Agenda item


(Councillor Nicholl declared an interest in the item and

left the room for the duration of the discussion)


            The Committee was provided with the key aspects of the major application for the demolition of the former Students’ Union and the construction of a replacement Students’ centre comprising shopping, food and bar outlets, offices, multi-purpose spaces, roof-mounted solar panels and the reconfiguration of on-street car parking and public realm enhancements. 


            The Members were advised of the main issues which had been considered in relation to the application, including the principle of demolition in the conservation area and the application’s impact on built heritage, traffic and parking, adjacent land users.


            The case officer outlined that the site was located within the Metropolitan Development Limit, the Queen’s Conservation Area, an Area of Parking Restraint and the Queen’s Office Precinct.


            She highlighted to the Members that the current building was a piecemeal combination of an original building from the 1960s together with an extension and modern redevelopment with recladding from 2007.


            She explained that three main viewpoints had been considered when assessing the proposed scheme, namely, from the front of the main Lanyon building, from the front gates of Botanic Gardens and when travelling country-bound on University Road.  The Committee was advised that the plant would be housed on the roof and that adjustments had been made to ensure that it was not prominent from any of the viewpoints.


            The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Late Items Pack, where additional representation had been received from the Church of Ireland and Methodist Chaplaincy.  The issues raised related to concerns in the Noise Addendum Report, citing that residents living in Nos. 10, 28-28 and 42 Elmwood Avenue had not been taken into consideration, that the traffic noise was not the dominant noise concern, concerns regarding the new layby and queried whether attendees could exit the Students’ Union building onto University Road.  The case officer explained the planning response to each of the points which had been raised.


            She highlighted that correspondence had been received from the agent representing the University earlier that day, confirming that the University was willing to amend its plan and use the University Road doors after 11p.m., when the multi-purpose hall was in use and an event was at maximum capacity.  She confirmed to the Members that Environmental Health had subsequently confirmed it was content with this approach. 


            The Chairperson explained that Ms. A. McFerran, Mr. A. Munro and Ms. C. Cooper, representing the agents, were in attendance to address the Committee and he welcomed them to the meeting.  They highlighted that the proposed building was in keeping with the Conservation area, while providing a significant upgrade to the current Student facilities.


            During discussion, a Member queried why the University Road exit would only be used for events at maximum capacity.  The Case officer explained that, following six months of occupation, a Noise Verification Report was required to be submitted which would bring any issues to the fore.  She also added that officers would try to tighten up the wording of conditions in relation to the issue.


            In response to a Member’s query regarding the cycle parking provision, the case officer explained that while there would only be 21 spaces provided as part of the application, that the wider University area had significant cycle parking in addition to a nearby Belfast Bikes station.


            The Committee granted approval to the application, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report and delegated power to the Director of Planning and Building Control for the final wording of the conditions.


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