Agenda item


(Councillors Carson and McAteer left the room at this point.)


            The Development Engagement Manager outlined the details of the major planning application to the Committee.


            He pointed out that a number of revised schemes had been submitted following discourse between the applicant and the Council, the most recent of which had been received on 13th November.


            He referred to the Late Items Pack and advised the Committee that a late objection had been received from the Ulster Architectural Heritage Society (UAHS) in relation to the most recent scheme.  The comments included:


·        UAHS was unable to access Conservation officer’s comments on the portal;

·        the case officer had overturned the original Conservation Officer’s advice in favour of the agent’s advice;

·        UAHS considered that the building made an historical  contribution to the conservation area;

·        that previous efforts to retain historic fabric were not being replicated in the application; and

·        that the proposed design was pastiche and unbecoming of the conservation area.


            He outlined the response of the Planning Department to the aforementioned issues raised, as set out in the Late Items Pack. 


            The Committee also noted correspondence from the agent in response to the UAHS concerns, as set out in the Late Items Pack.


            He advised the Committee that, as the site was within the Linen Conservation Area, the key policies which were under consideration were Policy BH14 – Demolition in a Conservation Area, and Policy BH10 – Demolition of a Listed Building, of PPS6.


            He outlined that officers felt that the two single storey buildings on Linenhall Street were of little architectural merit and that they, in fact, detracted from the overall character and appearance of the Conservation Area.  He stated that they had no objection to their removal in principle, provided that the replacement scheme was acceptable.


            He advised the Committee that the Clarence Gallery Building made a material contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The Committee was advised that officers had concluded that, having given regard to all of the submitted information and consultee responses, an exceptional case had been made for its demolition. He outlined that consideration had been given to its structural condition, loss of historic fabric, the applicant’s unsuccessful marketing of the premises and viability. 


            He stated that officers felt that the proposal would enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. It would also result in inward investment and would bring a corner of the Conservation Area back into active use. He explained why officers were of the view that the proposal would not harm the setting of nearby Listed Buildings.


            The Committee was advised that, should it grant planning permission, the application would require notification to the Department for Infrastructure, in view of comments received from the HED which had sought the building to be lowered.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report and delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control to grant conditional planning permission and demolition consent, subject to clarification of consultation responses from DfI Roads and the NIEA, and a satisfactory public realm enhancement scheme.


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