Agenda item

Proposed by Councillor Michael Collins


Seconded by Councillor Ferguson


“Council condemns plans to hike electricity and energy prices across Belfast, with, for example, Power NI planning to raise their prices by 6%, SSE Airtricity by almost 7% and Electric Ireland by 8%. Council notes that some of these companies have increased their prices for the past 3 years. Council believes that this is grossly unfair, particularly given the fact that prices on the wholesale gas market have fallen by 49% over the last 12 months. Council believes that every effort should be made to oppose these hikes and wishes to see an immediate energy cap put in place. Council calls on the Chief Executive to write to the utility regulator to argue for the above”.


(To be debated by the Council)



In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor Michael Collins proposed:


“Council condemns plans to hike electricity and energy prices across Belfast, with, for example, Power NI planning to raise their prices by 6%, SSE Airtricity by almost 7% and Electric Ireland by 8%. Council notes that some of these companies have increased their prices for the past 3 years. Council believes that this is grossly unfair, particularly given the fact that prices on the wholesale gas market have fallen by 49% over the last 12 months. Council believes that every effort should be made to oppose these hikes and wishes to see an immediate energy cap put in place. Council calls on the Chief Executive to write to the utility regulator to argue for the above”.


            The motion was seconded by Councillor Ferguson.




            Moved by Alderman Kingston,

            Seconded by Councillor Dorrian,


            That the last two sentences be deleted and the additional paragraph be added to the end of the motion, namely:


“This Council should invite the Utility Regulator, Jenny Pyper, to the relevant Committee and also the NI Consumer Council to present on what was being done to prevent and mitigate against these price rises.”


            On a vote by show of hands, fifteen Members voted for the amendment and twenty-seven against and it was declared lost.


Further Amendment


            The proposer agreed, at the request of Councillor Walsh, to the addition of the following paragraph to the motion:


This Council agrees that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Brexit Committee on the impact of Brexit, including a ‘No Deal’ Brexit, on the electricity and wider energy market.”


            After discussion, the following motion, as amended, was put to the meeting:


“Council condemns plans to hike electricity and energy prices across Belfast, with, for example, Power NI planning to raise their prices by 6%, SSE Airtricity by almost 7% and Electric Ireland by 8%. Council notes that some of these companies have increased their prices for the past 3 years. Council believes that this is grossly unfair, particularly given the fact that prices on the wholesale gas market have fallen by 49% over the last 12 months. Council believes that every effort should be made to oppose these hikes and wishes to see an immediate energy cap put in place. Council calls on the Chief Executive to write to the utility regulator to argue for the above.


This Council agrees that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Brexit Committee on the impact of Brexit, including a ‘No Deal’ Brexit, on the electricity and wider energy market.”


            On a vote by show of hands, thirty-one Members voted for the motion and none against and it was declared carried.


Standing Order 23


            During debate on the previous motion, the Council’s attention was drawn to the fact that, in accordance with Standing Order 23, any meeting of the Council which has lasted continuously for five hours shall stand adjourned unless the Council shall by resolution decide to continue sitting.


            The Council resolved to continue to sit to deal with the remaining business.