Agenda item


            The Chief Executive of BWUH Ltd. provided the Members with an update on Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall Ltd.’s (BWUH Ltd.) performance for the year, 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019, which she explained was the third year of operation for the company.


            The Business Support Director advised the Committee that it had been a good year for BWUH Ltd. and provided the Committee with a summary of the company’s sales and overheads figures.  He advised the Committee that the sales income was ahead of budget and of the previous year.  The Committee noted the surplus, budget and the management fee reduction for the year.


            The Chief Executive advised the Committee that a new PA system had been installed in March 2019 and that it had been well received by promoters.


            She explained that the repositioning exercise, as the ICC Belfast, had been successful for the business and that the refreshed website and the company’s focus on digital marketing and communications had been key in that regard.


            She reported that the company had exceeded its target for nine new Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff members, having sustained at least 20.  She also explained that a placement student from Belfast Met, who had been with the company for six months at the beginning of the year, had been employed in an interim position within the company.


            The Members were also advised that, during the Easter holidays, the company had worked with the Springboard Charity and the Council to deliver an innovative employability academy for 16 year olds in Belfast, providing them with an opportunity to explore the different job roles within the hospitality and events industry.


            The Committee was provided with an overview of the ways in which the company was working to address sustainability and environmental issues.


            The Members were reminded that the business had won a number of prestigious awards during the year.


            The Chief Executive reported that Board meetings had been held throughout the year as scheduled and, further to those meeting, regular monthly meetings had been held with the Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) to review progress to date.  The Committee was also advised that a Remuneration Committee had been established.


            She provided the Members with the accident analysis statistics for the venues.


            The Committee was provided with an update on the catering tender.  The Chief Executive highlighted to the Members that the retail catering revenue had seen a significant increase which, given the changes in the catering operation during the year, was very encouraging.


            In response to a Member’s question relating to the potential impact of Brexit on future business for the venue, the Chief Executive advised the Committee that the company was not unduly concerned at this stage and she outlined a number of measures which they were taking to mitigate against the uncertainty.


            The Director of Economic Development, in response to a further question, provided clarity on the subvention fund.


            In response to further Members’ questions regarding employees of BWUH Ltd., the Chief Executive confirmed to the Committee that no employees were on zero hours contracts and provided detail on the terms of the pension scheme for their employees.


            The Committee noted the update which was provided.