Agenda item


The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0    Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1      The purpose of this report is to update members on recent engagement with Glentoran Football Club and seek approval to enter into a preferential use agreement with respect to King George V (KGV) Playing Fields.


2.0      Recommendations


2.1      Members are asked to:


§     Note the request for a preferential use agreement from Glentoran FC and the work required to provide suitable pitch facilities at King George V Playing Fields for the club’s Youth Academy.

§     Agree to Belfast City Council entering into a preferential use agreement based on the terms and conditions as outlined in this report.


3.0      Main report


 3.1     Key Issues


Members will be aware that, at its meeting in March 2018, the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee endorsed the recommendation of the East AWG to replace the KGV 3G pitch proposal on the capital programme with a new 3G pitch at Blanchflower Playing Fields.


3.2       In addition, Members requested that officers undertake research into the provision of suitable and convenient pitch facilities for Glentoran Football Club, including its youth academy with an update to be reported back to Committee in due course.


3.3       Following the Strategic Policy and Resources decision in March 2018, officers have investigated the potential for carrying out minor works to KGV, which would bring the existing grass pitches up to a standard suitable for Glentoran or any other groups who may wish to book them.


3.4       Several meetings have taken place with Glentoran in respect of this issue, most recently in November 2018 and February 2019. This has resulted in a request for a preferential use agreement based on the following terms:


1.     Glentoran will have block bookings on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and also on Saturday mornings for 45 weeks per year throughout a 5 year preferential use agreement – other groups will be able to book the pitches at all other times;


2.     The agreement will cover 2 pitches for a period of 5 years and 1 pitch for a period of 3 years;


3.     Belfast City Council will reserve the right, as with all Council owned playing fields in the city, to determine when pitches are playable;


4.     Bookings will be paid in line with the Council’s agreed city-wide pricing policy for grass pitch bookings. Please note that the prices quoted below are for the 2018/19 financial year and will be subject to inflationary price increases that will be reflected in the citywide pricing structure, which is agreed by Council;



Charges per hour

1 hr inc VAT

2 hr inc VAT

1 hr No VAT

2 hr No VAT

Full pitch – with changing – Adult





Full pitch – with changing concession





Full pitch – without changing Adult





Full pitch – without changing concession





Junior Pitch with changing





Junior Pitch without changing






5.        Belfast City Council will carry out initial works to make the pitches ready, which is estimated to cost £18,000;


6.        Belfast City Council will erect temporary fencing to protect the pitches during the works and the grass will need to be given time to establish before the pitches are deemed to be playable;


7.        Belfast City Council will continue to be responsible for the management and daily maintenance of the playing fields i.e. grass cutting, litter picking, opening/closing etc;


8.        Glentoran will assume responsibility for the end of year maintenance, which will be undertaken in liaison with the Park Manager;


9.        Glentoran will be responsible for carrying out works to their floodlights, which will be on Glentoran’s land, and will facilitate play in the evenings;


10.     Belfast City Council will enter into a separate key holding agreement with Glentoran for bookings that fall outside the normal park opening times and for use of the changing rooms at KGV;


11.     Based on the discussions and correspondence that have taken place to date the following value is associated with Glentoran’s contribution towards their preferential use request;









Floodlighting Maintenance



End of year maintenance (2 pitches x 5 years)



End of year maintenance (1 pitch x 3 years)





Contingency Sum (10%)


Estimated Total



3.5       If Members are minded to agree in principle to the terms of this preferential use request it is envisaged that a formal agreement will be developed by legal services covering a period of five years.


Financial Implications


3.6       The cost of bringing the pitches to an appropriate standard are included in the grounds maintenance budget for the area. The value of the contribution from Glentoran FC has been estimated at £131,450 over a five year period. A due diligence process has been completed to confirm the estimated value.


Equality or Good Relations Implications


3.7       Members will be aware that the KGV Playing Fields are extensively used by the local community. Engagement with the local community will be required in advance of and during works to manage access to the site.”


            The Committee noted the request for a preferential use agreement from Glentoran FC and the work required to provide suitable pitch facilities at the King George V Playing Fields for the Club’s Youth Academy and agreed that Belfast City Council would enter into a preferential use agreement based on the terms and conditions as outlined in the report.


Supporting documents: