Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1       To propose an approach to commission future learning and development providers for elected member development.


1.2       To set out a draft proposed Governance Continuing Development Programme, with the aim of further supporting members in their governance role.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1      The Committee is asked to :


·        Agree that the selection and commissioning of allexternal learning and development providers for the purposes of elected member development is undertaken by Corporate HR, in line with corporate procurement guidelines and the associated financial thresholds.


·        The roll-out of a Governance development programme up until February/March 2019, the proposed content of the programme, and suggest any other additional topics or activities which they consider would be beneficial to incorporate within the overall programme.


3.0       Main report


            Approach to elected member learning and development provision


3.1       The current member development framework, approved by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, in March, 2017 includes:


·        A PDP process for elected members (with an associated annual budget of £730 per member)

·        Members’ Assistance to Study Scheme

·        Elected Member Role Profiles

·        Members’ Knowledge and Skills Framework

·        Elected Member Capacity Building Plan


3.2       Internal expertise is used to design and deliver much of the capacity building for elected members. However, for some elements of member training, particularly in respect of the planning and licensing functions, it has been necessary to commission external expertise in particular fields.


3.3       Currently, commissioning of external expertise for corporately led member capacity building programmes is undertaken by HR in line with corporate guidelines. Where feasible HR uses the Local Government Training Group’s call-off framework for learning and development provision, for the selection of appropriate providers and undertakes procurement exercises, where necessary.


3.4       In respect of Members’ PDPs, there are occasions when members will have a preferred learning and development provider to deliver training either on an individual basis, or where PDP budgets are pooled by a party group to deliver capacity building collectively to the party.  While it is recognised that on occasion members may have preferences regarding providers, it is proposed that the most appropriate approach is for Corporate HR to commission any necessary external provision in line with procurement guidance.  This will ensure a more structured and robust approach to the commissioning of learning and development providers, in particular for members’ PDP activities. 


            Elected members role in good governance


3.5       Good corporate governance is an essential element in the efficient running of local government and is critical if the Council is to achieve the goals set out in the Belfast Agenda and meet the expectations of citizens and stakeholders.


3.6       The Council’s governance arrangements are concerned with the structures and processes for decision-making, accountability and transparency. Collectively the governance arrangements facilitate the Council in having a clear direction, accountability and appropriate working arrangements, which help ensure we achieve what we set out to do.  The internal governance, ethics, and relationships, which underpin good governance, are set out in the Council’s Standing Orders and Elected Members’ Role Profiles.


            Continuing Development programme


3.7       Given the need for ongoing good corporate governance, a continuing development programme, covering key governance topics, has been developed. The programme, detailed at Appendix One, will support members in their role as elected representatives with responsibility for contributing to and overseeing the implementation of good governance across the Council.


3.8       The modular programme will be delivered, on a month by month basis, by means of interactive sessions facilitated, in the main, by senior council officers and where appropriate using external experts.  To date two modules of the programme have been delivered; Code of Conduct training in March 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) training delivered by officers during May 2018.


3.9       The remaining modules of the programme, will focus on:


·        Decision making in the legal and political context including the General Power of Competence;

·        Good governance and due diligence;

·        Managing our finances;

·        Regeneration and investment in the city;

·        Members’ roles on outside bodies and external boards;

·        Training in the role of chair;

·        Fraud, bribery, corruption and whistleblowing; and

·        The election and count processes


3.10      Financial Implications


            The proposed approach to commission all external providers will ensure value for money along with a high level of quality provision.  Internal expertise will be used in the main to design and deliver the Governance development programme. Corporate Human Resources will work with key senior officers to co-ordinate its delivery.  The costs of any external expertise required will be met from the 2018-2019 Organisational Development budget.


3.11      Equality or Good Relations Implications


            None associated with this report as all elected members will be invited to attend each module.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: