,

·        challenges our thinking on how we deliver services and supports

·        innovation in service design,

·        sets direction in terms of investment in technology assuring alignment to

·        corporate objectives,

·        and provides the basis of accountability to Elected Members and the

·        citizens of Belfast for the stewardship and use of IT resources.


            Financial and Resource Implications


            The cost of external assistance to develop a new ICT Strategy will be £25,000 - £30,000 and will be funded from Digital Services revenue budget.


            Equality or Good Relations Implications




            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: