Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that the Council’s Bonfire Governance Arrangements stated that the Press and public will be excluded from meetings in relation to bonfire-related issues having regard to the sensitive nature of the business to be transacted and for the protection of officers who might be required to provide information to assist in decision-making. In addition the information provided was to be treated as sensitive and confidential.


            Accordingly, the Committee agreed that the Press and public be excluded from the meeting.


            The Committee was advised also that, in accordance with Standing Order 37a - Duties of Committees: Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, it had full delegated authority to take decisions in relation to bonfire related issues.


            The Chief Executive submitted a report which provided details on a number of bonfire sites and current issues on which the Committee was asked if it wished to make any decision.


            Ashdale Street/King George V Playing Fields


            The Committee was advised that, subsequent to its decision the previous day, that is, to remove all of the bonfire materials at the Ashdale Street site, the bonfire had been dismantled by the bonfire builders and the majority of the materials moved to the Council-owned King George V Playing Fields, but that a substantial amount of discarded materials remained on Ashdale Street.


            After discussion, the Committee noted that, in line with its previous decision, the remaining bonfire materials would be removed from Ashdale Street and a clean-up of the site would be undertaken by the Council’s contractors.  A discussion took place in relation to the King George V Playing Fields.  However, no decision was taken in respect of this bonfire in that, at present, it did not constitute a risk to life or property and no tyres appeared to be present.  The Committee also did not give explicit consent and officers were asked to keep a watching brief.  In addition, the Committee considered that its perspective this year should not constitute any agreement that the site could be utilised for a bonfire in future years.


            Avoniel Site


            The Committee was advised that, subsequent to its decision the previous day, that is, to the removal of all of the bonfire materials at the Avoniel site and to the removal also of all the flags on the site, the bonfire builders had removed the tyres from the bonfire.




            Moved by Councillor Dorrian,

            Seconded by Councillor Pankhurst,


            That the Committee agrees, in light of the bonfire being smaller and the problem in relation to the tyres having been removed, to rescind its previous decision and allows the bonfire at the Avoniel site to proceed.


            On a vote by show of hands, four Members voted for the proposal and eleven against and it was declared lost.


            Accordingly, the Committee agreed to affirm its previous decision of 8th July to remove all of the bonfire materials at the Avoniel site and to the removal also of all the flags on the site.






            The Committee agreed further, in accordance with Standing Order 47 (a) (2) (c), that the decisions would not be subject to call-in, on the basis that an unreasonable delay could be prejudicial to the Council’s or the public’s interest.