Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       The Council has received a request from Aiken Promotions to re-consider its decision to restrict advanced approval to an annual basis for use of the great lawn at Botanic Gardens for a series of music events with attendances under 5,000 persons in the years 2021 and 2022, to include set up and take down. 


1.2      Given previous queries raised by Members, Aiken Promotions has requested an opportunity to attend a meeting of the People and Communities Committee to enable them to respond directly to any queries raised, which was agreed in advance by the Chair and Vice Chair. 



2.0       Recommendation


2.1       Committee is asked to:


1.      Grant authority to Aiken Promotion request:


·        for use of the great lawn at Botanic Gardens for a series of music events with attendances under 5,000 persons in the years 2021 and 2022 to include set up and take down.


2.      Grant authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed and on condition that:


·        the promoter resolves all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

·        an appropriate legal agreement is completed, to be prepared by the City Solicitor; and

·        the promoter meets all statutory requirements of the Planning and Building Control Service including the terms and conditions of the park’s Entertainment Licence.


2.2       To address concerns previously raised by Members, Officers are to ensure that the license agreement includes clauses that requires the promoter to:


·        Consider the genre of music as suitable for the urban environment;

·        Provide a plan which seeks to address and provides adequate welfare support, including links with other service providers, to deal with any potential underage drinking, should this be relevant to the event.


2.3       The licence agreement will also include a review clause which allows for consideration of any issues both during the event and prior to any authorisation for the future year.


3.      Grant authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services to negotiate an appropriate fee for the use of the facility taking into account the costs to Council, minimising negative impact on the immediate area but also the potential wider benefit to the City economy.



3.0       Main Report


            Key Issues


3.1       Members are reminded that on 4th June 2019 a formal request was received by Aiken Promotions to host a series of music events during the month of June in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 in Botanic Gardens.


3.2       Members agreed to defer a decision and await a report concerning the music events in Botanic Gardens in June 2019.


3.3       Members received a report on 6th August 2019 concerning the recent music events held in June 2019 in Botanic Gardens. Members agreed to defer a decision and requested confirmation concerning a number of issues;


·        Impact of underage drinking

·        Social clauses in License Agreements to support youth services

·        Charges for use of Council Services to Promotors during music events.

·        Option of reviewing 3 year contract on an annual basis.


3.4       September Committee granted authority to Aiken Promotion for the use of the great lawn for a series of music events with attendances under 5,000 persons for last week in May and the month of June 2020 to include set up and take down.


3.5       The promoter understands Committee have concerns with granting the use of the Great Lawn for 2021 and 2022.  The promoter has asked to attend the meeting to discuss these concerns.


3.6       Members had previously received a copy of the annual programme of events for a ‘typical year’, and a copy of this is attached for Members’ information.


3.7       Financial & Resource Implications


            The Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services to negotiate an appropriate fee for the use of the facility taking into account the costs to Council, minimising negative impact on the immediate area but also the potential wider benefit to the City economy.   The Strategic Director of City & Neighbourhood Services will authorise the relevant level of the necessary bond of intent and reinstatement bond.


3.8       Staffing resources from our Open Space & Street Scene and Community Safety teams will be required to provide support around site management and issues in relation to maintaining a safer event (i.e. Alcohol enforcement / Safer Neighbourhood Officers).  Cost associated with this will be recouped as part of the agreed fee and used to offset gaps in service provision, which may be created in other parts of the city.


3.9       Equality, Rural proofing or Good Relations Implications


            There are no equality, rural proofing or good relations issues associated with this report.”


            The Committee was advised that Mr. C. McNamee, Aiken Promotions, was in attendance to answer any questions in relation to the application and he was welcomed by the Deputy Chairperson.


            Mr. McNamee reviewed the events which his company had put on in the city the previous year and the type of acts which were booked for the Botanic Gardens to ensure that they in keeping with the venue and its surroundings.  He outlined the measures which his organisation undertook to mitigate against overwhelming the city and its resources and the risk assessments undertaken for each different type of event which were based on demographics, age, male/female ratio and other factors.  He referred also to other measures such as the use of Safer City Officers, the provision of medical facilities and identification checks at the bars.


            Several Members expressed the view that there was still not enough information provided in relation to the exact dates of events and potential clashes, the types of event and the resources required by the Council to manage them, benefits/non-benefits to the city in order to make an informed decision for granting the application over a three-year period.


            The Members also recognised the commercial nature of the organisation and its need to secure venues and dates in advance in order to book the best acts for Belfast.


After further discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor Garrett,

            Seconded by Councillor Magee,


      That the Committee agrees to adhere to its previous decision to approve the application for one year only, that is, 2020, and to consider the application for 2021 and 2022 after that event.


            On a vote by show of hands, six Members voted for the proposal and ten against and it was declared lost. 



            Accordingly the Committee:


1.     Granted authority to the Aiken Promotion request:


·        for use of the great lawn at Botanic Gardens for a series of music events with attendances under 5,000 persons in the years 2021 and 2022 to include set up and take down.


2.     Granted authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed and on condition that:


·        the promoter resolves all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

·        an appropriate legal agreement is completed, to be prepared by the City Solicitor; and

·        the promoter meets all statutory requirements of the Planning and Building Control Service including the terms and conditions of the park’s Entertainment Licence.


            To address concerns previously raised by Members, the Committee noted that officers are to ensure that the license agreement includes clauses that requires the promoter to:


·        Consider the genre of music as suitable for the urban environment; and

·        Provide a plan which seeks to address and provides adequate welfare support, including links with other service providers, to deal with any potential underage drinking, should this be relevant to the event.


            The Committee noted also that the licence agreement would also include a review clause which allows for consideration of any issues both during the event and prior to any authorisation for the future year.


3.     Granted authority to the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services to negotiate an appropriate fee for the use of the facility taking into account the costs to Council, minimising negative impact on the immediate area but also the potential wider benefit to the City economy.


Supporting documents: