Agenda item


            The Director of Property and Projects submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:


1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The purpose of this report is to advise Members about works that are to take place by NI Water under its statutory powers as part of the Ormeau Avenue Sewer Scheme.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to :


·        Note that NI Water proposes to undertake sewer improvement works as part of an Ormeau Avenue Sewer Scheme and;

·        Note that these works affect BCC car parks located at Little Victoria Avenue, Charlotte Street and Cromac Street, as well as BCC lands located at the Gasworks.


3.0       Main Report


3.1       NI Water is proposing to commence sewer improvement works under its statutory powers as part of an Ormeau Avenue Sewer Upgrade Scheme.  Statutory Notices were served in 2013 on the Department for Regional Development [as the previous owners of the car parks] under the relevant legislation, the Water and Sewerage Services (NI) Order 2006.


3.2       The purpose of this scheme is to reduce spills from the Ormeau Avenue sewer system to the environment, reduce hydraulic and odour issues associated with the high levels of grease in the system and reduce the possibility of flooding in the catchment.


            The scheme is to cost approx. £5m and involves the following works: 


·        Upgrading of existing sewer with a new large diameter sewer from Sandy Row to a new wastewater pumping station at Hardcastle St. This sewer will run in parallel to, and compliment, the existing sewer. The new sewer will be ‘tunnelled’ under Great Victoria Street and Dublin Road.

·        A new overflow located at the junction of Cromac Square and East Bridge Street overflowing to a new cross connection to the Belfast Sewer Tunnel at Cromac Street via Cromac Street car park.

·        Relocation of the existing Ormeau Road overflow connecting to the Blackstaff culvert on Ormeau Avenue via Charlotte Street car park

·        Construction of a new pumping station to pump flows to the existing sewer network in Cromac Street

·        The pumping main will be ‘tunnelled’ under Ormeau Road.


3.3       A copy of the proposed scheme layout is attached at Appendix 1 (drawing number W-001). 


3.4       There are 3 BCC off street car parks affected by the Ormeau Avenue Sewer Scheme, located at Little Victoria Street, Charlotte Street and Cromac Street.  These car parks are shown hatched in red on the plan at Appendix 1.  Part of the land located at the Gasworks Northern Fringe is also affected by the Scheme, also shown hatched in red on the plan at Appendix 1.  


3.5       NI Water has recently appointed Dawson Wam to carry out the works on its behalf.  NI Water advise that it is anticipated that work will commence in early February 2018 and will last for approximately 16 – 18 months.  They also advise that there will be no road closures and that a traffic management plan has been agreed with TNI. 


3.6       Little Victoria Street Car Park:  A new proposed combined sewer will be located on part of this site (see map at Appendix 1).  The location of the new sewer pipe has been kept to the edge of this site, as far as possible. NI Water has advised that it is not possible to locate this along the entire edge of this car park site, due to the hydraulics of the system (no sharp bends), the location of the Belfast Sewer exclusion zone and the area that is required for the tunnelling rig.  In order to drive the piles and lay the new sewer pipe, large machinery is required, necessitating the closure of the car park (88 spaces) for a period of approximately 22 weeks from the beginning of February 2018.  The surface of the car park will be reinstated by NI Water to an agreed specification at the end of the 22 week closure period.   


3.7       Charlotte Street Car Park:  A new proposed rising main is to be located on part of this site. This pipe will be directionally drilled underground with only inspection pits visible at ground level. The inspection pit will be approximately 10m X 10m and will be reinstated to original condition on completion. There will be no visible features at surface level on completion.  NI Water have advised that the rising main could potentially be relocated if future development takes place.  An area of approx. 10m X 10m will be fenced off for the duration of the works, which is to last for approximately one week, envisaged for April 2018.  A total of approx. 18 spaces will have to be closed off during these works with the remainder of the car park remaining open during this time. 


3.8       Cromac Street Car Park:  A new proposed sewer is also to be located on part of this site. The narrowness of the carpark and the fact that there is only one entrance necessitates the closure of the entirety of this car park (104 spaces) for a period of approximately 4 weeks, envisaged in April 2018. NI Water has agreed that this car park will not be closed at the same time as the Little Victoria Street car park in an attempt to minimise disruption to city centre car park users.  It should be noted that BCC does not own this land as Council occupies the site under a short term licence from NIHE.


3.9       Signage is to be erected at each car parks by NI Water to inform users about the car park closures.


3.10     A new rising main is also to be located within the grass verge along the Cromac Street frontage of the Council’s Gasworks Northern Fringe lands.   (See Appendix 1).  NI Water has advised that the new rising main cannot be located in the carriageway due to existing services congestion.  However, it will not impact upon development proposals for these lands.


3.11     NI Water requires access to the Gasworks Northern Fringe site for approx. 3 weeks envisaged in April 2018 to assist with the drilling works at the Charlotte Street car park lands.  This land is currently not in operational use by the Council, although it forms part of the larger Gasworks Northern Fringe Masterplan that is currently being progressed.


            It should be noted that the Belfast Sewer Tunnel is already situated underneath the car parks and the Gasworks Northern Fringe site and acts as an emergency storm run-off from the network.  The Belfast Sewer Tunnel is to remain in situ after the completion of the Ormeau sewer scheme works. 


3.12     In accordance with the statutory basis under which these works are being undertaken, compensation will be payable for any damage caused by or in consequence of the execution of the works.  NI Water have also advised they will pay in full the estimated loss of income for the car parks on occupation of each site.  It is NI Water’s intention to make one lump sum payment of an agreed amount at the start of the contractor’s occupation of each of the car parks. 


3.13     Finance and Resource Implications


            NI Water is to pay compensation in respect of the loss of income during the car park closures.  The estimated loss of revenue for the car parks is as follows:


            Little Victoria Street:  £153,014.00

            Cromac Street:  £12,830. 

            Charlotte Street:  £810   


3.14     Any other compensation payable will be negotiated between Estates and NI Water (or LPS on their behalf) on completion of the works. 


3.15     Equality or Good Relations Implications


            None associated with this report.”



            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: