Agenda item


            The Committee considered a report in relation to the re-consultation by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) on the planning application for the new Transport Hub (LA04/2017/1388/F). It was noted that the DfI was the determining authority having formally “called in” the planning application under Section 29 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.


            The Committee was reminded that, in July, 2017, DfI formally consulted the Council on the application and the following summary of response had been agreed by the Committee in October, 2017:


·        Further clarification required regarding cycle and car parking;

·        Recommendation of a larger amount of usable green space;

·        Recommendation of the use of Section 76 agreements for phasing, landscaping, public realm, parking and job creation (failing that a planning condition); and

·        In addition, the Council requested that the Department considered the potential for regeneration opportunities for the communities in the area and a direct resource for local communities to deal with issues such as disruption, transport, and business closures. It was also suggested that a Section 76 agreement, which had the potential for supporting local regeneration such as business development, tourism initiatives, and tackling health inequalities, and that provided resources at a local level for the wider community via development contributions, should be considered.


            In August, 2018, DfI undertook a further round of consultation with the Council based on the receipt of further environmental information from the applicant, such as:


·        A ‘Further Environmental Information’ Planning Statement which responds to issues previously raised by consultees;

·        The Boyne Bridge Planning Information Summary which outlined the history of bridges at this location and the constraints of retention. It also outlined the proposed heritage aspects and highlighted that Historic Environment Division welcomed the approach and mitigation measures proposed;

·        A Construction Phase Sustainable Travel Plan; and

·        Multiple documents pertaining to traffic surveys and modelling.


The following information had been received in response to issues previously raised by the Council:


·        Clarification had been provided regarding cycle and car parking. Officers advise that the proposed temporary car park should be appropriately conditioned to prevent permanent use;

·        Clarification and further information had been provided to deal with transport and parking. This would be assessed by DfI Roads;

·        Whilst the Council felt that a larger amount of green usable space should be provided, the applicant stated that the public consultation exercise showed a preference for flexible open space to hold events;

·        The Council recommended a legal agreement to ensure that public realm, phasing, landscaping and parking were completed in the appropriate time and manner. The applicant responded to state that they were fully committed to the delivery of all of these components and that DfI felt that these could be satisfactorily addressed via planning conditions. They further stated that Translink’s public funding included £7m for public realm and landscaping;

·        The Council recommended a Section 76 agreement to leverage opportunities for residents to benefit both from construction jobs and long-term jobs. The applicant stated that they had been working with the Council’s Economic Development Unit since April, 2017 and hosted an event in October, 2017 for attendees to learn of immediate and long-term employment opportunities as a result of this project. In addition, Translink and the Council had announced an official partnership to deliver the “Buy Social” clauses during the construction and engineering phase of the project which would include the formation of a “bespoke Construction Employment Academy”;

·        Finally, the Planning Committee requested the appointment of a dedicated community liaison officer to work closely with the local community on all aspects of the project. The applicant advised that a Community Development Manager was appointed specifically for this in Spring, 2017.


            The Committee noted the contents of the report.


(Councillor Hussey returned to the Committee table at this point.)


Supporting documents: