Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


1.0      Purpose of the Report 


1.1       The purpose of this report is to seek the Committee’s approval on a number of actions required to establish the new Brexit Committee as previously agreed by the SP&R Committee at its meeting on 23 March 2018 and ratified by the Council on 9 April 2018.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


                                          (i)   note the Party allocation of Members to the Committee using the Quota Greatest Remainder methodology as set out at para 3.1

                                        (ii)   note the order of choice for the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson Positions of Responsibility using the D’Hondt methodology as set out at para 3.2

                                       (iii)   agree the reallocation of the Special Responsibility Allowance as outlined at para 3.3

                                       (iv)   agree amendments to the Standing Orders to accommodate the new Committee as set out at para 3.4

                                        (v)   agree the remit for the new Brexit Committee (including the terms of reference and operating protocol) as set out at para 3.5


3.0       Main Report


3.1       Allocation of Members to Committee via Quota Greatest Remainder methodology


            The Committee had previously agreed that the Brexit Committee would have 20 Members whose positions would be allocated by applying the Quota Greatest Remainder methodology.  This approach would result in the following party representation on the Committee:


            Sinn Féin        7

            DUP                5

            Alliance          3

            SDLP              2

            UUP                2

            PUP                 1


3.2       Appointment of additional Positions of Responsibility via the D’Hondt methodology


            The Committee has previously agreed that Positions of Responsibility would be appointed using the D’Hondt methodology.  This approach results in the following parties having first and second choice for the two positions of responsibility:


            Choice 1         Sinn Féin

            Choice 2         DUP


            As there remains less than one year of the current council term, it is proposed that the Nominating Officers of Sinn Féin and the DUP nominate a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to fulfil these roles for the remainder of the council term.


3.3       Reallocation of the Special Responsibility Allowance


            The establishment of an additional standing committee will require a reallocation of the £108,000 Special Responsibility Allowance for the remainder of this term. 


            Appendix 1 provides a proposed reallocation based on the inclusion of an additional Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson for the Brexit Committee.


3.4       Amendment to Standing Orders


            The Councils Standing Orders are required to be amended with the insertion of a new Standing Order 37(g) which sets out the duties of the new Brexit Committee. 


            Members will note that amendments to Standing Orders requires two full Council meetings before they can come into effect.  If the amended Standing Orders are presented to the June Council meeting and ratified then they would need to be confirmed at the July Council meeting, the earliest timeframe for the inaugural meeting of the newly established Brexit Committee would be August 2018.


3.5       Remit of the Brexit Committee


            The original notice of motion stated that ‘the Council immediately establish a formal Brexit Standing Committee, made up of Elected Members, with appropriate officer support, to undertake all necessary work required to bring forward a report with recommendations to explore the impact of Brexit on Belfast and its citizens’.


            A draft Terms of Reference for the Committee is attached Appendix 2.


            In terms of an overall function, the draft Terms of Reference propose that the Committee will be responsible for monitoring and reviewing the financial, resource or operational impact upon the Council and the district as a result of the UK’s leaving the European Union and for making recommendations to Council on such issues (or to the relevant Standing Committee where appropriate). 


            Operating Protocol


            The Committee will meet monthly (or as and when required).


            Agenda items normally going to other Standing Committees which identify Brexit implications will be referred to the Brexit Committee for consideration and decision.


            In respect of any other matter which may require some consideration in the context of Brexit, the Brexit Committee will act in an advisory capacity, with reports referred to it either directly by the reporting officer or by another Standing Committee.


3.6       Financial and Resource Implications


            As the rate has already been set, there is currently no established budget set aside for the Brexit Committee.  According to normal operating protocol, any standing committee making recommendations with cost implications outside of established budgets are required to seek approval from the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that the necessary funds are available.


            In terms of officer support, there will be increased costs on an ongoing basis in relation to the support for an additional Standing Committee but it is considered that such costs can be met from within established budgets.


3.7       Equality or Good Relations Implications





Appendix 1


Allocation of Special Responsibility Allowance – With Additional

Brexit Committee


Chairpersons and Deputy Chairpersons




Number of posts






Deputy Chairpersons




Chair BW&UH Cttee




Dep Chair BW&UH Cttee









Political Party Officers

Party Officer Basic Allocation                                     £3,000

Remainder allocated to Political Party Leaders         £168.42 per Member of the Party



Number of Members

Allocation per party Member

Allocation per Party Strength

Basic Allocation


SF Party Leader






SF Deputy Leader






SF Secretary






DUP Party Leader






DUP Deputy Leader






DUP Secretary






Alliance Party Leader






Alliance Deputy Leader






UUP Party Leader






UUP Deputy Leader






SDLP Party Leader






SDLP Deputy Leader






PUP Party Leader













Total                                                                                                                                    £107,999.94



Appendix 2


Brexit Committee


            The Brexit Committee is responsible for researching, monitoring and reviewing the financial, resource or operational impact upon the Council and the district as a result of the UK’s leaving the European Union and for making recommendations to Council on such issues (or to the relevant Standing Committee where appropriate).


            Its specific functions include:


-       Articulating the Belfast specific issues to be considered as part of the negotiation and transition arrangements

-       The continuous monitoring of progress and announcements around Brexit

-       Influencing and contributing to regional considerations of the implications of Brexit on both the work of the Council and on the district

-       Identifying any actions the Council may take to mitigate any adverse impacts arising and capitalising on any opportunities as a result of Brexit

-       Reviewing changes to legislation arising out of Brexit and analysing the likely impact which they may have upon the delivery of council services

-       Fostering and maintaining positive relations and cultural links with the EU

-       Maintaining and promoting social cohesion within the district post Brexit

-       Monitoring the impact on migrant workers, skills gaps and issues arising with regard to various sectors in the labour market

-       Financial and budget assumptions and implications for the district arising out of Brexit

-       Identifying the implications for EU grant funding and alternative funding opportunities

-       Seeking to influence decisions with regard to continuing access to and distribution of EU funds (including Peace, Culture and Interreg programmes)

-       Ensuring the ability of Belfast to achieve the objectives as set out within the Belfast Agenda

-       Ensuring the ability of Belfast to continue to attract and retain investment and grow the rate base

-       Ensuring the ability of Belfast to increase trade with existing and potential trade partners (access to supply chains / import and export issues)

-       Hearing evidence from other parties


Operating Protocol


-       Meeting monthly

-       Decisions ratified by full Council

-       Decisions subject to call in as per all Standing Committees (subject to exceptions within the 2014 Act)

-       Agenda items normally going to other Standing Committees which identify Brexit implications will be referred to the Brexit Committee for consideration and decision.

-       In respect of any other matter which may require some consideration in the context of Brexit, the Brexit Committee will act in an advisory capacity, with reports referred to it either directly by the reporting officer or by another Standing Committee.


Moved by Councillor Hargey,

Seconded by Councillor McDonough-Brown,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations in relation to the establishment of a Brexit Committee as set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report.


            On a vote by show of hands, ten Members voted for the proposal and seven against and it was declared carried.


Supporting documents: