Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To consider a motion on climate resilience, which was referred to the Committee by the Council at its meeting on 21st May, and to consider draft Terms of Reference for an all-party Working Group on Climate Resilience. 



2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to


·        Consider the motion and to take such action thereon as may be determined.


3.0       Main report


3.1       The Council, at its meeting on 21st May, considered the following motion which had been proposed by Councillor de Faoite and seconded by Councillor Flynn:


            ‘This Council agrees to establish an all-party Working Group on climate change resilience, to explore how Belfast can react to the climate crisis; protect our citizens from the existing and likely future effects of climate breakdown and investigate measures the Council can take to limit its impact on the climate crisis.’


3.2       In accordance with Standing Order 13(f), the motion was referred without debate to the Committee.


3.3       If the committee is minded to approve this motion, the following draft Terms of Reference are proposed:


            The Working Group on Climate Change will be responsible for researching, monitoring and considering the potential implications of climate change for the city of Belfast and for making recommendations to Council on a strategy or series of interventions to build Belfast’s climate resilience. 


            Its specific functions include:


-       Identifying the specific challenges and risks to the city which may emerge as a result of projected climate change;

-       Monitoring the particular implications of climate change for vulnerable and disadvantaged communities across the city;

-       Understanding the economic risks to the city associated with climate change – including how it might impact the ability of Belfast to continue to attract and retain investment and grow the rate base;

-       Understanding how risks associated with climate change may impact on Belfast Agenda priorities and strategies and programmes in place across the city;

-       Influencing and contributing to regional considerations of the implications of climate change on both the work of the Council and on the city;

-       Collating and considering good practice from other cities and local authorities from the UK, Ireland and internationally;

-       Considering actions, interventions or programmes on climate adaptation which the Council may wish to take to build the city’s climate resilience;

-       Considering actions, interventions or programmes on climate mitigation which the Council may wish to take to build the city’s climate resilience;

-       Considering public campaigns/public education programmes which the Council may wish to deliver to change behaviour among residents and businesses;

-       Taking account of the Council’s statutory responsibilities on sustainable development and relevant Programme for Government commitments; and

-       Hearing evidence from other parties


3.3       Membership of the Working Group will be the same, if agreed earlier in the meeting, as other working groups, that is, one Member from each of the eight Political Parties represented on the Council.


3.4       It is proposed that the Working Group will meet every two months – with the aim of a first meeting in the coming weeks. 


3.5       Members may recall a previous proposal to set up a member and officer Sustainable Development group, with the intention that officers and members could work collaboratively to ‘problem solve’ on substantive issues on sustainable development.  As this proposed Working Group is not a decision-making meeting, members may consider it an opportunity to take a similar approach to the operation of the working group.


3.6       The Working Group will have an important working relationship to relevant boards and external working groups, including the recently established Climate Commission.  It is proposed to undertake a mapping exercise over the summer to set out the range of existing groups across the city and consider the best possible working relationships with them.


3.7       Financial & Resource Implications


            There will be increased costs on an ongoing basis in relation to the support for an additional working group but it is considered hat such costs can be met from within established budgets.


3.8       Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment




            The Committee adopted the motion and agreed to the establishment of a Working Group on Climate Change to consist of 1 representative from each of the 8 Political Parties on the Council.


Supporting documents: