Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       Members are reminded that on 4th June 2019 a formal request was received by Aiken Promotions to host a series of music events during the month of June in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 in Botanic Gardens


1.2       Members agreed to defer a decision and await a report concerning the music events in Botanic Gardens in June 2019.


1.3       Members received a report on 6th August 2019 concerning the recent music events held in June 2019 in Botanic Gardens. Members agreed to defer a decision and requested confirmation concerning a number of issues;


·        Impact of underage drinking

·        Social clauses in License Agreements to support youth services

·        Charges for use of Council Services to Promotors during music events.

·        Option of reviewing 3 year contract on an annual basis.


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


1.      Grant authority to Aiken Promotion request:


·        for use of the great lawn at Botanic Gardens for a series of music events with attendances under 5,000 persons in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022; and

·        to include set up and take down.


2.      Grant authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed and on condition that:


·        the promoter resolves all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

·        an appropriate legal agreement is completed, to be prepared by the City Solicitor; and

·        the promoter meets all the statutory requirements of the Planning and Building Control Service including the terms and conditions of the Park’s Entertainment Licence


            To address concerns raised by Members, Officers will ensure that the license agreement includes clauses that requires the promoter to;


-       Consider the genre of music as suitable for the urban environment.

-       Provide a plan which seeks to address and provides adequate welfare support, including links with other service providers, to deal with any potential underage drinking, should this be relevant to the event.


            The licence agreement will also include a review clause which allows for consideration of any issues both during the event and prior to any authorisation for the future year.


3.      Grant authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services to negotiate an appropriate fee for the use of the facility taking into account the costs to Council, minimising negative impact on the immediate area but also the potential wider benefit to the City economy.


            Key Issues


3.1       In November 2018 this committee approved five music events in Botanic Gardens over the period 21st-28th June 2019, hosted by Aiken Promotions.  This was subject to


·        the promoter resolving all operational issues to the satisfaction of the Council,

·        an appropriate legal agreement was put in place between the Council and the promoter and,

·        the promoter met all the statutory requirements of the Planning and Building Control Service including the terms & conditions of the Parks Entertainment licence.


3.2       All of the above were completed to the satisfaction of the Council and the promoter complied with all aspects of the legal agreement and the Entertainment licence.


3.3       Approximately 20,000 people attended Botanic Gardens over the five days. There were six noise complaints received in total before, during and after; one pre-event enquiry.


3.4       Only one complaint relating to music noise levels was received on the first day during sound checking. Officers monitored levels at front of house and spot checks were carried out at locations close to the venue.  The noise conditions included in the licence agreement were adhered to throughout the event. 


3.5       There was one corporate complaint regarding closure of the park during preparation for the music event. 


3.6       The complaint was responded to by email and after satisfactory resolution the case is now closed.


3.7       Social media feedback suggested there was concern from regular users of the Botanic Gardens in relation to the Gardens being closed for set up during each event, the number of events and the timeframe of engagement.


3.8       A public meeting was held on 28th May 2019 in which the Promoters met with various residential community groups to provide an update on the events taking place. In addition, approximately 1000 letters were sent to households in the surrounding area providing details of the upcoming music events. (See Appendix A).


3.9       The Gardens were closed to the public at 3.00pm to allow for preparation for each music event.


3.10      The Gardens were cleaned of litter every evening and were open to the public every morning at 7.30am, including the lawn area were the music events were taking place. Lower Botanic Gardens was not affected by the events and remained opened throughout the period.


3.11      Positive elements of written feedback included better use of the park for everyone across the City to enjoy, good ‘buzz’ about Botanic Avenue and fabulous venue.


3.12      There were no incidences reported by the PSNI over the course of the events in Botanic Gardens.


3.13      Financial & Resource Implications


            The Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services to negotiate an appropriate fee for the use of the facility taking into account the costs to Council, minimising negative impact on the immediate area but also the potential wider benefit to the City economy.   The Strategic Director of City & Neighbourhood Services will authorise the relevant level of the necessary bond of intent and reinstatement bond


3.14      Equality, Rural proofing or Good Relations Implications


            There are no equality, rural proofing or good relations issues associated with this report.”


            A number of Members expressed concerns with the proposed three year contract with the promotions company and suggested that an annual review would be more suitable.


            In response to a Member’s question, the Director of Neighbourhood Services confirmed to the Committee that a review meeting took place between Council officers and the promoter after each event to discuss any issues.


            A further Member suggested that the agency which provided the welfare support at an event should be included in the post-event review meeting.


            After discussion, the Committee:


1.      agreed to grant authority to Aiken Promotions’ request for the use of the great lawn at Botanic Gardens for a series of music events with attendances under 5,000 persons in the year 2020, to include set up and take down;

2.      agreed to grant authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed, as outlined within the report;

3.      noted that, to address concerns raised by Members, Officers would ensure that the license agreement included clauses that required the promoter to;

-        Consider the genre of music as suitable for the urban environment.

-        Provide a plan which sought to address and provide adequate welfare support, including links with other service providers, to deal with any potential underage drinking, should this be relevant to the event.

-        The licence agreement would also include a review clause which would allow for the consideration of any issues both during the event and prior to any authorisation for the future year.

4.      granted authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services to negotiate an appropriate fee for the use of the facility taking into account the costs to Council, minimising negative impact on the immediate area but also the potential wider benefit to the City economy; and

5.      further agreed that those agencies which were involved in providing the welfare support in relation to such events would be invited to be involved in the event debrief with officers.


Supporting documents: