Agenda item


            The case officer reminded the Committee that it had agreed, at its meeting on 13th August, to undertake a site visit to acquaint itself with the location and the proposals at first hand.  She explained that the site visit had taken place on 4th September.


            The Members were advised of the principal aspects of the application for a nine-storey aparthotel.  The case officer highlighted that officers were recommending an additional condition to ensure that the apart-hotel could not be used as long-term residential accommodation, as the proposal had not been assessed against the relevant policies for residential accommodation and might be inappropriate for such use.


            The Committee was advised that the site was located within the City Centre Conservation Area, an Area of Parking Restraint, the Primary Retail Core, an Old City Character Area and that it was proximate to listed buildings.  She explained that the proposal met the policy tests outlined in the SPPS and Planning Policy Statement 6.


            She advised the Committee that a number of consultations had been returned since the last meeting.  She explained that DfI Roads Service had no objections and that the Natural Environment Division had confirmed that the Bat Survey was acceptable and that they also had no objections.  The Members were also advised that the Urban Design and Conservation officers had confirmed that the change in materials, to light grey mottled brick with copper/bronze aluminium walling on the top two floors, had resolved their remaining concerns.


            The Historic Environment Division had also assessed the amended plans with regards to materials and had no objections.


            The Committee noted that no third party representations had been received.


            The Chairperson advised the Committee that Mr. B. Starkey and Mr. R. O’Toole, representing the agents, were in attendance and they were welcomed to the meeting.  They explained that the current building did not reflect the architectural or historical interest of the wider area and that the contemporary design of the proposal, and the materials used, would contribute positively to the conservation area.


            In response to a Member’s question regarding the proposed height of the building, the case officer explained that it was considered an appropriate height and that building heights would often peak at a prominent corner site.


            In response to a further question regarding the choice of building materials for the scheme, she advised the Committee that new red brick would stand out in between two longstanding red brick buildings, and that the choice of mottled grey brick, with copper/bronze to reflect the nearby red brick, was more appropriate.


            After discussion, the Chairperson put the case officer’s recommendations to the Committee for its consideration, namely:


      “That planning permission be granted, subject to conditions, and that delegated authority be given to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions as set out in draft in the case officer’s report.”


            On a vote by show of hands, nine Members voted for the proposal and two against and it was declared carried.


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