Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To advise members of the Council funded initiatives which have been agreed to mark the centenary of the end of World War 1 and to ask for consideration regarding the lighting of a beacon on 11th November as part of ‘A Nation’s Tribute’ project.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to;


·        Note the agreed programme of events and advise if they wish to support the  lighting of a beacon on 11th November 2018 as part of the ‘A Nation’s Tribute’ project. 


3.0       Main report


3.1       Members will be aware that a comprehensive outline series of themes has been developed in relation to marking the Decade of Centenaries from 2018-22 which Council has previously approved.


3.2       Members will also be aware of the wider Centenaries programme contained within the PEACE IV Plan. This programme will be an engagement programme within communities, whereas the Council’s programme will be more of a Civic Programme of events as has been the case thus far. Corrymeela have been awarded the contract and delivery of this programme has now commenced.


3.3       The following initiatives have been undertaken or are being supported by the Council:


1.      23 August – 16 September 2018 – Shrouds of the Somme – an art piece displayed in the Cenotaph, which commemorated the thousands of servicemen from the Ulster and Irish regiments, or from Belfast, who died in the Battle of The Somme and have no known graves.


2.      Friday 12 October 2018 – Greater Love.  Council in association with New Irish Arts is hosting the final performance of Greater Love in City Hall - Stories, music and images to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War 1.  All Members of Council were invited to this event.


3.      Friday 9 November 2018– Inspire Event at City Hall.  This event is part of a wider series of high profile and simultaneous events that will take place in Cathedrals and other public venues across GB, designed for children and young people, on that date. These events will mark the centenary of the end of the ‘Great War’ and are designed to inspire a new generation of young people to take positive action to work for peace and conflict resolution, not only across the world, but also in their own communities. The Corrymeela Community are delivering the main Inspire event in Northern Ireland, with funding and other staff support from the Council’s Good Relations team.


4.      A further two initiatives regarding the centenary of World War 1 have been funded through the City Growth and Regeneration Committee under the Events and Festivals Funding: A concert in the Waterfront Hall marking the Centenary and a community programme which will be undertaken throughout the year entitled ‘Every Day Remembered’.


5.      Council will host the annual ceremony to mark Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph on Sunday 11 November at 11 am and as this falls on Armistice Day this year the Royal British Legion will not be marking it with the separate informal gathering in the Garden of Remembrance. 


In addition, there will be a service at St Anne’s cathedral on the afternoon of Sunday 11 November, the timing of which has not been decided yet.


3.4       Council has also been approached regarding a project entitled ‘A Nation’s Tribute’ to mark the Centenary of the Armistice which includes Councils across the UK hosting the lighting of a beacon within their Council areas at 7pm on 11 November.  We are aware that at least six other councils in NI have agreed to light beacons on this date.  It is worth noting that there is significant pressure on 11 November, following the ceremony, for the market build and the erecting of the Christmas tree.


3.4       However, if Council wished to host the lighting of a beacon this might be possible if the beacon was located on the west lawn in the grounds of City Hall, and it was a small event.  The service at Westminster Abbey will be broadcast live across the UK at 7pm and it is difficult to gauge whether this would have an adverse effect on members of the public attending the Belfast lighting of a beacon. 


3.6       Financial & Resource Implications


            It is estimated that the cost of the beacon event could be in the region of £1,500 to cover the cost of the beacon and associated programme around its lighting. This would be covered through the Council’s civic budget.


            All other events are covered through existing budgets.


3.7       Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


            The Decade of Centenaries programme has been screened through the District Council Good Relations Plan.”


            The Committee noted the agreed programme of events and agreed to support the lighting of a beacon on 11th November, 2018 as part of “A Nation’s Tribute” project.


Supporting documents: