Agenda item


            (Councillor O’Hara declared an interest in the item, in that his partner was related to one of the objectors against the application, and he left the room for the duration of the discussion.


            Councillor Groogan declared an interest in the item, in that she had assisted residents with an objection to the application and explained that she would be speaking against the application.  She left the room while the Committee considered the application.)


            The case officer reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 2nd July, it had agreed to defer consideration of the proposal in order to undertake a site visit to allow Members to acquaint themselves with the location and the proposals at first hand.  She explained that the site visit had taken place on 18th July.


            The case officer provided the Committee with the principal aspects of the proposals, which included the construction of a three storey mixed-use development.


            She explained that the site was unzoned whiteland within the development limits of Belfast as designated in the Belfast Urban Area Plan (BUAP) and that it fell within a designated shopping and commercial area along the arterial route of the Ormeau Road in the draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP).  The Members were advised that, overall, the proposal would help reinstate the role and function of the arterial route through the restoration of a gap site in accordance with SPPS and draft BMAP.


            The Members were advised that the separation distances were considered acceptable in relation to the properties to the rear of the site and that the corners to the rear of the building had been reduced to 2 storeys, in order to minimise impact on the surrounding buildings.


            The case officer explained that one objection had been received from a resident of a neighbouring property, citing concerns with access to the site during construction, disruption and noise pollution, the location of waste management and recycling facilities, rodent infestation and seeking assurance that the existing limited parking on the street would be unaffected.


            The Members were advised that no objections had been received from statutory consultees, subject to conditions, and drew the Committee’s attention to a number of conditions which had been recommended by Environmental Health.


            The Committee was advised that Councillor Groogan wished to speak against the application.  She outlined that the application was within the draft Ormeau Area of Townscape Character (ATC) and that she felt that the plans did not enhance the distinctive character of the ATC, particularly in reference to the use of white render in the proposals.  She explained that she felt that the designs relied too heavily on the Curzon site and that the proposed building was higher than the existing buildings either side of it.  She also raised concerns regarding the separation distances between the proposed development and the properties behind and that she felt it would lead to overlooking and overshadowing.


            The Chairperson welcomed Mr T. Stokes, agent, to the meeting.  He explained that he felt that the proposal presented a great opportunity to develop an unsightly part of the Ormeau Road on a main arterial route.  He explained to the Members that the applicant had responded to concerns from residents and had moved the location of the bin storage on the site.


            In response to a Member’s question regarding the use of white render in the draft ATC, the case officer explained that there was a mixture of materials used within the ATC, and that the proposals were therefore considered appropriate.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report and delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control for the final wording of the conditions.


            (Councillors Groogan and O’Hara returned to the meeting at this point)


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