Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The Council’s Physical Programme covers over 350 projects under a range of funding streams including the Capital Programme, the Leisure Transformation Programme, LIF, BIF and the projects which the Council is delivering on behalf of other agencies. This paper provides an update for Members on the Physical Programme


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to –


            Proposed movements on/additions to the Capital Programme


·        Agree that the New Crematorium is moved to Stage 3- Committed on the Capital Programme with a maximum budget of up to £18million to be allocated (see section 3.3-3.7). Given there are a number of outstanding issues to be resolved (as laid out in 3.5 below) it is recommended that this is held at Tier 0 – Schemes at Risk and Members will be kept up to date on the progress of the project including the final budget allocation.   Members are further asked to agree that the necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) be initiated as required with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver.

·        Agree that the following project is added as Stage 1 – Emerging Project - Belfast Zoo – Programme of works - with further detail to be brought back to Committee (Section 3.8-3.10)


            Project Updates 


·        King George V Playing Fields(currently Stage 2- Uncommitted) – agree that this proposal is de-coupled from the Oval proposal and is now taken forward as a proposal in its own right.  If agreed, Members are asked to note that further work is required in working this proposal up in its own right and that further detail will be brought back to Committee in due course (see 3.11-3.12)


            Externally Delivered Initiatives


·        Social Investment Fund – note that the Council has now received approval to proceed for the 6 SIF projects as outlined in 3.13 below

·        Urban Villages – agree in principle that the Council acts as the delivery agent for a range of projects which are proposed under the next round of UV funding (see 3.14)


3.0       Main report


3.1       Key Issues


            Members will be aware that the Council runs a substantial physical programme covering over 350 projects under a range of funding streams including the capital programme, BIF and LIF together with the projects that it is delivering on behalf of other agencies including the Executive Office and the Department for Communities.


            Proposed movements on/additions to the Capital Programme 


3.2       Members have previously agreed that all capital projects must go through a 3 Stage process where decisions on which projects progress are taken by SP&R. Members are asked to agree to the following movements on the Capital Programme







New Crematorium   

The proposed development of a new two chapel crematorium (2 x 150 seat chapels) on Roselawn site with the re-use of the existing Crematorium building

Maximum budget of up to £18million to be allocated - The Director of Finance & Resources has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council

Members are asked to note that this is a ring-fenced budget at this stage pending further work on the design and access and the final figures will be brought back to Committee in due course.

Move to Stage 3- Committed Recommended to be held as at Tier 0 - Scheme at Risk pending further work on the design and access

Belfast Zoo – Programme of Works

Members have previously agreed their ambitions and objectives for the Zoo and will be aware that a feasibility study on the longer term management options for the Zoo is currently underway.  It is however recognised as part of this that the Zoo needs significant capital investment in order to make it a state of the art visitor attraction and this project is to develop up a costed programme of works for the Zoo

Add as an Emerging Project 



            Move to Stage 3 – Committed

3.3       New Crematorium – Members will be aware that the Council is responsible for providing cemetery and crematorium services for the people of Belfast and aims to: ‘ensure an adequate supply and effective management of burial land and to provide appropriate crematorium services that adequately meet the needs of the local catchment area’. The existing crematorium at Roselawn was constructed in 1954 and designed to accommodate 700 services per year.  However, in the year ending 31 March 2016 a total of 3,255 services were performed which represents almost five times the designed capacity. At present it is the only crematorium in operation in NI and therefore providing cremation service to the entire population of NI.  Members will be aware therefore that there is pressure in terms of the capacity of the crematorium facilities and that there is also no Plan B in place if the catafalque breaks down.


3.4       It has therefore long been recognised that significant investment is required in order to ensure continued operational efficiency and provide users with a dignified cremation service. The development of the new crematorium is currently a Stage 2- Uncommitted project on the Capital Programme and a detailed Economic Appraisal has been undertaken. A range of options were identified within the EA and these were considered in depth by the Council’s Strategic Cemeteries and Crematorium Development Working Group at its meeting in December.  Following detailed consideration, the Working Group have recommended that the option of - a new two chapel crematorium (2 x 150 seat chapel) on Roselawn site with the re-use of the existing Crematorium building be recommended to the SP&R Committee in respect of the new crematorium facilities.  This option emerged as preferred option in the EA as the options which not only demonstrated the best NPV when compared to the other options over a 30-year period but also the potential to provide the highest level of non-monetary benefit to the wider public and BCC staff.


3.5       Given the outcome of the EA and the recommendation on the preferred option by the Strategic Cemeteries and Crematorium Development Working Group it is recommended that the development of the new crematorium (new two chapel crematorium (2 x 150 seat chapel) on Roselawn site with the re-use of the existing Crematorium building) is now moved to the next stage on the Capital Programme – Stage 3 - Committed. Members will however appreciate that this is a significant project and that although the preferred option has been identified there is still a lot of work to be carried out including –


-       Design - Further work on the design of the new facility including operational requirements

-       Options for the re-use of the existing Crematorium – Members are asked to note that the existing crematorium building is a Grade B2 listed building which is listed for both historic and architectural merit. Any purposed re-use of the building will therefore need to be sympathetic to the building’s listed status.  Members are asked to note that no decisions have been taken in respect of the future use of the building and that Members will be kept up to date as these options develop 

-       Access – the proposed new Crematorium facility will require a new entrance creating a second entrance into the site. The A23 (the Ballygowan Road) on which Roselawn is situated is a protected route and discussions are therefore ongoing with Transport NI in respect of the access 

-       Planning – Members will appreciate that Roselawn sits outside the boundary of Belfast City Council and that the planning application for the new facility will therefore be assessed by Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.  Discussions have already been held with senior officials from Lisburn and Castlereagh and these will continue over the coming months

-       Business modelling - Further work on the business modelling in terms of the whole life costs and revenue implications

-       Use - Discussions with neighbouring Councils in respect of a strategic approach to ensure a regional approach and the development of a facility which is future proofed in terms of future needs


3.6       Given this it is proposed that this project is moved to Stage 3 – Committed on the Capital Programme but is held at Tier 0 – Schemes at Risk pending further work on the issues above.  It is also recommended that a maximum budget of up to £18m is ring-fenced for the project.  The Director of Finance & Resources has confirmed that this budget allocation is within the overall affordability limits of the Council. Members are asked to note that this is a ring-fenced allocation at this stage and following further work on the issues above the final budget will be brought back to Committee for further consideration along with updates on the issues above.  Moving this to the next stage will allow the Council to appoint a design team and move to outline planning stage.


3.7       In addition, Members are asked to agree that the necessary procurement processes (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate ‘framework’ arrangements) be initiated with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver for the above projects as required. 


            Add as Stage 1 – Emerging


3.8       Belfast Zoo – Programme of Works - As part of the discussion of the long-term future of Belfast Zoo, Elected Members have identified priorities for change that include:


·        Enhancing the customer offer to generate additional revenue streams

·        Building a reputation for providing a high-quality visitor experience which brings people back time and again as well as attracting new customers and increasing dwell time

·        Providing assurance that the health and wellbeing of the animals is maintained at all times

·        Providing strong education and conservation programmes

·        Providing an ability to access external grants and potential for generating third party investment for improvements

·        reducing the current Belfast City Council subsidy

·        Contributing to the Belfast Agenda


3.9       Members will be aware that a feasibility study is currently underway on the options for the management of the Zoo. Committee will also be aware that there has been under-investment in the Zoo over the past years and as a result there is a need for significant investment if the Zoo is to become a state of the art visitor attraction and achieve the outcomes agreed by Members. 


3.10     It is therefore recommended that Belfast Zoo – Programme of works is added to the Capital Programme as a Stage 1 – Emerging Programme.  This will allow a full programme of capital works required for the Zoo to be worked up, costed and on this basis prioritised.  It is anticipated that this project will have two work streams:-


1.     Short-term – eradicate immediate health and safety issues that will in-turn generate additional revenue opportunities for the Zoo including proposed works at the Lion/Tiger Enclosure; the Aviary and the Sea Lion Enclosure

2.     Medium to long-term – this will follow the resolution of operator model considerations and the NFS proposals.  In consideration of these it will be imperative that, in the long-run, a new Master Plan is required to address outdated buildings and infrastructure, changing animal care and guest needs including accessibility, and to ensure the Zoo continues to evolve and be an example of a modern Zoo.


            Members are asked to note that this does not constitute an investment decision and that further updates will be brought back to Committee in due course.


            Project Updates 


3.11     King George V Playing Fields – Members will recall that the redevelopment of both the Ulidia Playing fields and King George V Playing Fields were moved to Stage 2- Uncommitted on the Capital Programme in May last year.  At this stage, discussions between Glentoran and the Council in respect of King George V Playing Fields had been to develop the facility in conjunction with the redevelopment of the Oval which was due to receive funding from the Department for Communities under the Sub-Regional Stadia Programme. However, given the ongoing impasse at Stormont there have been no movements on this funding and this therefore means it is extremely unlikely that it will be possible to redevelop the Oval in the short to medium term.


3.12     Given the huge demand and lack of 3G pitch facilities in East Belfast there is a need to develop the KGV prior to the Oval re-development and as such it is recommended to Committee that this proposal is de-coupled from the Oval proposal and is now taken forward as a proposal in its own right.


            Externally delivered initiatives


            Members will be aware that over the past couple of years the Council has been requested to deliver a series of capital projects under a number of externally funded initiatives including the Social Investment Fund (SIF) and Urban Villages (UV) on behalf of the Executive Office together with projects Building Successful Communities (BSC) on behalf of the Department for Communities. In addition the Council is also taking forward a number of other projects on behalf of the Department of Communities. These requests recognise both the successful track record of the Council as a delivery agent for capital projects and also the uniquely placed role of the Council as a civic leader in the city. These are also a sign of confidence in the Council and recognition of the Council’s increasing role in terms of regeneration and community planning role. Letters of offer have been signed for over 40 projects worth approx. £8m


            Social Investment Fund


3.13     Members will recall that the Council is proposed to be the delivery agent for a range of projects under the Social Investment Fund on behalf of the Executive Office.  Members are asked to note that the Council has now received approval to progress to the next stage for 6 SIF projects and that work on these will now be progressed.  Council officers have been following up with all Groups.





PIPs Suicide Prevention Ireland

Refurbished Community Facility

Approval to proceed

Joanmount Methodist Church

Refurbished Community Facility

Approval to proceed

Mount Merrion Parish Development Project

Refurbished Community Facility

Approval to proceed

Glenburn Methodist Church Community Outreach Project

Refurbished Community Facility

Approval to proceed

Mornington Community Project

Refurbished Community Facility

Approval to proceed

South City Resource Centre (St. Simon's Church Hall)

Refurbished Community Facility

Approval to proceed


            The Council is also continuing to work closely with the Executive Office and project promoters on the other projects under SIF for which the Council is the proposed delivery agent.


3.14     Urban Villages


            Members will be aware through the AWGs that the Urban Villages Team is now looking at their next phase of capital investment and have a prioritised list of projects which are now going through business case assessment.  Many of the proposed projects on the UV lists either align closely to ongoing Council initiatives or to projects already being funded or proposed for funding by the Council under other funding streams including LIF/BIF and the proposed Social Outcomes Fund and the Council is therefore working closely with the Urban Villages Team. In addition, the Council is proposed as the delivery agent for over 40 projects however the final number will be dependent on which projects are successful through the appraisal process.  The Council is also having discussions with UV in relation to agreeing a level of management fee to deliver these projects.  


            Members are asked to agree that the Council continues to work closely with Urban Villages in respect of their next round of funding and that in principle that the Council acts as the delivery agent for projects.  Members are further asked to agree that any necessary procurement processes for these projects (including the invitation of tenders and/or the use of appropriate


            ‘framework’ arrangements) be initiated as required with contracts to be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tenders received and full commitment to deliver.


3.15     Financial & Resource Implications


            Financial – Costs for all projects have been agreed by Committee and through the three stage approval process which all physical projects are required to go through


            New Crematorium – that a maximum budget of up to £18m is ring-fenced for this project.  The Director of Finance and Resources has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council.  As outlined above Members are asked to note that this is a ring-fenced budget at this stage and that further updates will be brought back to Committee in due course


            Resources – Resources from Property & Projects and appropriate departments in working up proposals in conjunction with groups.


            Equality or Good Relations Implications


            No implications arising.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations:


·        subject to the design option for the new crematorium being a 2 x 150 seat chapel or equivalent;

·        to Party briefings being held in relation to the proposals for the new crematorium; and

·        to a report on a potential master plan for the broader “Cavehill” area, including facilities such as the Cavehill, Belfast Zoo, the Belfast Castle and the North Foreshore, being submitted to a future meeting.


Supporting documents: