Agenda item


Moved by Councillor Lyons,

Seconded by Alderman Kingston,


            That the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 13th February be approved and adopted.


City Events Programme


            The Chief Executive referred to the Appendix associated with the City Events Programme 2019/20 report.  She advised that in the table the proposed 2019-2020 Programme Agreed Estimates detailed that the total figure amounted to £1,092,114 and this should have been £1,127,114.  The Chief Executive clarified that £1,127,114 had been included within the Departmental budget for 2019/20.







City Events Programme 2019/20/Progression of the

Cultural programme – Festivals and Events Update


            Moved by Councillor McAllister,

            Seconded by Councillor Long,


            That the decision of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 13th February under the heading “City Events programme 2019/2020 and Progression of the Cultural Programme – Festivals and Events Update” be amended to provide that no funding be allocated to the Cultural Programme at this time, and that it be referred back to the Committee for further discussion and that the decision relating to the funding for the City Events Programme would proceed as agreed by the Committee.


            On a recorded vote, six Members voted for the amendment and thirty-nine against, with six no votes, and it was declared lost.


For 6


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor McDonough Brown); and

Councillors Armitage, Long, McAllister, Nicholl and O’Neill.

          Against 39


The Lord Mayor (Councillor Hargey);

The High Sheriff (Alderman Sandford);

Aldermen Copeland, Haire, Kingston, McCoubrey, McGimpsey, L. Patterson, Rodgers and Spence; and

Councillors Beattie, Black, Bunting,  Campbell, Canavan, Carson, Clarke, Collins, Corr Johnston, Craig, Dorrian, Dudgeon, Garrett, Groves, Hussey, Hutchinson, Johnston,  Kyle, Magee, Magennis, McAteer, Murphy, Newton, Nic Biorna, O’Donnell, O’Hara, Pankhurst, Reynolds and Walsh.

No Vote 6


Alderman Convery; and

Councillors Attwood, Boyle, Heading, Lyons and Milne.




            Moved by Councillor Beattie

            Seconded by Councillor Garrett,


            That, in accordance with Standing Order 47 (2) (c), the decision of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 13th February under the heading “City Events Programme 2019/20 and Progression of the Cultural programme – Festivals and Events Update”, not be subject to call-in, as an unreasonable delay could be prejudicial to the Council’s or the public’s interests.


            On a recorded vote, thirty-eight Members voted for the amendment and eight against, with four no votes, and it was declared carried.


For 38


The Lord Mayor (Councillor Hargey);

The High Sheriff (Alderman Sandford);

Aldermen Copeland, Haire, Kingston, McCoubrey, McGimpsey, L. Patterson, Rodgers and Spence; and Councillors Beattie, Black, Bunting,  Campbell, Canavan, Carson, Clarke, Corr Johnston, Craig, Dorrian, Dudgeon, Garrett, Groves, Hussey, Hutchinson, Johnston,  Kyle, Magee, Magennis, McAteer, Murphy, Newton, Nic Biorna, O’Donnell, O’Hara, Pankhurst, Reynolds and Walsh.

          Against 8


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor McDonough Brown); and

Councillors Armitage, Heading, Long, Lyons, McAllister, Nicholl and O’Neill.



No Vote 4


Alderman Convery; and

Councillors Boyle, Collins and Milne.





Infrastructure and Transport Update


            Moved by Councillor O’Donnell,

            Seconded by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor (Councillor Hargey),


            That the decision of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 13th February under the heading “Infrastructure and Transport Update” be amended to provide that the Council also enter into discussions with the Department for Infrastructure in relation to the development of other viable locations for the East Belfast Translink depot.


            On a vote by show of hands, thirty Members voted for the amendment and seventeen against, and it was declared carried.


Adoption of Minutes


         Subject to the foregoing amendments, the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 13th February were thereupon approved and adopted.


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