Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0     Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To consider an application for the erection of a dual language street sign for an existing street within the City.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       Members are asked to make a decision on the proposal to erect a second street nameplate in Irish at Mountforde Park. This request is outside the Street Naming Policy as there are no properties within the street, therefore no survey had been carried out.


2.2       Members are reminded that following an unsuccessful legal challenge in respect of the current policy the Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of discretion for the Council to deal with applications notwithstanding that the policy tests were not met and/or in cases in which there were exceptional circumstances.


2.3       Committee is therefore asked to consider whether it wishes to exercise its discretion in these circumstances.


3.0       Main report


3.1       Key Issues


            The power for the Council to consider applications to erect a second street nameplate in a language other than English is contained in Article 11 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (NI) Order 1995.


3.2       The legislation requires the Council, in deciding whether and how to exercise its discretion to erect a street name in a language other than English, to take account of the views of the occupiers of the premises in the street. The Council will normally canvass all people appearing on the electoral register of the street and seek their views on the request to erect a street sign in a second language. Members are reminded that following an unsuccessful legal challenge in respect of the current policy the Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of discretion for the Council to deal with applications notwithstanding that the policy tests were not met and/or in cases in which there were exceptional circumstances.


3.3       Councillor Mairéad O Donnell has made a request for an Irish dual language sign at Mountforde Park. There are no properties, and therefore no residents in Mountforde Park to survey as it is a small street, which facilitates access to four streets which have already had dual language street signs erected by Belfast City Council.


3.4       Members are asked to consider this application for Mountforde Park to erect a second street nameplate showing the name of the street expressed in a language other than English. The second language is Irish.


3.5       In support of the application for a dual language Irish sign at Mountforde Park, Councillor O Donnell has advised that this is a small street located off Mountforde Road in the Short Strand area of BT5. Mountforde Park has no residents and there is no opportunity to develop or continue this street. The four streets accessed from and located off Mountforde Park are: Comber Court, Bryson Court, Bryson Gardens and Comber Gardens and all have approved dual language Irish street signs erected by Belfast City Council. The first three being approved in 2002 and Comber Gardens was surveyed in May 2018 with 89% of residents responding in favour of an Irish dual language sign. The application was subsequently approved at the People and Communities Committee on 7th August 2018 and Council on 3rd September 2018.


3.6       The three streets surrounding Mountforde Park, Bryson street, Beechfield street and Mountforde Road have also been previously been surveyed by Belfast City Council and have dual language Irish signs erected.


3.7       Councillor O Donnell has advised that the residents in these surrounding and adjacent streets are supportive of dual language signs at Mountforde Park.


3.8       Belfast City Council has written to QUB for the translation for Mountforde Park and we are awaiting a response.


3.9       The Council’s policy on the erection of a second street nameplate requires that at least two thirds (66.6%) of the people surveyed must be in favour of the proposal to erect a second street sign in a language other than English.  Given that there are no properties or residents in the street a survey has not been carried out and the request is brought before members to determine if the dual language street sign should be erected.


3.10     Financial & Resource Implications


            There is a cost of approximately £150 to cover the cost of the manufacturing and erection of the dual language street signs. The cost for these street signs has been allowed for in the current budget.


3.11     Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


            There are no direct equality/rural needs implications.”


            Moved by Councillor Canavan,

            Seconded by Councillor Baker,


            That the Committee agrees that dual language sign be erected at Mountforde Park as an exception to the Council’s Street Naming Policy as the street had no residents, there would be no opportunity to develop the street and the surrounding and adjacent streets had dual language street signs erected. 


            On a vote by show of hands, nine Members voted for the proposal and five against and it was declared carried.


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