Agenda item


            Mr J. Greer, Director of Economic Development, Mr A. Thatcher, Director of Planning and Building Control, and Mrs L. Toland, Head of Economic and International Development, attended in connection with these items.


            Update on the Status of Bank Buildings


            The Committee noted an update on the status of the Bank Buildings which had been provided by the Chief Executive and the Director of Planning and Building Control.


            Animation Proposals


            The Committee considered a report which, as part of the City Recovery Investment Plan, provided details and proposals in relation to a substantial programme of infrastructure and events for the City Centre to drive footfall into the area and in turn drive spend.  The Committee was advised that the programme would run until spring 2019.  However, since the Council was purchasing semi-permanent structures, these would be available to the city for future events programmes. 


            After discussion, the Committee:


1.     noted and agreed the approach for an enhanced level of city infrastructure, programming, and events to accelerate the economic recovery of the City Centre following the Bank Buildings fire;

2.     noted that the total cost of the programme was £1.69m of which £900k would be funded through the existing City Recovery Fund;

3.     agreed, given the immediate need for  implementation, to cash flow the balance of £790k in the first instance;

4.     agreed to consider  a further report on the level of financial support achieved for the Programme from other funders and  any deficit in funding at the Committee in November; and

5.     agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 47 (2) (c), that the decisions be not subject to call-in on the basis that an unreasonable delay could be prejudicial to the Council's or public's interest.


            Update on Primark Fund for Businesses


            The Committee was reminded that, following the fire at the Bank Buildings, Primark had announced on 18th September, 2018 that it would be “donating £500,000 to Belfast City Council’s recover programme as a gesture of good will.  The Council will manage the distribution of the recovery fund to those local businesses impacted by the fire”.


            At its meeting on 5th October, the Committee had agreed a process for the allocation of funds, as well as the funding amounts due to eligible businesses both inside the cordon and outside the cordon but located in those areas worst affected by the fire.  Following that decision, officers had been processing the applications for support from affected businesses.  The Director of Economic Development tabled a report which provided an update on the status of the applications and approvals to date.  The report flagged up also a number of issues that had arisen since the scheme opened. 


            After discussion, the Committee:


·        noted the progress in the processing and allocation of the Primark fund for businesses;

·        noted the issues that had arisen since the opening of the scheme and the internal management and oversight considerations around these issues;

·        agreed that the eligibility criteria be revised to include businesses outside the existing cordon, but which were closed for a number of days following the fire.  The additional spend required to fund this change would be sought from Primark. If Primark did not agree to fund, the Council would first look to any underspend in the £500,000. In the event that the £500,000 was depleted, authority was granted to cash flow up to £50,000 from the Council allocation at this stage. An update would be reported back to the Committee in November.

·        agreed that requests for support from offices outside the cordon but within the eligible boundary should not be approved; and

·        agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 47 (2) (c), that the decisions be not subject to call-in on the basis that an unreasonable delay could be prejudicial to the Council's or public's interest.


            The Committee agreed further that Party Leaders and the Lord Mayor would seek to meet, as a matter of urgency, with both the Secretary of State and the Head of the Civil Service to discuss financial support for this package and the long term recovery of the City Centre. 


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