Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The Council’s Physical Programme covers over 150 live regeneration projects across a range of funding streams including the Capital Programme, Leisure Transformation Programme, Belfast Investment Fund, Local Investment Fund, Social Outcomes Fund and the projects which the Council is delivering on behalf of other agencies. This report outlines


-       an overview of physical projects which have been recently completed

-       project recommended to be move through the approval stages

-       update on the IT Programme - Customer Focus Programme


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is requested to –


            Recently completed projects


·        note the update on the Physical Programme as at 3.1. below and that the Physical Programmes Department is happy to arrange a site visit to any projects that have been completed/ and or are underway.


            Proposed movement


·        agree that the Relocation of Dunbar Link Cleansing Depot project is moved to Stage 2- Uncommitted project on the Capital Programme (see 3.2) to allow the project to be worked up in further detail. Members are asked to note that this movement does not constitute an investment decision nor a decision to close the depot at the current time.


            Project Update


·        note that satisfactory tender returns have now been achieved for two IT projects which form an integral part of the Customer Focus Programme (Customer Focus Programme -the Web CMS project and the New Telephony System) and that it is recommended that a maximum budget of up to £135,000 is now allocated per project.  The Director of Finance & Resources has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council


3.0       Main report


            Key Issues


3.1       Update - recently completed projects


            The council’s Physical Programme is a significant regeneration programme of investment across the city. An update on projects which have recently been completed is outlined below:


-       City Cemetery – Permanent Memorial to mark Plot Z1 – to create a permanent memorial for people (mainly babies) buried in Plot Z in the City Cemetery. A unveiling event was held on 12th September 2019 which was extremely well attended and received very positive feedback. 

-       BCC/ DfC Joint Schemes – a new 3G pitch and floodlights at White Rise and the new Old Golf Course Road Park

-       Urban Villages Initiatives – a number of projects have been recently completed on behalf of UV including - Sandy Row playground, Short Strand Community Forum – play area; The Diamond project; Glenbryn playground (match funded by DfC).


            Photos of the recently completed projects are attached at Appendix 1. Members are asked to note that the Physical Programme Department is happy to arrange site visits for Members/ party groups to any physical project.


3.2       Proposed Movements – Capital Programme


            Members have previously agreed that all capital projects must go through a 3 Stage process where decisions on which projects progress are taken by SP&R. This provides assurance as to the level of financial control and will allow Members to properly consider the opportunity costs of approving one capital project over another capital project. Members are asked to agree to the following movements on the Capital Programme





Relocation of the Dunbar Link Cleansing Depot

To examine the options in relation to the proposed relocation on Dunbar Link cleansing depot

Move to Stage 2- Uncommitted – OBC to be worked up


            Any project which is being moved from Stage 1- Emerging to Stage 2- Uncommitted under the Capital Programme is required as part of the Council three stage approval process to complete an Strategic Outline Case (SOC).  Members are asked to note that the SOC for this project has been completed and reviewed internally.


3.3       Relocation of the Dunbar Link Cleansing Depot  


Moved to Stage 1- Emerging on the Capital Programme  

18 August 2017

Senior Responsible Owner (SRO)

Nigel Grimshaw 

Client Department

City & Neighbourhood Services  


            In August 2017 the Committee agreed to add the proposed relocation of the Dunbar Link Cleansing Depot to Stage 1- Emerging project on the Capital Programme following the decision to acquire Commission House in January 2017. At this time Members were advised that the cleansing depot at Dunbar Link and a council public car park were located in close proximity to the Commission House meaning that these sites could provide a key city centre regeneration opportunity.


3.4       Since this stage discussions have been ongoing with the owner of the 2 adjoining sites with a view to potential redevelopment of the combined lands comprising the Council’s depot and car park sites and the privately owned sites.  The car park at Dunbar Link has also been identified as one of the priority sites under the ongoing work on the Strategic Site Assessment (SSA) in the city centre. Redeveloping this site will be subject to the satisfactory relocation of the cleansing depot. 


3.5       It is recommended that the Relocation of the Dunbar Link Cleansing Depot project be moved to Stage 2- Uncommitted on the Capital Programme. This will allow an Outline Business Case (OBC) to be worked up with further detail will be brought back to Members in due course. Members are asked to note that this movement of project does not constitute an investment decision nor a decision to close the depot at the current time. It is recognised that Dunbar Link is still a working location and the car-park is in operation as a parking facility. Therefore the Physical Programmes Department will continue to work closely with the City & Neighbourhoods Department as the asset holders of the depot and car park and the City Regeneration Team who are leading on the SSA work in progressing options for the site.


3.6       Project update


            Members will recall that in March 2019 the Committee have agreed to move the IT Programme - Customer Focus Programme to Stage 3- Committed project under the Capital Programme. This is in line with the council’s ambitious Customer Focus Strategy, which has been designed to significantly improve the quality of its services.  The Customer Focus Programme has been broken down into a number of key workstreams and a number of distinct but interrelated IT projects. Members are asked to note that satisfactory tender returns have now been achieved for two IT projects which form an integral part of the Programme (the Web CMS project and the New Telephony System) and that it is recommended that a maximum budget of up to £135,000 is now allocated per project.  The Director of Finance & Resources has confirmed that this is within the affordability limits of the Council


3.7       Financial & Resource Implications


            Financial –- Relocation of Dunbar Link – no financial implications at this stage


            Customer Focus Programme –IT projects (Web CMS and the Corporate Telephony upgrade) – that a maximum of up to £135,000 is allocated per project.  The Director of Finance and Resources has confirmed that these allocations are within the affordability limits of the Council. 


            Resources – Officer time to deliver as required


3.8       Equality or Good Relations Implications/ Rural Needs Assessment


            All capital projects are screened as part of the stage approval process.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: