Agenda item


(Councillor Groogan declared an interest in the item and

left the room for the duration of the discussion)


            The Case officer provided the Committee with the key details of the outline application for the redevelopment of an existing car park and the erection of purpose built “build to rent” residential units with shared amenity spaces and associated car parking.


            He advised the Members of the principle issues in the assessment of the proposed development, which included the principle of development, impact on Built Heritage, scale, massing and design, Open Space provision, traffic and parking, impact on amenity, contaminated land, drainage and flooding and waste management.


            He advised the Committee that the site was unzoned whiteland within the city centre and that it had residential development on three sides.


            The Case officer drew the Committee’s attention to the Late Items Pack, where the Historic Environment Division’s (HED) Historic Buildings had submitted their consultation response.  It had advised that the proposals might have an adverse impact on the Shaftesbury Square hospital and had requested additional information.  The Case officer explained that delegated authority was sought to resolve the matters and to assist HED in its assessment.


            The Committee was advised that 78 objections had been received citing issues with social housing, affordability, scale and massing, loss of light, impact on privacy, lack of car parking, impact on traffic and no green space.  The case officer advised the Members of the officer’s consideration of the issues raised.


            He explained that DfI Roads and DAERA had no objections subject to conditions and that NI Water had no objections to the proposed scheme.


            The Chairperson advised the Members that Mr. R. O'Toole and Mr. C. Deazley, representing the agents, were in attendance and he invited them to address the meeting.

They advised the Committee that the scheme had been reduced in scale after discussions with Planning officers.


            A number of Members raised concerns regarding the response from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), whereby it had advised that there was no site specific need for social housing in that area.  A number of Members stated that there was a distinct lack of 1 bedroom social housing units in the area and suggested that NIHE should be requested to submit additional information in relation to the need in that area, or be requested to attend the next meeting.


            In response to a further Member’s query, the Director of Planning and Building Control confirmed that information relating to requirements for affordable housing would be considered as part of the Planning Workshops on the Thursday sessions in due course.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to defer consideration of the application to enable a site visit to be undertaken to allow the Committee to acquaint itself with the location and the proposals at first hand.  The Committee also asked that Planning officers re-engage with the NIHE, either by requesting that the NIHE attend for this item at the next meeting or that additional information be provided by the NIHE in advance of the next meeting in relation to the social housing need in the area.


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