Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at the meeting of the Council on 7th January, the following motion, which had been proposed by Councillor O’Hara and seconded by Councillor Nic Biorna, had been referred to the Committee for consideration:


“This Council opposes the naming of the new Council leisure facility on the land at Montgomery Road as “The Robinson Centre” and agrees that this facility be renamed in accordance with Council policy.


The naming of any Council facility must be inclusive and welcoming to all.  The previous centre on this land was named “The Robinson Centre” and was within the Castlereagh Borough Council area before the changes in council boundaries when councils reduced in number from twenty-six to eleven.  This is a new facility and must come under existing Council policy.


Belfast City Council’s policy is clear.  A person must be deceased for at least five years before any park or leisure facility can be named after them.”


            Councillor O’Hara, the proposer of the motion, addressed the Committee and outlined her reasons as to why she felt that the facility should be given a new name.  She explained that, as it was a new facility, it should be named in line with the Council’s Naming Policy to ensure it was a unique, inclusive and welcoming space for all.


            A number of the Members disputed that this was a new centre and stated that it was instead a replacement facility, therefore, there was no justification or need for it to be renamed.  A Member stated that the centre had been referred to as the Robinson Centre in all promotional material throughout the Leisure Transformation Programme.


            Another Member suggested that the proposal to rename the facility was politically motivated.


            The City Solicitor referred to the Council’s Naming Policy (2008) and stated that the provisions for naming and renaming of a facility were contained within the same appendix.  He advised that they were broadly the same, however, where there was to be a renaming, consideration would have to be given to the historical context of the original name before seeking to change it.  He confirmed that, from a legal position, the Council had absolute discretion in regard to the naming/renaming of any of its facilities, subject to consultation and to an equality assessment. 


            A number of Members referred to Belfast City Council’s naming policy and highlighted that it stated that ‘a person must be deceased for at least five years before any park or leisure facility can be named after them’, therefore, in their opinion, the current name did not comply with the Policy.  They also highlighted that it had repeatedly been referred to as a new facility on the Council’s website.


            Following a further query, the City Solicitor clarified that, if the Council was to proceed with a public consultation, it would take into consideration the publics comments and recommendations but, ultimately, the final naming would be a Council decision.




            Moved by Councillor Lyons,

            Seconded by Councillor Heading,


                  That the wording of the motion be amended with the replacement of the       final sentence with the following:


      “Mindful of Belfast City Council’s Naming Policy in regard to naming its facilities and the criteria as stipulated within it”.


The Committee agreed to the motion as amended.   




            Moved by Councillor Magennis,

                  Seconded by Councillor Magee,


     That a City-wide consultation would be undertaken to enable ratepayers to have an input into the naming of the facility.”


            On a recorded vote, eleven Members voted for the proposal and seven against, and it was declared carried.


For 11


Councillors Baker, Black, Corr, Heading, Lyons, Magennis, McAllister, McAteer, McCusker, McReynolds and Magee.



Against 7


Aldermen Copeland, McCoubrey, Rodgers and Sandford; and

Councillors Corr Johnston, Newton and Pankhurst.


            After discussion it was further agreed that, prior to the consultation, a report would be submitted to the Committee which would outline the detail of the consultation exercise to be undertaken.  


Supporting documents: