Agenda item


            (Ms. E. Henry, Cultural Regeneration Manager, attended in connection with this item)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report and the accompanying Programme Plan:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The purpose of this report is to provide further detail to Members on the planned programme of activity to support the development of a significant 5-year cultural initiative of international profile, that seeks to build on the work undertaken as part of the European Capital of Culture competition.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


-       Note the contents of this report and the support of the cultural sector and agree to receive further updates including a detailed options appraisal in December 2018.

-       Agree for officers to further scope options for Belfast to participate in the Culture in Sustainable Cities programme (Culture 21) and delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Economy and Place to progress if appropriate at a maximum cost of £20,000.


3.0       Main report


3.1       Background


            In April 2018, Members agreed that in light of the European Commission’s decision on the ineligibility of a UK competition that officers would build on the work undertaken to date and develop alternative options for a 5 year cultural programme of scale. These options will be taken back to Committee for consideration in December 2018. In parallel, negotiations will continue with governments on funding and support including the potential to reconsider the position of Belfast City Council and Derry City and Strabane District Council.


3.2       Options Development


            The process of developing these options will involve extensive engagement and will adopt a co-design model working closely with citizens and the cultural sector. A panel of international experts will assess the creative projects and signature events included in the programme. The programme plan for the development of these options is included in Appendix 1 (available on Options will also integrate work on:


·        A signature event in partnership with Galway 2020

·        UNESCO City of Music

·        Options for collaboration with other international cities including potential partnerships with the UK cities that had been bidding for 2023 designation

·        Delivery of major events as set out in the Events and Festivals Strategy

·        A year-long cultural programme of scale to be delivered in 2023

·        The opening of the new visitor attraction


3.3       These options will be developed in the context of long-term cultural development and investment and how to best support the priorities set out in the Belfast Agenda. The process of developing options for a 5-year programme will also consider how it should connect with the further development and implementation of the recent Events and Festivals Strategy as well as the future development of a new Cultural Framework and Tourism Strategy. This wider context helps position the five-year programme as the catalyst for sustainable growth and investment in the cultural sector.


3.4       Long term cultural development and investment


            To support a long-term approach to cultural development the stage one bid had recommended that Belfast considers participation in a suitable global programme such as Culture 21.  This programme includes support from international cultural experts, extensive local engagement and critical assessment of the city’s current position resulting in clear recommendations for future cultural policy. This work would also address cuts to public sector funding for the arts and inform the most effective long-term response from local government.


3.5       The objectives of the programme are as follows:


-       To foster increased local and European understanding of the connection between culture and local sustainable development in the participating cities, on the basis of the issues raised by the Agenda 21 for culture and Culture 21 Actions, as well as other issues relevant to the European and local agendas.

-       To enable the design, implementation and evaluation of innovative pilot measures in areas relevant to culture and sustainable cities, through collaboration between public, private and civil society actors.

-       To facilitate exchanges, evaluation, peer learning and capacity building among European cities concerned with culture and sustainable development, based on the thematic areas identified in Culture 21 Actions.

-       To provide wide visibility to the participating cities and their policies and programmes in the European



3.6       Completion of the two year programme includes a four step methodology:


1.      Analysis of the local context and first assessment

2.      Design of the work programme

3.      Implementation of the work programme

3.1 Pilot Measures

            3.2Peer Learning (visit to another city)

3.3 Peer Learning (visit from another city)

3.4 Local civic engagement

3.5 Monitoring

4.      Final conference and assessment report


3.7       Recommendations have been received from independent experts and other participating cities. It is proposed that a workshop is held with the organisers of the programme to scope out potential participation by Belfast before making a final decision.


            Participation in this programme aligns with the recent Notice of Motion that pledged support to Arts Matter and the need to address ongoing issues of sustainability in the sector.


3.8       Financial Strategy


            The development of options for a 5-year programme will involve a financing strategy that will enhance and re-prioritise the level of long-term investment in culture. This will include an effective approach to securing contributions from the private sector. Members will be aware that Belfast recently participated in the Core Cities Cultural Enquiry. The official report and recommendations are due to be published in September 2018 and will be incorporated into the funding strategy. The sessions held in Belfast highlighted the potential for new approaches to cultural investment and the opportunities for public and private finance. 


3.9       Recent engagement with the cultural sector has demonstrated support for a major 5 year programme and how it can act as a catalyst for change and present an opportunity to address long term structural and sustainability issues. 


3.10      Financial & Resource Implications


            The Committee agreed that the budget for this development phase would be allocated from resources set aside for the stage 2 bid for European Capital of Culture. Appendix 1 (available on sets out the programme plan with a total maximum expenditure of £295,000.


3.11      Options will then be presented to Committee in December 2018 for consideration in advance of the 2019/20 rate setting.


3.12      Equality or Good Relations Implications


            As part of the programme, an engagement plan will be developed and will be equality screened with any gaps addressed. The final programme and associated strategies will also be equality screened.”


            In response to a Member’s query, the Cultural Regeneration Manager confirmed to the Committee that community groups and those working in the arts, music, sport and food sectors would all be included within the Council’s extensive engagement plan.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations within the report.


Supporting documents: