Agenda item


            (Councillor Groogan declared an interest in this item and left the meeting for the duration of the item.)


            The Case officer provided the Committee with the principal aspects of the application which proposed the construction of a four storey building on the raised platform above the railway line between University Road and Botanic Avenue.


            She outlined the key issues which had been considered during assessment of the proposals which included the principle of Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) at the location, compliance with the HMO subject Plan and PBMSA Guidance Document, design, scale, massing and layout and impact on the conservation area and listed buildings.


            The Case officer explained that the proposal was a compatible land use which did not conflict with relevant policy and other material considerations.


            The Committee was advised that consultation had been undertaken with DfI Roads Service, Historic Environment (HED), NI Water, Environmental health, NI Transport Holding Company (NITHC), Rivers Agency, Building Control and the Urban Design and Conservation officers.


            The Case officer explained that HED had raised one concern regarding the University Avenue elevation however it had informally advised that the amended plans had addressed their concerns.


            She informed the Committee that NITHC had raised a number of stipulations and that officers considered them to be civil matters between two landowners and that they could be addressed as informatives.


            The Committee was advised that all other consultees had responded with no objections, subject to conditions and informatives.


            The Case officer explained that a robust Pre-Application Discussion (PAD) for the application had taken place, where the design and other relevant maters had been addressed in detail.


            As the proposal was located within the Queens Conservation Area, was adjacent to two Areas of Townscape Character and was in the close proximity of a number of listed buildings, the Committee was shown a number of computer generated images demonstrating the view of the proposed development from various key viewpoints.


            The Committee was advised that a Section 76 Planning Agreement had been submitted by the developer and which was under consideration by the Council’s Legal Services section.


            The Case officer drew the Committee’s attention to the Late Items Pack, where responses from the City Regeneration and Development Team and HED had been received.  She also advised that five letters of representation had not been considered before publication of the Committee report and that the issued raised therein had either already been considered in the report or were civil matters.  The Members also noted that the landscape plans had been amended to rectify a discrepancy in relation to proposed planting on the right of way.


            The Chairperson welcomed Mr. M. Gordon and Mr. A. Best, representing the applicant/agent, to the meeting.


            In response to a Member’s question regarding the balconies on the adjoining Bingo Hall on Botanic Avenue potentially causing an overlooking issue to the proposed development, Mr. Best advised the Committee that the balconies were originally installed for patrons of the business who smoked, but that they were no longer used.  The Case officer advised the Committee that the floorplans illustrated that the area concerned would predominantly be used as a circulation area within the building, and that the windows would face onto Botanic Avenue.


            A further Member queried how planners would ensure that the materials were appropriate to the listed buildings.  In response, the case officer advised the Members that they had gone through a number of design iterations to achieve more appropriate materials and, furthermore, there was a condition requiring a sample panel to be constructed and maintained on the site so that the materials could be seen in context and that it would be required to be discharged prior to construction.


            A Member asked whether NI Rail had received the necessary structural assurances which were to be signed off by a chartered civil engineer.  Mr. Best confirmed that they had met with Translink every few weeks in relation to the Development Management Plans and that, to date, two inspections of the internal tunnel had taken place with Translink representatives, as well as testing of the concrete, chemical testing and structural road testing.


            The Case officer confirmed to the Members that these were civil matters and that Building Control would also be heavily involved given the location of the development.


            The Committee approved the application and, in accordance with Section 76 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2015, delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control, in conjunction with the City Solicitor, to enter into discussions with the applicant to explore the scope of any planning agreements which might be realised at the site.  The Committee also delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control for the final wording of the conditions.


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