Agenda item


(Councillor Haire left the room whilst the item was under consideration.)


The Committee considered the following report:


“1     Background Information.


1.1    In March 2012, GBBCA submitted a request to the Department of the Environment (DoENI) to vary the terms of its 1997 Planning Agreement established under Article 40(A) of the Planning (NI) Order 1991 and modified during 2008. Operating restrictions applied under the 2008 agreement mean that the Airport cannot accept more than 48,000 air traffic movements or offer more than 2 million departing ‘seats for sale’ in any 12 month period.  


1.2    The Airport has requested that its ‘seats for sale’ restriction be removed and replaced with a noise control contour and noise control measures. Members considered this application and a Committee response was forwarded to the Department in June 2012.


1.3    Following completion of this public consultation exercise, the Department wrote to the Planning Appeals Commission asking it to hold a Public Local Inquiry into the proposals and the consultation responses to them. In addition, the Department requested further information from the Airport in respect of the impact of the proposed modification on noise, habitats and road transport.


1.4    A revised proposal and supporting information were submitted to the Department in December 2013 and the Airport submitted further supporting information in May 2014. Additional technical information relating to road transport, drainage and land contamination was received by the Department in July 2014.


1.5    It should be noted that the Department is required to consider the Planning Appeals Commission’s report before it decides upon its final response to the Airport’s modification request, but it is not obliged to accept the Commission’s recommendations


2       Key Issues.


2.1    The Planning Appeals Commission has now written to the council to advise formally that a Public Local Inquiry into the proposed modification of the planning agreement between the George Best Belfast City Airport and the Department of the Environment.


2.2    Accordingly, the key dates for the Public Local Inquiry are as follows:


·        Statement of case to be submitted                   19/02/15

·        Rebuttal statements to be submitted               09/04/15

·        Public Inquiry                                                      May 2015


2.3    Members will recall that the Committee considered in detail the Airport’s proposals and additionally submitted information, to modify its planning agreement at the Committee meeting of 6 March 2014. A consultation response was provided subsequently to the Department affirming council support for the Airport’s aspirations for passenger growth but recognising the need to ensure that effective noise management arrangements are in place to safeguard local communities in line with Industry best practice.


2.4    Members are advised that the Council now needs to prepare and submit its statement of case for the first phase of the Public Inquiry. Officers from the Development and Health and Environmental Services Departments under the direction of the Town Solicitor are preparing the statements supported by industry Experts.  Subject to member approval the Council’s case will centre on supporting the abolition of the seats for sale restriction and will


·        highlight how its removal compliments the Regional Development Strategy and our own Belfast City Centre Regeneration and City Investment Plan aim(s) of strengthening Belfast as the regional economic driver,

·        focus on how it’s removal will help sustain job growth in the city,

·        provide information on the cumulative number of recent Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and highlight improved connectivity as one of the key decision making factors for potential FDI projects,

·        Highlight the importance of better connectivity in delivering the significant growth in tourist numbers identified in our new Tourism Strategy,

·        Highlight GBBCA as an important employer in the city and contributes significantly to the economy.

·        Input regarding the noise management proposals and other environmental considerations. 


3       Resource Implications.


3.1    The costs associated with the preparation for the statement case and attendance of senior counsel and industry experts at the enquiry has been included in the revenue estimates.


4       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1    None.


5       Call In


5.1    This is subject to call-in.


6       Recommendations


6.1    Members are invited to


·        Consider the content of this report and agree that the statement of case follow the guidelines outlined in paragraph 2.6 above;

·        Agree that Officers from the Environmental Health Service, Development Department and Town Solicitors office will attend the Public Local Inquiry in order to present the council’s Statement of Case and to participate in the Inquiry.”


The Committee adopted the recommendations and noted that further reports would be submitted for its consideration on the outcome of the Inquiry.


Supporting documents: